

Test Coverage
verto_version '0.12.0'

config {
 # version.prefix = 'v' # Adds a version_prefix
 # pre_release.initial_number = 0 # Configures pre_release initial number, defaults to 1
 # project.path = "#{project_path}" # Configures a custom project path
 # git.pull_before_tag_creation = true # Pull Changes before tag creation
 # git.fetch_before_tag_creation = true # Fetch Branches and Tags before tag creation
 # git.push_after_tag_creation = true # Push changes after tag creation

 ## Verto uses Mustache template rendering to render changelog updates, the default value is:
 ##   ## {{new_version}} - #{'%d/%m/%Y')}
 ##       {{#version_changes}}
 ##       * {{.}}
 ##       {{/version_changes}}
 ## A custom format can be specified, eg:
 # changelog.format =  <<~CHANGELOG
 #                       ## {{new_version}}
 #                        {{#version_changes}}
 #                        * {{.}}
 #                        {{/version_changes}}
 #                      CHANGELOG

context(branch('master')) {
  before_command_tag_up {
    command_options.add(filter: 'release_only')

  before_tag_creation {
    # Uncomment to update CHANGELOG file
    # update_changelog(with: :merged_pull_requests_with_bracketed_labels,
    #                  confirmation: true,
    #                  filename: '')
    # git('add')

    # Uncomment to update the version in other files, like package.json
    # file('package.json').replace(/"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-?.*)"/, %Q{"#{new_version}"})
    # git('add package.json')

    git('commit -m "Updates CHANGELOG"')

# Uncomment to get a specific pre_release proccess, like a staging or qa branch
# context(branch('staging')) {
#  before_command_tag_up {
#    git!('pull origin staging')
#    command_options.add(pre_release: 'rc')
#  }
#  before_tag_creation {
#    file('package.json').replace(/"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-?.*)"/, %Q{"#{new_version}"}) # Atualiza versão do package.json
#    git('add package.json')
#    git('commit --allow-empty -m "Staging Release"')
#  }

#  after_command_tag_up {
#    sh('some command')
#  }

# Uncomment to block tag creation in other branchs
#context(!branch('master', 'staging')) {
#  error 'Tags only can be created in master or staging branch'
#  exit