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# _The Compact and Persistent Messaging Queue_
## Getting Started
#### Run Go Get
go get
#### Modifying your env file
Your env file simply contains the port you want to run from and the redis configuration.
# Essential Configurations

# Redis
#### Fire It Up
go run raithe.go
#### Your Agents List
Your agents list will contain all agents that can register as a "producer" or "consumer", both are the same to Raithe.
Contained within your agents_list.json of the root folder you will see something like this.  Just list the names of the agents and each agent will need to call the register path _(/auth/register)_ to stake thier claim on that agent name.
  "agents": [
## Playing Around
### Register Clients
A Client is any service attempting to push or pop from the message queue.  
Contained within the root directory is a file agents_list.json.  This file contains all the agents that can register and is read in realtime.  So Adding an agent is easy.

#### Request _/auth/register_
    "agent_name":"{{agent name}}"
#### Response
    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "security_token": {
        "agent_name": "{{agent name}}",
        "token": "{{token}}"

### Push Message
Pusing a message can be done by any agent.  Queues are the key and will be how agents identify which queue to pull from.
#### Request _/queue/push_
    "message":"Hello World",
    "security_token": {
            "agent_name": "{{agent name}}",
            "token": "{{token}}"
#### Response
    "success": true
### Pop Message
Popping a message from the queue will grab the oldest message first.  Simple as that.
#### Request _/queue/pop_
    "security_token": {
            "agent_name": "{{agent name}}",
            "token": "{{token}}"
#### Response
    "queue": "test",
    "message": "Hello World"