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# shellton

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## Install

    npm install --save shellton
## Use

### Basic example

var shellton = require('shellton');

shellton('echo all the things', function(err, stdout, stderr) {
    console.log(stdout); // all the things

### Using IO streams

You can pipe the standard output streams from the child process, as such:

var output = fs.createWriteStream('script-output.txt');

    task: 'node script.js',
    stdout: output
    // you can also do stderr here, if you need
    // or just pipe it to the parent process io stream
    stderr: process.stderr
}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
    console.log('script.js has exited');

You can also provide input to the external process, as such:

var input = fs.createReadStream('my-script.js');

    task: 'node',
    stdin: input
}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
    console.log('my-script.js has exited');

Use your imagination here, and you can come up with some much more useful cases.

var shellton = require('shellton');
var through = require('through2');
var chalk = require('chalk');

function colorStream(name, writeStream) {
    writeStream = writeStream || process.stdout;
    var colorFunc = (chalk[name] || chalk.white).bind(chalk);
    var stream = through();
    stream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    return stream;

var input = through();
// write to the parent's output stream in green
var output = colorStream('green', process.stdout);
// write to the parent's error stream in red
var error = colorStream('red', process.stderr);

    task: 'node',
    stdin: input,
    stdout: output,
    stderr: error

// use any dynamically generated javascript
input.write('console.log("output is green");');
input.write('console.error("errors are red");');

## API

### `shellton(options, callback)`

`options` {string | Object} : The options defining the external task to execute. This parameter is required.
- When given a string, this is the command line command being executed. You can supply a full command, as you would normally type into bash or the Windows command prompt.
- When given an object, the following properties are available:
  - `task` {string} : the command to executed.
  - `stdin` {Stream} : a stream to pipe into the command.
  - `stdout` {Stream} : a stream to where the standard output of the command will be piped.
  - `stderr` {Stream} : a stream to where the standard error of the command will be piped.
  - `cwd` {string} : the directory from where the command will be executed. The default is the current directory of the parent process.
  - `env` {Object} : the environment variables for the child process. Values here will be merged with an overwrite values in the current `process.env`.
  - `encoding` {string} : the encoding to use to the data provided to the callback. The options are `utf8` and `buffer`, with `utf8` being the default.
`callback` {function} : The callback to call when the child process exists. This parameter is optional. It receives the following parameters, in order:
- `error` {Error} : An error that occurred when executing the command. This generally means the command exited with a code other than 0. `error.code` specifies the exit code of the command.
- `stdout` {string|Buffer} : A string representation of the standard output of the command. If the command outputs binary, you will likely want to read directly from `stdout` in the `options` object.
- `stderr` {string|Buffer} : A string representation of the standard error of the command. If the command outputs binary, you will likely want to read directly from `stderr` in the `options` object.
