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Test Coverage
#' @import ggplot2

#' show column index list
#' This function lists all dataset column indices.
#' @param dataset_str A character representing a data frame
#' @seealso \code{partial_unique}
#' @export
show_dataset_column_indices <- function(dataset_str=NULL){
    if (is.null(dataset_str))
    dataset <- eval(as.symbol(dataset_str))

    pad <- function(i, width=4, side="") {
        gsub("#", " ", sprintf(paste0("%", side, "#", width, "s"), i))

    nchar_longest <- max(sapply(colnames(dataset), nchar))
    short_colnamel <- partial_unique(colnames(dataset), i = 4)
    # i = 4 because too short colnames are hard to read
    mod <- ifelse(ncol(dataset) > 50, 15, 5)
    linev <- rep("", mod)
    for ( i in seq_along(short_colnamel) ) {
        this <- names(short_colnamel)[i]
        index <- ( (i - 1) %% mod ) + 1
        linev[index] <-
                   pad(i, width = nchar(ncol(dataset))), ": ",
                   pad(this, width = nchar_longest, side = "-"), "\t")

    for (i in 1:mod ){
        if (linev[i] != "")

#' build a ggbash prompt string
build_prompt <- function() {
    username <-["user"]
    hostname <-["nodename"]
    working_dir <- basename(getwd())
    ggbash_prompt <- paste0(username, "@",
                            hostname, " ",
                            working_dir, " $ ")

show_prev_colnames <- function() {
    pre2full <- partial_unique(ggbashenv$colname)
    prefix <- names(pre2full)
    suffix <- c()
    for (i in seq_along(prefix))
        suffix <- c(suffix, gsub(paste0("^", prefix[i]),'', pre2full[[i]]))
    colnamev <- paste0(prefix, "(", suffix, ")")
    message("cols: ", paste0(colnamev, collapse="\t"))

#' show ggbash prompt
show_prompt <- function() {
    if (! is.null(ggbashenv$colname))
    # MAYBE-LATER how can I test functions having readline()?
    return(readline(prompt = build_prompt()))

#' split a given character by a pipe ("|")
#' @param input A character
#' @export
split_by_pipe <- function(input="point x=3 y=4 color=5 | copy"){
    return(strsplit(input, "\\|")[[1]])

#' split a given string by spaces
#' @param input A character. Typically one of the elements returned by \code{\link{split_by_pipe}}.
#' @return A character vector
#' @export
split_by_space <- function(input="    point x=3 y=4 color=5 "){
    # remove preceding/trailing spaces
    noparen <- gsub("\\(|\\)", " ", input)
    argv <- strsplit(noparen, " ")[[1]]
    return(argv[nchar(argv) > 0])

#' add ggbash executed commands in R history
#' @param input raw input given to the current ggbash session
#' @importFrom utils savehistory
#' @importFrom utils loadhistory
add_input_to_history <- function(input="point 2 3"){
    history_file <- tempfile("Rhistoryfile")

    cat(input, "\n", file = history_file, append = TRUE)

#' execute ggbash builtins
#' @param raw_input A character of ggbash command chain (might contain pipes)
#' @param argv A character vector
#' @param const A list of ggbash constants
#'              returned by \{code{define_ggbash_constants}.
execute_ggbash_builtins <- function(raw_input, argv, const){
    if (argv[1] %in% c("pwd", "getwd")) {
    } else if (argv[1] %in% c("mkdir", "dir.create")) {
        dir.create(argv[2], recursive = TRUE)
    } else if (argv[1] %in% c("rm")) {
        if (dir.exists(argv[2]))
            stop("this is a directory")
        ans <- readline(paste0("Do you really remove ", argv[2], "?",
                               "This cannot be undone. [y/N]"))
        if (ans %in% c("y", "Y", "yes", "Yes"))
    } else if (argv[1] %in% c("rmdir")) {
        if (!dir.exists(argv[2]))
            stop("this is not a directory")
        if (length(dir(argv[2])) > 0)
        ans <- readline(paste0(
                "The directory is not empty.",
                "Do you really remove ", argv[2], " RECURSIVELY?",
                "This cannot be undone. [y/N]"))
        if (ans %in% c("y", "Y", "yes", "Yes"))
            unlink(argv[2], recursive = TRUE)
    } else if (argv[1] %in% c("list", "str")) {
    } else if (argv[1] %in% c("ls", "dir")) {
        if (length(argv) > 1 && argv[2] == "-l")
            message( paste(dir(getwd()), collapse = "\n") )
            message( paste(dir(getwd()), collapse = "\t") )
    } else if (argv[1] %in% c("cd", "setwd")) {
        if (length(argv) < 2)

#' build a data frame from a data frame name
#' \code{set_ggbash_dataset} receives a character (a data frame name),
#' evaluate it as a symbol, and construct a corresponding tbl_df object.
#' @param dataset_name a character representing a data frame.
#'                     If a matrix is given, it's transformed into a data frame.
#' @return a tbl_df object with attr('ggbash_datasetname')
#' @examples
#' newdf <- set_ggbash_dataset('iris')
#' attr(newdf, 'ggbash_datasetname')  # 'iris'
#' @export
set_ggbash_dataset <- function(dataset_name="iris+point"){

    dataset_name <- gsub("\\+.*", "", dataset_name)
    dataset_name <- gsub(",", "", dataset_name)

    if (dataset_name == ".") {
        # piping from dplyr/tidyr
        dataset <- data.frame( dummy = 1 )
        attr(dataset, "ggbash_datasetname") <- dataset_name

    if (! exists(dataset_name))
        stop("[E001] No such dataset: ", dataset_name)
    rect_data <- eval(as.symbol(dataset_name), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    if (class(rect_data)[1] == "matrix")
        rect_data <-
    dataset <- tibble::as_data_frame(rect_data)
    attr(dataset, "ggbash_datasetname") <- dataset_name

#' copy a given string to clipboard
#' \code{copy_to_clipboard} invokes OS-specific routine to copy a character to clipboard.
#' @param string a character to be copied
#' @return nothing
#' @export
copy_to_clipboard <- function(
    string="ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(mpg,cyl))"
    os <-["sysname"]
    if (os == "Darwin") {
        cat(string, file = (con <- pipe("pbcopy", "w")))
    } else if (os == "Linux") {
        if (! file.exists(Sys.which("xclip")[1]))
            stop("No xclip found")

            file = (con <- pipe(paste0("xclip -i -selection ", "clipboard"),
    } else {
        cat(string, file = "clipboard")  # Windows
    message("copied to clipboard:\n  ", string)

build_ggbash_filename <- function(
    conf = list(aes = c("x=cyl", "y=mpg"),
                non_aes = c("color='blue'", "shape='18'"),
                geom_list = c("point")),
    out = list(filename = "", dir = "./",
               w = 960 / 72, h = 960 / 72, dpi = 72),

    if (length(conf$non_aes) > 0) {
        tmp <- gsub(paste0("\\\"|'"), "", conf$non_aes)
        quote_stripped <- paste0("_", gsub("=", "-", tmp), collapse = "_")
    } else {
        quote_stripped <- ""

    non_null <- ! is.null(conf$geom_list)
    if (non_null && conf$geom_list != "") {
        geom_string <- paste0(sort(conf$geom_list), collapse = "-")
    } else {
        geom_string <- "no_geom"

    aes_string <- paste0(sort(gsub("=", "-", conf$aes)), collapse = "_")

        paste0(geom_string, "_", aes_string, quote_stripped,
               ".", out$w * out$dpi, "x", out$h * out$dpi, ".", extension)

#' parse given plot settings
#' @param argv A character vector
#' @param conf A list of aesthetic and non-aesthetic assignments
#' @param dataset_string A character representing a dataset directory
parse_plot_attributes <- function(
    argv = c("png", "'myname'", "900*640", "my_plot_dir"),
    conf = list(aes = list("x=cyl", "y=mpg"),
            non_aes = list("color='blue'", "shape=18"),
            geom_list = c("point", "smooth")),
    dataset_string = "mtcars-32"
    dpi <- 72
    out <- list(filename = "", filepath = "",
                w = 960 / dpi, h = 960 / dpi, dpi = dpi, dir = "./")
    # 72 pixels per inch is R"s default
    single_quote <- "'"
    double_quote <- "\\\""
    for (a in argv[-1]) {
        if (grepl(single_quote, a) ||
            grepl(double_quote, a)) {
            out$filename <-
                paste0(gsub(paste0(single_quote, "|", double_quote), "", a),
                       ".", argv[1])
        } else if (grepl("\\*", a)) {
            size <- as.numeric(strsplit(a, "\\*")[[1]])
            out$w <- ifelse(size[1] > 50, size[1] / dpi, size[1])
            out$h <- ifelse(size[2] > 50, size[2] / dpi, size[2])
        } else {
            out$dir <- paste0(out$dir, a)

    if (out$filename == "")
        out$filename <- build_ggbash_filename(conf, out, argv[1])
    # FIXME multiple same aes (i.e. point x=Pt | smooth x=Age )

    out$filepath <- paste0(out$dir, "/", dataset_string, "/", out$filename)


#' save a ggplot object into a file
#' @param dataset_string A character. Used as a directory.
#' @param ggstr A list of aesthetics
#' @param conf A list of aesthetics, non-aesthetics and geoms
#' @param argv A character vector
#' @importFrom grDevices
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
save_ggplot <- function(
    dataset_string = "mtcars-32",
    ggstr = "ggplot(iris) + geom_point(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length))",
    conf = list(aes = c("x=cyl", "y=mpg"), non_aes = c(), geom_list = "point"),
    argv = c("png", "200*500", "'my-file-name'", "my_plot_dir")
    attrl <- parse_plot_attributes(argv, conf, dataset_string)
    dir.create(attrl$dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
    oldwd <- setwd(attrl$dir)
    dir.create(dataset_string, showWarnings = FALSE)
# FIXME simply create subdir from filenames
    ggplot2::ggsave(attrl$filepath, plot = eval(parse(text = ggstr)),
                    width = attrl$w, height = attrl$h,
                    units = "in", dpi = attrl$dpi)
    message("saved: ", attrl$filepath)

#' execute raw ggbash commands
#' @param raw_input A ggbash command chain (might contain pipes)
#' @param show_warn Whether to show a warning message
#'                    when ambiguously matched. Default is TRUE.
#' @param batch_mode Default is FALSE.
#'                  If TRUE, the resulted ggplot object is returned.
#' @param as_string Return the resulted ggplot2 object as a string
#'                  not as a ggplot2 object. Default is FALSE.
#' @param show_compiled Show the compiled ggplot2 executable command.
#'                      Default is TRUE.
#' @export
exec_ggbash <- function(raw_input="gg mtcars + point mpg cyl | copy",
                        show_warn=TRUE, batch_mode=FALSE,
                        as_string = FALSE, show_compiled=TRUE){
    const <- define_ggbash_constants()
    commandv <- split_by_pipe(raw_input)
    ggobj <- ""

    for (cmd in commandv) {
        argv <- split_by_space(cmd)
        if (grepl(paste0("^", argv[1]), "ggplot2")) {
            dataset <- set_ggbash_dataset(argv[2])
            ggbashenv$colname <- colnames(dataset)
            if (show_warn)
                ggbashenv$show_amb_warn <- TRUE
                ggbashenv$show_amb_warn <- FALSE
            # sometimes people input commas
            # due to daily habits
            ggobj <- compile_ggbash(cmd)
            ggobj_verbose <- ggobj
            ggobj <- gsub("ggplot2::", "", ggobj)
        } else if (argv[1] == "show") {
            ggbashenv$colname <- colnames(eval(as.symbol(argv[2])))
        } else if (argv[1] %in% c("echo", "print")) {
            if (ggobj != "")
                print(eval(parse(text = ggobj_verbose)))
            message(ifelse(ggobj != "",
                           rm_piped_dataset(gsub("\\) \\+",
                                                 "\\) + \n ", ggobj)),
        } else if (argv[1] %in% const$builtinv) {
            execute_ggbash_builtins(raw_input, argv, const)
        } else if (argv[1] %in% c("copy", "cp")) {
        } else if (argv[1] %in% const$savev) {
            dataset_str <- paste0(attr(dataset, "ggbash_datasetname"),
                                  "-", nrow(dataset))
            save_ggplot(dataset_str, ggobj, ggbashenv$conf, argv)
        } else if (argv[1] %in% c("exit", "quit", "q")) {
        } else {
            stop("unknown command is supplied")

    if (is.null(ggobj))
        return(FALSE) # ggobj is NULL when p_error() is called

    if (grepl(GGPLOT2INVALIDTOKEN, ggobj)) {
        message("\nThe built ggplot2 object is :\n  ",
                gsub("\\+ gg", "\\+ \n    gg", ggobj))

    built_ggplot2_obj <- eval(parse(text = ggobj_verbose))

    if (grepl("ggbash_piped", ggobj)) {
        # ggbash_piped should be internal state (not exposed to users)
        # but removing ggbash_piped causes NOTE in R CMD check...
        ggobj <- rm_piped_dataset(ggobj)

    if (show_compiled)
        message("  ", ggobj)

    if (batch_mode) {
        if (as_string)
    } else {


#' Enter into a ggbash session.
#' \code{ggbash_} executes a new ggbash session for faster ggplot2 plotting.
#' ggbash provides concise aliases for ggplot2 functions.
#' By calling ggbash(), your R session goes into a ggbash session,
#' which only interprets predefined ggbash commands.
#' Some basic commands like setwd() or pwd() works in ggbash session,
#' but most of the usual R grammars are disabled.
#' Instead, a variety of ggbash commands are enabled
#' for writing ggplot2 script as faster as possible.
#' If you give a string as a first argument of `ggbash`,
#' ggbash will exit just after executing the command. Useful for a one-liner.
#' @param batch A character. If given, \code{ggbash_()} will exit
#'              just after executing the given command.
#' @param clipboard Default is NULL
#'                  If batch is non-empty and clipboard is non-NULL,
#'                  ggbash copies a resulted ggplot2 object to clipboard.
#'              just after executing the given command.
#' @param show_warn Whether to show a warning message
#'                    when ambiguously matched. Default is TRUE.
#' @param as_string Return the resulted ggplot2 object as a string
#'                  not as a ggplot2 object. Default is FALSE.
#'                  Ignored when non-batch mode.
#' @param show_compiled Print the built ggplot2 command. Default is TRUE.
#' \describe{
#'     \item{Geom name:}{the geom most frequently used (based on my experiences)}
#'     \item{Column name:}{the column with the smallest column index}
#'     \item{Aesthetics:}{required (x, y), non-missing (shape, size), default (alpha, stroke) }
#' }
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ ggbash() # enter into an interactive ggbash session
#' # plot a ggplot2 figure
#' ggbash_("gg iris + point Petal.Width Petal.Length")
#' #' # plot a ggplot2 figure and copy the result
#' ggbash_("gg iris + point Petal.Width Petal.Length", 1)
#' }
#' @export
ggbash_ <- function(batch = "", clipboard = NULL,
                   show_warn = TRUE, as_string = FALSE,
                   show_compiled = TRUE) {
    if (batch != "") {
        dbgmsg("before raw_input")
        raw_input <- batch
        if (! is.null(clipboard)) {
            raw_input <- ifelse(grepl(raw_input, "|\\s*copy"),
                                raw_input, paste0(raw_input, " | copy"))
            dbgmsg("after raw_input")
                           show_warn, batch_mode = TRUE,
                           as_string = as_string,
                           show_compiled = show_compiled))
    while (TRUE) {
            raw_input <- show_prompt()
            if (exec_ggbash(raw_input, show_warn))
          error = function(err) advice_on_error(err, raw_input), # by stop()
        finally = add_input_to_history(raw_input) # add even if failed

rm_piped_dataset <- function(str)
    gsub("^\\s*ggplot\\(ggbash_piped, (.*?)\\)", "ggplot(\\1)", str)
add_piped_dataset <- function(str)
         "ggplot(ggbash_piped, \\2)", str)

#' execute a specified ggbash command
#' \code{ggbash()} can be used as follows:
#' 1. ggbash() : with no argument (enter into an interactive ggbash session)
#' 2. ggbash("gg mtcars +  point mpg cyl") : with a character argument
#' 3. ggbash( gg(mtcars) + point(mpg,cyl)) : with ggbash commands and a dataset
#' 4. mtcars %>% ggbash(gg() + point(mpg,cyl)) : dataset piped from dplyr/tidyr
#' In 1 and 2 cases, parentheses and commas are optional in ggbash commands,
#' whereas 3 and 4 can only interpret commands with parentheses and commas
#' because of R's default token constraints.
#' ggbash features partial match for the following elements:
#' 1. \code{ggplot()} function (any of ggplot(), gg() and g() works)
#' 2. geom names (geom_point can be specified by \code{point} or even \code{p})
#' 3. aesthetics names (\code{size} by \code{sz},
#'                      \code{color} by \code{col} or \code{c} )
#' 4. column names (prefix match only, no fuzzy match. When ambiguous,
#'                  the column with the smallest column index is used)
#' 5. theme element names (\code{legend.text} by \code{l.txt},
#'                         \code{axis.title.x} by \code{a.ttl.x})
#' @param ggbash_symbols Non-evaluated R symbols or
#'                       a character representing ggbash commands.
#'                       If no ggbash_symbols are specified,
#'                       enter into an interactive ggbash session.
#' @param clipboard Default is NULL.
#'                  If non-null, copy the resulted string to clipboard.
#' @param show_warn If ambiguously matched, display warning. Default is TRUE.
#' @param as_string Return a string instead of a ggplot2 object.
#'                  Default is FALSE.
#' @param show_compiled Print the built ggplot2 command. Default is TRUE.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Case 1: ggbash() with no argument
#' ggbash() # ggbash() enters into an interactive ggbash session
#' # Case 2: with a character arugment
#' ## parentheses and commas become optional
#' ggbash("gg iris  + point Sepal.W  Sepal.L  color=Species ")
#' ggbash("gg iris  + point Sepal.W, Sepal.L, color=Species ")
#' ggbash("gg(iris) + point(Sepal.W, Sepal.L, color=Species)")
#' ## all of the above work
#' # Case 3: with a short-ggplot2 command
#' ## sm: geom_smooth
#' ggbash(gg(iris, Sepal.W, Sepal.L, c=Sp) + point + sm(method="lm", se=FALSE)
#'        + theme(a.txt(sz=25, face="bold"), l.pos("bottom")) )
#' ## if you prefer more ggplot2-compliant syntax
#' ggbash(ggplot(iris, Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, colour = Species) +
#'        geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
#'        theme(axis.text(size=25, face="bold"), legend.position("bottom")) )
#' ## or if you prefer an extreme short syntax
#' ggbash(g(iris, Sepal.W, S, c=Sp) + p + sm(mth="lm", se=FALSE)
#'        + theme(a.tx(s=25, f="bold"), l.pos("bottom")))
#' ## S ambiguously matches to Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Species.
#' ## Since the Sepal.Length has the smallest column index, it's selected
#' # Case 4: dataset piped from dplyr/tidyr
#' iris %>%
#'     mutate(my_long_descriptive_column_name = Sepal.Width,
#'            other_useful_informative_name = Sepal.Length) %>%
#'     ggbash(gg() + point(my, other))
#' }
#' @export
ggbash <- function(ggbash_symbols = "", clipboard = NULL,
                   show_warn = TRUE, as_string = FALSE,
                   show_compiled = TRUE) {
    type <- tryCatch(class(ggbash_symbols),
                     error = function(err) {FALSE})
    if (type[1] == "character") {
        cmd <- ggbash_symbols
    } else if (type[1] %in% c("data.frame", "tbl_df",
                              "tibble", "grouped_df")) {
        # piping from dplyr/tidyr
        type <- tryCatch(class(clipboard),
                         error = function(err) {FALSE})
        if (type == "character")
            cmd <- clipboard
        else {
            raw_cmd <- deparse(substitute(clipboard),
                               width.cutoff = 500) # arbitrary large
            cmd <- raw_cmd
        ggbashenv$dataset_name <- "ggbash_piped"
        assign("ggbash_piped", ggbash_symbols, envir = .GlobalEnv)
        clipboard <- NULL
        cmd <- add_piped_dataset(cmd)
    } else {
        # Non-Standard Evaluation
        raw_cmd <- deparse(substitute(ggbash_symbols),
                           width.cutoff = 500) # arbitrary large
        cmd <- raw_cmd
    return(ggbash_(cmd, clipboard = clipboard,
                   show_warn = show_warn, as_string = as_string,
                   show_compiled = show_compiled))

#' an enhanced version of ggplot2::theme()
#' theme2() has an enhanced version of ggplot2::theme() in terms of:
#' 1. no element_(text|line|rect|grob|blank) specification
#' 2. partial match for each configuration (e.g. size by sz)
#' @param ... theme element specification (see examples below)
#' @param as_string return the built theme function call as string.
#'                  Default is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # all of the following three generate the same plot
#' ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(wt, hp, color=cyl)) +
#'    theme(text = element_text(size=20, face="bold"),
#'    axis.line = element_line(size=2),
#'    legend.key = element_rect(color="black"))
#' ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(wt, hp, color=cyl)) +
#'    theme2(text(size=20, face="bold"), axis.line(size=2),
#'           legend.key(color="black"))
#' ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(wt, hp, color=cyl)) +
#'    theme2(text(sz=20, f="bold"), axis.line(sz=2),
#'           legend.key(c="black"))
#' }
theme2 <- function(..., as_string = FALSE){

    elem_list <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
    # elem_list <- as.list(substitute([-1L]
    elem_str <- paste0(elem_list, collapse=", ")

    input <- paste0("gg(mtcars) + point(mpg,wt) + theme(", elem_str, ")")

    ggstr <-
        exec_ggbash(input, show_warn = FALSE,
                    batch_mode = TRUE, as_string = TRUE,
                    show_compiled = FALSE)
    theme_str <-
    gsub("ggplot\\(mtcars\\) \\+ geom_point\\(aes\\(x=mpg, y=wt\\)\\) \\+ ",
    if (as_string)
        eval(parse(text = theme_str))

#' print useful debug advice according to the given error message
#' @param err_message A character returned by \code{stop}
#' @param raw_input A character given to \code{\link{ggbash}} function
advice_on_error <- function(err_message,
                            raw_input="gg iris | p Sepal.W Sepal.L") {
    if (grepl("E001", err_message)) {
        # TODO list all data frame and matrices
    } else if (grepl("no such prefix", err_message)) {
        datasetname <- gsub("gg\\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", raw_input)
        message("  -- Did you give correct column names, geoms, or aesthetics?")

suffix2geom <- function(suffix="point") {
    # all geoms listed in ggplot2 2.1.0 docs
            "abline"     = ggplot2::geom_abline(),
            "hline"      = ggplot2::geom_hline(),
            "vline"      = ggplot2::geom_vline(),
            "bar"        = ggplot2::geom_bar(),
            "col"        = ggplot2::geom_col(), # not in document but exists
            "bin2d"      = ggplot2::geom_bin2d(),
            "blank"      = ggplot2::geom_blank(),
            "boxplot"    = ggplot2::geom_boxplot(),
            "contour"    = ggplot2::geom_contour(),
            "count"      = ggplot2::geom_count(),
            "crossbar"   = ggplot2::geom_crossbar(),
            "errorbar"   = ggplot2::geom_errorbar(),
            "linerange"  = ggplot2::geom_linerange(),
            "pointrange" = ggplot2::geom_pointrange(),
            "density"    = ggplot2::geom_density(),
            "density_2d" = ggplot2::geom_density_2d(),
            "density2d"  = ggplot2::geom_density2d(),
            "dotplot"    = ggplot2::geom_dotplot(),
            "errorbarh"  = ggplot2::geom_errorbarh(),
            "freqpoly"   = ggplot2::geom_freqpoly(),
            "histogram"  = ggplot2::geom_histogram(),
            "hex"        = ggplot2::geom_hex(),
            "jitter"     = ggplot2::geom_jitter(),
            "label"      = ggplot2::geom_label(),
            "text"       = ggplot2::geom_text(),
            #"map"        = ggplot2::geom_map(), # FIXME handle map
            "path"       = ggplot2::geom_path(),
            "line"       = ggplot2::geom_line(),
            "step"       = ggplot2::geom_step(),
            "point"      = ggplot2::geom_point(),
            "polygon"    = ggplot2::geom_polygon(),
            "qq"         = ggplot2::geom_qq(),
            "quantile"   = ggplot2::geom_quantile(),
            "raster"     = ggplot2::geom_raster(),
            "rect"       = ggplot2::geom_rect(),
            "tile"       = ggplot2::geom_tile(),
            "ribbon"     = ggplot2::geom_ribbon(),
            "area"       = ggplot2::geom_area(),
            "rug"        = ggplot2::geom_rug(),
            "segment"    = ggplot2::geom_segment(),
            "curve"      = ggplot2::geom_curve(),
            "smooth"     = ggplot2::geom_smooth(),
            "violin"     = ggplot2::geom_violin(),
            # other
            "spoke"      = ggplot2::geom_spoke()

#' retrieve required aesthetic names for a given geom
#' @param suffix geom suffix
#' @export
get_required_aes <- function(suffix="point") {

#' retrieve all aesthetic names for a given geom
#' @param suffix geom suffix
#' @export
get_possible_aes <- function(suffix="point") {
    geom <- suffix2geom(suffix)$geom
    possible_aesv <- unique(c(geom$required_aes,

    possible_aesv <- c(possible_aesv, "group")

    if(suffix == "bar") # FIXME adhoc
        possible_aesv <- c(possible_aesv, "weight")


#' get geom parameters
#' Some geoms like geom_text has special non-aes fields such as check_overlap.
#' @param suffix geom suffix
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_stat_params}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ get_geom_params("point") }
#' # returns "na.rm"
#' \dontrun{ get_geom_params("text") }
#' # returns "parse" "check_overlap" "na.rm"
get_geom_params <- function(suffix="point") {
    if (suffix == "map") # FIXME

    geom_params <- suffix2geom(suffix)$geom_params

#' return stat params
#' Some geoms such as \code{geom_smooth} or \code{geom_histogram}
#' often set stat parameters (\code{method="lm"} or \code{binwidth}).
#' The stat parameters is not stored in \code{geom_*()$geom_params},
#' cannot be obtained by \code{\link{get_geom_params}}
#' thus retrieve here by another procedure
#' @param suffix geom suffix
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_geom_params}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ get_stat_params("histogram") }
#' # returns "binwidth" "bins" "na.rm" "pad"
#' \dontrun{ get_stat_params("smooth") }
#' # returns "na.rm" "method" "formula" "se"
#' \dontrun{ get_stat_params("violin") }
#' # returns "trim" "scale" "na.rm"
#' \dontrun{
#' for (geom in define_ggbash_constants()$geom_namev)
#'     message(geom, " ", paste0(get_stat_params(geom), collapse=" "))
#' }
get_stat_params <- function(suffix="smooth") {
    if (suffix == "map") # FIXME

    stat_params <- names(suffix2geom(suffix)$stat_params)
    # na.rm is duplicated within
    # geom_point()$geom_params and geom_point()$stat_params

    stat_list <- ls(pattern = "^stat_",
                    envir = asNamespace("ggplot2"))
    stat_sth  <- paste0("stat_", suffix)
    if (stat_sth %in% stat_list) {
        command <- paste0("ggplot2::stat_", suffix, "()")
        expr <- parse(text = command)
        stat_params <- c(stat_params,

get_layer_params <- function(suffix="bin2d") {
    # FIXME should read layer.R
    specials <- get_geom_params(suffix)
    stats <- get_stat_params(suffix)
    wrappers <- c("stat", "position", "group", "show.legend")

    if (suffix == "hex") {
        others <- names(ggplot2::stat_summary_hex()$stat_params)
    } else if (suffix %in% c("jitter", "crossbar")) {
        others <- c("width", "height")
    } else if (suffix == "violin") {
        # FIXME this is not good ... when violin uses non-ydensity stat
        others <- names(ggplot2::stat_ydensity()$stat_params)
    } else if (suffix == "freqpoly") {
        others <- c("binwidth")
    } else {
        others <- c()

    return(unique(c(specials, stats, wrappers, others)))

#' convert given ggbash strings into ggplot2 aesthetic specifications
#' @param i An integer of index
#' @param aesv A vector of aesthetics
#' @param must_aesv A vector of required aesthetics
#' @param all_aesv A vector of possible aesthetics.
#' @param colnamev A vector of column names of a dataframe.
#' @param show_warn a flag for printing warning when ambiguous match.
#'                    Default is TRUE.
#' must_aesv and all_aesv are built by
#' \code{\link{get_required_aes}} and
#' \code{\link{get_possible_aes}}, respectively.
#' @export
parse_ggbash_aes <- function(i, aesv, must_aesv, all_aesv,
                             colnamev, show_warn=TRUE){
    if (grepl("=", aesv[i])) {
        before_equal <- gsub("\\s*=.*", "", aesv[i])
    } else {
        # no aes specification like geom_point(aes(my_x, my_y))
        before_equal <- must_aesv[i]

        if (i > length(must_aesv))
            stop("too many unspecified aesthetics. ",
                 "Required aesthetics (in order) are: ",
                 paste0(must_aesv, collapse = ", "))
    after_equal  <- gsub(".*=\\s*", "", aesv[i])

    if (substr(aesv[i],1,1) == "z") {
        # FIXME defaultZproblem - z should not be removed
        before_equal <- "z"
        # knowing "z" is needed for this geom is super hard...
        # must_aesv should contain "z" for geom_contour
        # but should not for geom_point...
    } else {
        if (! before_equal %in% all_aesv)
            before_equal <- all_aesv[find_first_index(before_equal, all_aesv, show_warn)]


    if (grepl("group", before_equal))
        return(paste0(before_equal, "=", after_equal))

    # design decision: column name only by prefix match?
    aftr <- parse_after_equal(after_equal, colnamev, show_warn)
    if (is.null(aftr))

    return(paste0(before_equal, "=", aftr))

#'  convert given ggbash strings into ggplot2 non-aesthetic (constant) specifications
#' @param non_aes A character of a non-aesthetic key and value pair
#' @param all_aesv A vector of possible aesthetics.
#' @param colnamev A character vector representing column names
#' @param show_warn a flag for printing warning when ambiguous match.
#'                    Default is TRUE.
#' all_aesv are built by \code{\link{get_possible_aes}}.
#' \code{\link{parse_ggbash_aes}}
parse_ggbash_non_aes <- function(non_aes="shape=1", all_aesv,
                                 colnamev, show_warn=TRUE){
    before_equal <- gsub("\\s*=.*", "", non_aes)
    after_equal  <- gsub(".*=\\s*", "", non_aes)

    if (! before_equal %in% all_aesv) # partial match
        before_equal <- all_aesv[find_first_index(before_equal, all_aesv, show_warn)]

    if (length(before_equal) == 0) # no such parameter

    after_equal <- parse_after_equal(after_equal, colnamev, show_warn)
    if (is.null(after_equal))

    return(paste0(before_equal, "=", after_equal))

#' parse symbols after equal sign
#' x=factor(Sepal.W + 1) should be interpreted as x = factor(Sepal.Width + 1).
#' @param after A string after equal sign.
#' @param colnamev A character vector representing column names.
#' @param show_warn Show warning message. Default is TRUE.
#' @importFrom sourcetools tokenize_string
parse_after_equal <- function(
    after="1 + Sepal.W^2*3",
    colnamev = c("Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Length", "Species"), show_warn = TRUE
    info <- sourcetools::tokenize_string(after)
    nospace <- info[info$type != "whitespace", ]
    nospace$after <- c(nospace[-1, ]$value, "end")
    nospace$bval  <- c("start", nospace[-nrow(nospace), ]$value)# before value
    # TODO how can I know each symbol is a function?
    # especially func(first, second) arguments.
    not_call <- nospace$type == "symbol" & nospace$after != "("
    not_piped <- nospace$type == "symbol" & ! nospace$bval %in% c("%>%", "%T>%")
    not_special <- ! grepl("\\.\\..*\\.\\.", nospace$value)
    candidates <- nospace[not_call & not_piped & not_special, ]

    if (nrow(candidates) == 0)

    for ( i in 1:nrow(candidates)) {
        index <- find_first_by_prefix(candidates$value[i],
                                        colnamev, show_warn)
        if (is.null(index))
        candidates$value[i] <- colnamev[index]

    info[as.numeric(rownames(candidates)), "value"] <- candidates$value

    # handyShortcuts
    info[info$value == "f", "value"] <- "factor"
    info[info$value == "n", "value"] <- "as.numeric"
    # might conflict with dplyr::n()?

    return(paste0(info$value, collapse=""))