namespace Anax\Proxy;
use Anax\DI\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
* Base class and template for Proxy\DI classes. Each $di service will be
* represented by an subclass of this class. This class is the base and the
* target base class is created with the autoloader of ProxyDIFactory. The
* target class holds the name of the $di service it connects to, below the
* namespace Anax\Proxy\DI\Service. As an example the $di->get("request")
* could be represented as Anax\Proxy\DI\Request.
class ProxyDI
* @var object $di The service container.
private static $di = null;
* Inject $di and make it accessable for static proxy access.
* @param Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $di The service container
* holding framework
* services.
* @return void.
public static function setDI(ContainerInterface $di) : void
self::$di = $di;
* Catch all calls to static methods and forward them as actual
* calls to the $di container.
* @param string $name The name of the static method called.
* @param array $arguments The arguments sent to the method.
* @throws ProxyException when failing to forward the call to the
* method in the $di service.
* @return mixed
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
try {
$serviceName = static::getServiceName();
$serviceObject = self::$di->get($serviceName);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
throw new ProxyException("The Proxy is trying to reach service '$serviceName' but it is not loaded as a service in \$di.");
if (!is_callable([$serviceObject, $name])) {
throw new ProxyException("The Proxy is trying to call method '$name' on service '$serviceName' but that method is not callable.");
return call_user_func_array([$serviceObject, $name], $arguments);