namespace Anax\Proxy;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
* Create a proxy application for the $di container. This class initiates the
* the base proxy class ProxyDI and creates an autoloader which creates new
* instanses of proxy classes. These instances are the actual implementation
* that enables the access to the corresponding $di service.
class ProxyDIFactory
* Init the poxy base class and add an autoloader which can create new
* instances of specific proxy service classes that maps to a $di service.
* @param DIInterface $di The service container holding framework
* services.
* @return void.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.StaticAccess)
public static function init(ContainerInterface $di) : void
spl_autoload_register(__CLASS__ . "::autoloader");
* Autoloader for Proxy\DI realtime static proxy access to $di.
* @param string $class The name of the class to create, the
* classname must be a direct subclass of
* \Anax\Proxy\DI\.
* @return void
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.EvalExpression)
public static function autoloader($class) : void
$prefix = "Anax\\Proxy\\DI";
// Check if it is a class below namespace $prefix
if (strncmp($prefix, $class, strlen($prefix))) {
// Get the classname after the $prefix
$relativeClass = substr($class, strlen($prefix) + 1);
$classDefinition = <<< EOD
namespace Anax\Proxy\DI;
use Anax\Proxy\ProxyDI;
use Anax\Proxy\ProxyInterface;
class $relativeClass extends ProxyDI implements ProxyInterface
public static function getServiceName()
return lcfirst("$relativeClass");