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 * window.c.ProjectDataTable component
 * A table interface constructor that should be used on project related dashboards.
 * It takes an array and a lable as it's sources.
 * The first item in the array is the header descriptor and the rest of them are row data.
 * Rows may return a string or an array and this value will be used as a row output.
 * All table rows are sortable by default. If you want to use a custom value as sort parameter
 * you may set a 2D array as row. In this case, the first array value will be the custom value
 * while the other will be the actual output.
 * Example:
 * m.component(c.ProjectDataTable, {
 *      label: 'Table label',
 *      table: [
 *          ['col header 1', 'col header 2'],
 *          ['value 1x1', [3, 'value 1x2']],
 *          ['value 2x1', [1, 'value 2x2']] //We are using a custom comparator two col 2 values
 *      ],
 *      //Allows you to set a specific column to be ordered by default.
 *      //If no value is set, the first row will be the default one to be ordered.
 *      //Negative values mean that the order should be reverted
 *      defaultSortIndex: -3
 *  })
import m from 'mithril';
import prop from 'mithril/stream';
import _ from 'underscore';
import models from '../models';
import h from '../h';

const projectDataTable = {
    oninit: function(vnode) {
        const table = prop(vnode.attrs.table),
            sortIndex = prop(-1);

        const comparator = (a, b) => {
            let idx = sortIndex(),
                // Check if a custom comparator is used => Read component description
                x = (_.isArray(a[idx]) && a[idx].length > 1) ? a[idx][0] : a[idx],
                y = (_.isArray(b[idx]) && b[idx].length > 1) ? b[idx][0] : b[idx];

            if (x < y) {
                return -1;
            if (y < x) {
                return 1;
            return 0;

        const sortTable = (idx) => {
            let header = _.first(table()),
            if (sortIndex() === idx) {
                body =;
            } else {
                body =;

            table(_.union([header], body));

        sortTable(Math.abs(vnode.attrs.defaultSortIndex) || 0);

        if (vnode.attrs.defaultSortIndex < 0) {
            sortTable(Math.abs(vnode.attrs.defaultSortIndex) || 0);

        vnode.state = {
    view: function({state, attrs}) {
        const header = _.first(state.table()),
            body =;
        return m('.table-outer.u-marginbottom-60', [
      , (heading, idx) => {
                    const sort = () => state.sortTable(idx);
                    return m('.w-col.w-col-4.w-col-small-4.w-col-tiny-4.table-col', [
                        m('[href="javascript:void(0);"]', {
                            onclick: sort
                        }, [
                            `${heading} `, m('span.fa.fa-sort')
            ), m('.table-inner.fontsize-small',
      , rowData => m('.w-row.table-row',
              , (row) => {
                            // Check if a custom comparator is used => Read component description
                            row = (_.isArray(row) && row.length > 1) ? row[1] : row;
                            return m('.w-col.w-col-4.w-col-small-4.w-col-tiny-4.table-col', [
                                m('div', row)

export default projectDataTable;