namespace Afonso\LvCrud\Controllers;
use Afonso\LvCrud\Context;
use Afonso\LvCrud\Responses\ResponseBuilderFactory;
use Afonso\LvCrud\Models\CrudModelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response as SymfonyResponse;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request as RequestFacade;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Pluralizer;
use RuntimeException;
abstract class CrudController extends BaseController
* The model instance related to
* this controller.
* @var Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
protected $model;
* The context of the current request.
* @var Afonso\LvCrud\Context
protected $ctx;
* The response builder used to generate
* content-type agnostic responses.
* @var Afonso\LvCrud\ResponseBuilderInterface
protected $response;
* Whether this controller is read-only.
* Read-only controllers don't allow POSTs,
* PUTs nor DELETEs.
* @var bool
protected $readOnly = false;
public function __construct()
$this->model = $this->getRelatedModel();
$this->ctx = new Context(RequestFacade::instance());
$this->response = ResponseBuilderFactory::forRequest(RequestFacade::instance(), $this);
* CRUD methods
public function index()
$entities = $this->modifyIndexQuery($this->model->newQuery())
return $this->response->build($entities);
public function create()
return $this->response->build(null);
public function show($id)
$entity = $this->modifyShowQuery($this->model->newQuery())
if (! $entity) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'not_found'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
// hook: afterShow()
if ($hookResult = $this->afterShow($entity)) {
return $hookResult;
return $this->response->build($entity);
public function store(Request $request)
if ($this->readOnly) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'method_not_allowed'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
$data = $request->all();
// hook: beforeValidate()
if ($hookResult = $this->beforeValidate($request, $data)) {
return $hookResult;
// hook: beforeStoreValidate()
if ($hookResult = $this->beforeStoreValidate($request, $data)) {
return $hookResult;
$validator = Validator::make($data, $this->model->getValidationRules());
if ($validator->fails()) {
return $this->response->build(
['error' => 'unprocessable_entity', 'validation_errors' => $validator->errors()->all()],
// hook: beforeInsert()
if ($hookResult = $this->beforeInsert($request, $data)) {
return $hookResult;
$inserted = $this->model->create($data);
$entity = $this->model->with($this->ctx->with())->find($inserted->id);
// hook: afterInsert()
if ($hookResult = $this->afterInsert($request, $entity)) {
return $hookResult;
return $this->response->build($entity, SymfonyResponse::HTTP_CREATED);
public function edit($id)
$entity = $this->model->with($this->ctx->with())->find($id);
if (! $entity) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'not_found'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
return $this->response->build($entity);
public function update(Request $request, $id)
if ($this->readOnly) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'method_not_allowed'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
$entity = $this->model->find($id);
if (! $entity) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'not_found'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
$data = $request->all();
// hook: beforeValidate()
if ($hookResult = $this->beforeValidate($request, $data)) {
return $hookResult;
// hook: beforeUpdateValidate()
if ($hookResult = $this->beforeUpdateValidate($request, $id, $data)) {
return $hookResult;
$validator = Validator::make($data, $this->model->getValidationRules($entity->id));
if ($validator->fails()) {
return $this->response->build(
['error' => 'unprocessable_entity', 'validation_errors' => $validator->errors()->all()],
// hook: beforeUpdate()
if ($hookResult = $this->beforeUpdate($request, $data, $id)) {
return $hookResult;
$entity = $this->model->with($this->ctx->with())->find($id);
// hook: afterUpdate()
if ($hookResult = $this->afterUpdate($request, $entity)) {
return $hookResult;
return $this->response->build($entity, SymfonyResponse::HTTP_OK);
public function destroy($id)
if ($this->readOnly) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'method_not_allowed'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
$entity = $this->model->find($id);
if (! $entity) {
return $this->response->build(['error' => 'not_found'], SymfonyResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
return $this->response->build(null, SymfonyResponse::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
* End of CRUD methods
* Hooks
* This hook runs after fetching a single
* entity, as long as it exists.
* Returning a non-null value will cause the
* controller method to automatically return
* with that value.
public function afterShow($entity)
* This hook runs before validation occurs
* both on insertions an updates.
* Returning a non-null value will cause the
* controller method to automatically return
* with that value.
public function beforeValidate(Request $request, &$data)
* This hook runs before validation occurs
* on insertions, but after the beforeValidate()
* hook has run.
* Returning a non-null value will cause the
* controller method to automatically return
* with that value.
public function beforeStoreValidate(Request $request, &$data)
* This hook runs before validation occurs
* on updates, but after the beforeValidate()
* hook has run.
* Returning a non-null value will cause the
* controller method to automatically return
* with that value.
public function beforeUpdateValidate(Request $request, $id, &$data)
* This hook runs before insertion occurs, but
* after validation has passed.
* Returning a non-null value will cause the
* controller method to automatically return
* with that value.
public function beforeInsert(Request $request, &$data)
* This hook runs after insertion occurs, as long
* as it succeeds.
public function afterInsert(Request $request, $entity)
* This hook runs before updating occurs, but
* after validation has passed.
* Returning a non-null value will cause the
* controller method to automatically return
* with that value.
public function beforeUpdate(Request $request, &$data, $id)
* This hook runs after updating occurs, as long
* as it succeeds.
public function afterUpdate(Request $request, $entity)
* Returns a new query builder instance,
* optionally based on the instance received
* as a parameter, to be used in the query
* that fetches a list of resources (index).
public function modifyIndexQuery(Builder $q)
return $q;
* Returns a new query builder instance,
* optionally based on the instance received
* as a parameter, to be used in the query
* that fetches a single resources (show).
public function modifyShowQuery(Builder $q)
return $q;
* End of hooks
* Returns an instance of the model
* related to this controller. If the model
* does not implement the CrudModelInterface
* it will rise an exception.
* @throws RuntimeException if the related model does
* not implement the CrudModelInterface.
* @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
public function getRelatedModel()
$class = $this->getRelatedModelClass();
$instance = new $class;
if ($instance instanceof CrudModelInterface) {
return $instance;
throw new RuntimeException("The related model must implement CrudModelInterface");
* Returns the fully qualified class
* of the model associated with this
* controller.
* This method assumes that the model
* class is the singularized form of
* the controller's name minus the
* 'Controller' suffix.
* It will also assume that the model class
* is namespaced under 'App', unless specified
* otherwise. A different namespace can
* be set by overriding getModelNamespace().
* @return string
public function getRelatedModelClass()
$fqController = explode('\\', static::class);
$model = Pluralizer::singular(str_replace('Controller', '', end($fqController)));
$ns = $this->getModelNamespace() ? : 'App';
return $ns . '\\' . $model;
* Returns the specific namespace of the
* model related to this controller.
* Override this function if your model does
* not follow the namespacing conventions used
* by this controller.
* @return string
protected function getModelNamespace()
return null;
* Returns whether this controller instance
* supports JSON responses.
* @return boolean
public function supportsJson()
return true;
* Returns whether this controller instance
* supports HTML responses.
* @return boolean
public function supportsHtml()
return true;