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# Carrierwave History/Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

## 3.0.7 - 2024-03-23

### Security
* Fix Content-Type allowlist bypass vulnerability remained (@mshibuya [00676e2](, [GHSA-vfmv-jfc5-pjjw](

## 3.0.6 - 2024-03-09

### Fixed
* Fix #derived_versions and #active_sibling_versions returning an Array where Hash is expected (@mshibuya [46e4f20](
* Fix incompatibility with Marcel 1.0.3 (@schinery [#2728](, [#2729](
* Fix assigning a file with the same name not marking the column as changed (@mshibuya [4c65b39](, [#2719](
* Fix failing to remove files with ActiveRecord 7.1 after_commit order change enabled (@mshibuya [63113e9](, [#2713](

## 3.0.5 - 2023-11-29

### Fixed
* Remove unnecessary if clause within #filename left in the uploader template (@rajyan, [#2711](

### Security
* Fix Content-Type allowlist bypass vulnerability, possibly leading to XSS (@mshibuya, [863d425](, [GHSA-gxhx-g4fq-49hj](

## 3.0.4 - 2023-10-08

### Fixed
* Fix model's dirty state remaining after update (@rajyan [#2707](, [#2702](
* Fix #dup modifying the original object (@rajyan [#2690](, [#2706](, [#2689](, [#2700](
* Fix #dup not respecting the :mount_on option, causing MissingAttributeError (@marsz [#2691](

## 3.0.3 - 2023-08-21

### Fixed
* Fix #dup modifying the original object (@mshibuya [37f36f7](, [#2687](
* Fix wrongly removing files on transaction rollback (@mshibuya, @rajyan [eb03fe1](, [#2686](, [#2685](

## 3.0.2 - 2023-08-01

### Fixed
* Fix deduplicated filename not being persisted (@mshibuya [#2679](, [#2678](, [#2677](

## 3.0.1 - 2023-07-22

### Fixed
* Fix not respecting the parent's #enable_processing value after reading its own (@mshibuya [2df0f53](, [#2676](
* Fix NoMethodError when a record is rolled back (@y-yagi [#2674](, [#2675](
* Fix filename suffix being removed due to unnecessary deduplication (@mshibuya [d68a111](, [#2672](
* Fix #dup causing unintended name deduplication of copied files (@mshibuya [b732acd](, [#2670](
* Fix initialization failing when active_support/core_ext is not loaded yet (@mshibuya [875d972](

## 3.0.0 - 2023-07-02

_No changes._

## 3.0.0.rc - 2023-06-11
### Added
* Support adding suffix to filename on store when path collides with the existing ones (@mshibuya [07a5632](, [#1855](
* Add image dimension validation (@TsubasaYoshida [#2592](, [3b1f8b4](
* Provide validation error details via ActiveModel::Errors#details (@mshibuya [9013999](, [#2150](
* Support clearing #remote_urls by assigning nil (@mshibuya [8307f93](, [#2067](
* Support configuration of download retry wait time (@tricknotes [#2646](
* Support for ActiveRecord::Base#dup (@mshibuya, @BrianHawley [19b33b8](, [#2645](, [#1962](
* Add CarrierWave::Storage::Fog::File#to_file for interface consistency with SanitizedFile (@mshibuya [68ce83a](, [#1960](
* Allow SanitizedFile to accept read with an optional length and output_buffer arguments (@mshibuya [9096459](, [#1959](

### Changed
* Stop relying on ActiveModel::Dirty change tracking for removal of unnecessary files (@mshibuya [aac25c1](
* Create versions lazily to reflect subclass configurations properly (@mshibuya [1531a67](, [#1957](, [#2619](
* [BREAKING CHANGE] Use the resulting file extension on changing format by :convert (@mshibuya [#2659](, [#2125](, [#2126](, [#2254](
* Prioritize Magic-detected content type for spoof-tolerance (@mshibuya [a2ca59c](, [#2570](
* Handle assignments in an ActiveModel::Dirty-friendly way (@mshibuya [#2658](, [#2404](, [#2409](, [#2468](
* Give a stable name to classes created by the mount_uploader block (@mshibuya [f5b09b8](, [#2407](, [#2471](
* Give a stable name to version classes (@mshibuya [a9de756](, [#2407](, [#2471](

### Fixed
* Fix CarrierWave::Storage::Fog::File#read breaking when the file doesn't exist (@mshibuya [246eb01](, [#2524](
* Fix to preserve the original URI as much as possible on download (@mshibuya [2f3afaf](, [#2631](
* Fix not to invoke content type detection on #copy_to as it's costly (@mshibuya [6c6e2dc](, [#2465](
* Fix calling #=~ on non-String breaking in Ruby 3.2 (@aubinlrx [#2653](, [fd03ddd](
* Fix #clean_cache! to respect the uploader's root, not the global one (@sawasaki-narumi [#2652](, [3cb9992](, [#2113](
* Fix to use helper method #fog_provider instead of checking #fog_credentials (@joshuamsager [#2660](
* Fix being unable to delete a file by assigning nil (@mshibuya [f8ea354](, [#2654](, [#2613](
* Fix to raise exception when ImageMagick is not installed (@mshibuya [d90c399](, [#2060](
* Fix to remove unnecessary floodfill in CarrierWave::RMagick#resize_and_pad (@mshibuya [f34a9bd](
* Fix `#{column}_cache=` fails to be stored when set as a nested attribute (@mshibuya [e84d11e](, [#2206](
* Fix to use AWS S3 regional endpoints when using virtual-hosted style (@mshibuya [8dace34](, [#2523](
* Fix to respect condition on processing a derived version (@mshibuya [1fecddc](, [#2516](
* Fix #recreate_versions! affecting the original file (@mshibuya [a67bfb6](, [5f00715](, [#2480](, [#2655](
* Fix `remove_#{column}!` doesn't remove the file immediately (@mshibuya [b719fb3](, [#2540](
* Fix column value populated without a file when using filename override (@mshibuya [f1eff6e](, [#2284](
* Fix boolean configurations couldn't be set to false on a per-uploader basis (@megane42 [#2642](
* Fix #clean_cache! breaking with directories that doesn't conform to CarrierWave's cache_id format (@BrianHawley [#2641](

## 3.0.0.beta - 2022-11-19
### Added
* Add basename and fix extension value for fog file (@leductienttkt [#2587](
* Allow uploaders to accept unless conditions (@Vpatel1093 [#2588](
* Add retry option to download from remote url (@tashirosota [#2577](

### Deprecated
* #denylist was deprecated to prefer explicitly opting-in (@mshibuya [7a40ef7](, [#2536](

### Changed
* Completely migrate to allowlist/denylist terminology (@mshibuya [7a40ef7](, [#2536](
* Remove implementation-dependent information from an error message (@akihikodaki [#2499](
* Replace mini_mime with marcel (@pjmartorell [#2552](
* [BREAKING CHANGE] Change to store files on after_save hook instead of after_commit, with performing cleanup when transaction is rolled back (@fsateler [#2546](

### Removed
* Drop support for Ruby < 2.5 and Rails 5.x (@mshibuya [229594f](
* Remove support for Merb (@seuros [#2566](

### Fixed
* Add Workaround for 'undefined method closed?' error caused by ssrf_filter 1.1 (@mshibuya [65bf0d9](, [#2628](
* Fix Ruby 2.7 keyword argument warning in uploader process (@nachiket87 [#2636](, [#2635](
* Raise DownloadError when no content is returned (@BrianHawley [#2633](, [#2632](
* Add workaround for the API change in ssrf_filter 1.1 (@BrianHawley [#2629](, [#2625](
* Fix Content-Type not being copied when using fog-google (@smnscp [#2614](
* Fix failing to save after limiting the columns with ActiveRecord's #select (@wonda-tea-coffee [#2613](, [#2608](
* Fix content type detection for JSON files (@smnscp [#2618](
* Remove invalid byte sequences from the sanitized filename (@alexdunae [#2606](
* Fix issue with copying a fog file larger than 5GB (@slonopotamus [#2583](
* Stop closing StringIO-based file after CarrierWave::SanitizedFile#read (@aleksandrs-ledovskis [#2571](

Please check [2.x-stable]( for previous changes.