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namespace Anax\Controller;

use Anax\Commons\ContainerInjectableInterface;
use Anax\Commons\ContainerInjectableTrait;

// use Anax\Route\Exception\ForbiddenException;
// use Anax\Route\Exception\NotFoundException;
// use Anax\Route\Exception\InternalErrorException;

 * A sample controller to show how a controller class can be implemented.
 * The controller will be injected with $di if implementing the interface
 * ContainerInjectableInterface, like this sample class does.
 * The controller is mounted on a particular route and can then handle all
 * requests for that mount point.
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.TooManyPublicMethods)
class SampleController implements ContainerInjectableInterface
    use ContainerInjectableTrait;

     * @var string $db a sample member variable that gets initialised
    private $db = "not active";

     * The initialize method is optional and will always be called before the
     * target method/action. This is a convienient method where you could
     * setup internal properties that are commonly used by several methods.
     * @return void
    public function initialize() : void
        // Use to initialise member variables.
        $this->db = "active";

     * This is the index method action, it handles:
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint/
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint/index
     * @return string
    public function indexAction() : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}";

     * This sample method dumps the content of $di.
     * GET mountpoint/dump-app
     * @return string
    public function dumpDiActionGet() : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        $services = implode(", ", $this->di->getServices());
        return __METHOD__ . "<p>\$di contains: $services";

     * Add the request method to the method name to limit what request methods
     * the handler supports.
     * GET mountpoint/info
     * @return string
    public function infoActionGet() : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}";

     * This sample method action it the handler for route:
     * GET mountpoint/create
     * @return string
    public function createActionGet() : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}";

     * This sample method action it the handler for route:
     * POST mountpoint/create
     * @return string
    public function createActionPost() : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}";

     * This sample method action takes one argument:
     * GET mountpoint/argument/<value>
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return string
    public function argumentActionGet($value) : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}, got argument '$value'";

     * This sample method action takes zero or one argument and you can use - as a separator which will then be removed:
     * GET mountpoint/defaultargument/
     * GET mountpoint/defaultargument/<value>
     * GET mountpoint/default-argument/
     * GET mountpoint/default-argument/<value>
     * @param mixed $value with a default string.
     * @return string
    public function defaultArgumentActionGet($value = "default") : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}, got argument '$value'";

     * This sample method action takes two typed arguments:
     * GET mountpoint/typed-argument/<string>/<int>
     * NOTE. Its recommended to not use int as type since it will still
     * accept numbers such as 2hundred givving a PHP NOTICE. So, its better to
     * deal with type check within the action method and throuw exceptions
     * when the expected type is not met.
     * @param mixed $value with a default string.
     * @return string
    public function typedArgumentActionGet(string $str, int $int) : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}, got string argument '$str' and int argument '$int'.";

     * This sample method action takes a variadic list of arguments:
     * GET mountpoint/variadic/
     * GET mountpoint/variadic/<value>
     * GET mountpoint/variadic/<value>/<value>
     * GET mountpoint/variadic/<value>/<value>/<value>
     * etc.
     * @param array $value as a variadic parameter.
     * @return string
    public function variadicActionGet(...$value) : string
        // Deal with the action and return a response.
        return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}, got '" . count($value) . "' arguments: " . implode(", ", $value);

     * Adding an optional catchAll() method will catch all actions sent to the
     * router. You can then reply with an actual response or return void to
     * allow for the router to move on to next handler.
     * A catchAll() handles the following, if a specific action method is not
     * created:
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint/**
     * @param array $args as a variadic parameter.
     * @return mixed
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
    public function catchAll(...$args)
        // Deal with the request and send an actual response, or not.
        //return __METHOD__ . ", \$db is {$this->db}, got '" . count($args) . "' arguments: " . implode(", ", $args);