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Test Coverage

** 0.0.28
  - Thanks @naxhh
   -- custom headers
   -- code improviment

** 0.0.22
 - Bugfix
   -- Binding host. Access from outside of localhost is finally fixed.

** 0.0.21
 - Bugfix
   -- Adding bind to shifter class

** 0.0.20
 - Bugfix
   -- Bind should be captalized. It shoul fix the ssl service to be available out of localhost

** 0.0.19
 - Bugfix
   -- return 500 when content type response was not defined

** 0.0.18
 - Feature
   -- now the port for ssl service must be defined when starting the service

** 0.0.17
 - internal improvements
   -- removing code duplication

** 0.0.16
 - Feature
   -- Adding support to location header

** 0.0.15
 - Feature
   -- Adding support to run from external machines

** 0.0.14
 - Feature
   -- Adding support to choose port 

** 0.0.13
 - Feature
   -- Adding support to DELETE and PUT http methods

** 0.0.12
 - Code improvement 
   -- Just removing code ;)

** 0.0.11
 - Feature
   -- Now it is possible to start a service with https

** 0.0.10
 - Feature
   -- Now it is possible to define route using accept header

** 0.0.9
 - Bugfix
   -- Fixing command -c create to include response sleep

** 0.0.8
 - Feature
   -- adding sleep funtion, to simulate response time and timeouts

** 0.0.7
 - Temp hack: RACK_ENV=testing  
   -- using enviroment variable to define if we are or not using testing flavour folder

** 0.0.6
 - Bugfix: Using the right path
   -- Accidentally changed the path to use the testing one. Build is going to brek

** 0.0.5
 - Bugfix: Missing pry gem
   -- Pry should not be a service dependency. 
** 0.0.4
 - Command -s / start added
    -- Now the gem is able to start its rest service by command line
 - Command -c / create added
    -- Now the gem is able to create a new file to configure a service

** 0.0.3
 - Algorithm improvements and big renaming:
    -- Adding a customizable algorithm that will allow to take decisions based on headers for routing
 - First version that includes cli:
    -- Renaming to follow recommended gem naming
    -- First version of the cli with help, verion e fallback to help

** 0.0.2
 - First version that inclues:
    -- Basic request with body, content-type and accept, for both, post and get operations

** 0.0.1
 - First version that inclues:
    -- Basic request with body for get operations