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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/ggconf.R
\title{execute raw ggconf commands}
exec_ggconf(raw_input = "", show_warn = TRUE, batch_mode = FALSE,
  as_string = FALSE, show_compiled = TRUE)
\item{raw_input}{A ggconf command}

\item{show_warn}{Whether to show a warning message
when ambiguously matched. Default is TRUE.}

\item{batch_mode}{Default is FALSE.
If TRUE, the resulted ggplot object is returned.}

\item{as_string}{Return the resulted ggplot2 object as a string
not as a ggplot2 object. Default is FALSE.}

\item{show_compiled}{Show the compiled ggplot2 executable command.
Default is TRUE.}
execute raw ggconf commands