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Whitespace required before !important

      color: $blue-900!important;
Severity: Major
Found in app/core/sass/includes/menu.scss by sass-lint

Space Before Bang

Rule space-before-bang will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a bang (!).


  • include: true/false (defaults to true)


When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar'!important;

Class '.tasks-grid__task' should be written in lowercase with hyphens

Severity: Major
Found in app/core/sass/includes/tasks.scss by sass-lint

Class Name Format

Rule class-name-format will enforce a convention for class names.


  • allow-leading-underscore: true/false (defaults to true)
  • convention: 'hyphenatedlowercase' (default), camelcase, snakecase, strictbem, hyphenatedbem, or a Regular Expression that the class name must match (e.g. ^[_A-Z]+$)
  • convention-explanation: Custom explanation to display to the user if a class doesn't adhere to the convention
  • ignore: Array of names to ignore

Example 1

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &._with-leading-underscore {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 2

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &.another-hyphenated-lowercase {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

._with-leading-underscore {
  content: '';

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 3

Settings: - convention: camelcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.camelCase {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .anotherCamelCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 4

Settings: - convention: pascalcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.PascalCase {
  content: '';

.Foo {
  @extend .AnotherPascalCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 5

Settings: - convention: snakecase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .another_snake_case;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 6

Settings: - convention: strictbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.block-name__elem-name {
  content: '';

.owner-name_mod-name_mod-val {
  content: '';

.block-name__elem-name_mod-bool {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 7

Settings: - convention: hyphenatedbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.site-search {
  color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 100%;

.site-search__field {
  text-decoration: underline;

.site-search--full {
  color: green;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 8

Settings: - convention: ^[_A-Z]+$ - convention-explanation: 'Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'

When enabled, the following are allowed:

  content: '';

.foo {

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

(Each line with a class will report Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores when linted.)

  content: '';

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Expected text-overflow, found white-space

      white-space: pre;
Severity: Major
Found in app/core/sass/includes/tasks.scss by sass-lint

Property Sort Order

Rule property-sort-order will enforce the order in which declarations are written.


  • order: 'alphabetical', 'concentric', 'recess', 'smacss', or [array of properties] (defaults to alphabetical. Unknown properties are sorted alphabetically)
  • ignore-custom-properties: true/false (defaults to false)

Property orders:


When enabled (assuming order: alphabetical), the following are allowed:

.foo {
  content: 'baz';
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;

When enabled (assuming order: alphabetical), the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  content: 'baz';

Custom Sort Orders

You have the option to create your own custom property sort orders. These are specified in your .sass-lint.yml file as below:

  - 1
      - border
      - display
      - color

When the custom order is specified as above, the following are allowed:

.foo {
  border: 1px solid blue;
  display: block;
  color: red;

When the custom order is specified as above, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  display: block;
  color: red;
  border: 1px solid blue;

Ignore Custom Properties

When ignore-custom-properties: false (assume order: 'alphabetical') the following would be allowed

.foo {
  border: 1px solid blue;
  color: red;
  composes: heading;
  display: block;

When ignore-custom-properties: false (assume order: 'alphabetical') the following would be disallowed

.foo {
  composes: heading; // not in alphabetical order
  border: 1px solid blue;
  color: red;
  display: block;

When ignore-custom-properties: true (assume order: 'alphabetical') the following would be allowed

.foo {
  composes: heading; // custom properties ignored
  border: 1px solid blue;
  color: red;
  display: block;

Selectors must be placed on new lines

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 {
Severity: Major
Found in app/core/sass/includes/typo.scss by sass-lint

Single Line Per Selector

Rule single-line-per-selector will enforce whether selectors should be placed on a new line.


When enabled, the following are allowed:

.bar {
  content: 'baz';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo, .bar {
  content: 'baz';

Hex notation should all be lower case

$blue-2                     : #6C6CFF;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Hex notation should all be lower case

$brand-color-light          : #78A4F4;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

No space allowed before :

$color-normal               : #6190E8;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

Hex notation should all be lower case

$color-warning              : #FFC82C;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

No space allowed before :

$color-info                 : #78A4FA;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

Hex notation should all be lower case

$brand-blue-700             : #F4F4FF;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Hex notation should all be lower case

$green-400                  : #36D57D;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Hex notation should all be lower case

$green-500                  : #13CE66;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

No space allowed before :

$red-50                     : #FFE9E9;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$yellow-100                 : #FFEFC0;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

Hex notation should all be lower case

$grey-100                   : #ECECEC;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Hex notation should all be lower case

$grey-600                   : #B9B9B9;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Hex notation should all be lower case

$grey-900                   : #9B9B9B;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Hex notation should all be lower case

$black-300                  : #6B798C;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

No space allowed before :

$bg-color-gray              : #f7f7f7;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$font-size-smer             : 12px;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';