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# Github Pages
> Tool for publishing gh-pages the pro way.

## Install
  npm install --save-dev github-pages
## Usage

### CLI Usage
Publishes your github pages using the github API

  $ github-pages [options] [src]

  -r, --repo
  -t, --token
  -m  --commit-message
  -a  --commit-author

  $ github-pages -r user/repo -t $GH_TOKEN ./data
    > github-pages commit
    > github-pages push to user/repo
*Not that the CLI arguments will always overwrite your github-pages configuration in your package.json file.*

You only need to provide the **repository**, the **token** data and the **src**. The other arguments are optional.

  The GithubPages will replace all the content of the given ref (heads/gh-pages by default) with the provided content.
  **EVERYTHING** that is not present in the *src* folder will be deleted in your branch.
  Have you made any mistake? Don't panic, GithubPages does not mess up with you git story. Just revert the commit. ;)

## Configuration
All of the CLI options can be configured in the GithubPages section of your package.json. This allows you to modify the default behavior of the GithubPages command.

  "github-pages": {
    "api": {
      "version": "3.0.0",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": "",
      "pathPrefix": "",
      "timeout": 5000
    "auth": {
      "type": "token",
      "token": "GH_TOKEN"
    "remote": {
      "user": "user",
      "repo": "repo",
      "ref": "heads/gh-pages"
    "commit": {
      "message": "commit made by me",
      "author": {
        "name": "author-name",
        "email": "author-email"
    "src": "./data"
Arguments passed to the CLI will always take precedence over the configuration in package.json.

**$GH_TOKEN**: By default the token value is read from the environment var $GH_TOKEN. So if you don't want to set it in the configurations/cli, it will be read from $GH_TOKEN.

### API Usage
  const GithubPages = require('github-pages');
  const config = require('package.json')['github-pages'];

  const pages = new GithubPages(config);
  pages.publish().then((res)=> {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
  }).catch((err)=> {
    console.error('error while publishing');
    console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
The GithubPages needs the complete configuration to be used (*same file structure as described in package.json*). If you don't want to provide all the configuration you can use the support file *parse-config*, passing the same arguments as the cli (using camelCase).
  const GithubPages = require('github-pages');
  const parseConfig = require('github-pages').parseConfig;
  const config = parseConfig({
    repo: 'user/repo',
    token: 'GH-TOKEN',
    remoteRef: 'heads/gh-pages',
    commitMessage: 'publishing from API.',
    commitAuthor: 'author-name <author-email>',
    apiVersion: '3.0.0',
    apiProtocol: 'https',
    apiHost: '',
    apiPath: '',
    apiTimeout: 5000
  }, './dist');

  const pages = new GithubPages(config);
The *parseConfig* method receives as a input the same structure used in the cli, which is a plain object with the cli params using camelCase, different from the one used in the package.json. Besides that, *parseConfig* method will try to preload the configuration from your *package.json*.

*The parseConfig function will return null if the final configuration is invalid.*

If you want to get the default configuration and change it yourself, then use if directly:
  const config = require('github-pages').parseConfig.default;
  /* => {
    api: {
      version: '3.0.0',
      protocol: 'https',
      host: '',
      pathPrefix: '',
      timeout: 5000
    auth: { type: 'token', token: 'GH_TOKEN' },
    remote: { ref: 'heads/gh-pages' },
    commit: { message: 'github-pages publish.' }
  } */
If you want to validate your config object, you can use the helper function from parseConfig called isValid:
  const isValid = require('github-pages').parseConfig.isValid;
  // true|false

### Integrating with Travis CI
To use GithubPages on your CI server, just install your lib and set your configuration.
For a less intrusive aproach, just create a script in your package.json for GithubPages:
  "script": {
    "gh-pages": "github-pages -r user/repo ./dist"
add the following to your .travis.yml:
after_success: npm run gh-pages
Remember that you need to provide the environment var GH_TOKEN.
To learn how to provide this var in a secure and safe way, look at [travis-encrypted-environment-variables]( or [travis-repository-variables]( (recommended).

# stack

* [meow]( for cli
* [github]( use of github api
* [babel]( for transpiling es6 code to es5
* [ava]( for testing
* [nyc]( for code-coverage
* [jscs]( lint
* [eslint]( lint
* [travis]( Continous integration
* [codeclimate]( for resports on coverage & code analysis