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No space allowed before :

$menu-item-padding                   : 12px 16px;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

Multiline style comments should not be used

/* Dropdown */

No CSS Comments

Rule no-css-comments will enforce the use of Sass single-line comments and disallow CSS comments. Bang comments (/*! */, will be printed even in minified mode) are still allowed.


When enabled the following are allowed:

// This is a good comment

// =========
// This is a good comment
// =========

// This is a good comment

/*! This is a good bang comment */

  * This is a good bang comment

When enabled the following are disallowed:

/* This comment will appear in your compiled css */

 * Mulitline comments are bad

No space allowed before :

$menu-prefix-bg-color-dark           : $brand-blue-500;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$pagination-item-text-color-hover    : $brand-blue-400;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$pagination-btn-font-size            : $font-size-smer;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$tabs-nav-font-size-sm               : $font-size-smer;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$pagination-item-text-color-active   : $color-white;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$step-font-size                      : $font-size-base;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$step-text-color                     : $black-200;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$container-md               : 940px + $grid-gutter-width;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$spacing-02                 : 0.25rem;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$screen-sm                  : 768px;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

Multiline style comments should not be used

/* Medium screen / Desktop */

No CSS Comments

Rule no-css-comments will enforce the use of Sass single-line comments and disallow CSS comments. Bang comments (/*! */, will be printed even in minified mode) are still allowed.


When enabled the following are allowed:

// This is a good comment

// =========
// This is a good comment
// =========

// This is a good comment

/*! This is a good bang comment */

  * This is a good bang comment

When enabled the following are disallowed:

/* This comment will appear in your compiled css */

 * Mulitline comments are bad

No space allowed before :

$zindex-tooltip             : 1050;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

Function 'map_get' should be written in lowercase with hyphens

$vs-state-disabled-controls-color: map_get($vs-colors, 'light') !default;

Function Name Format

Rule function-name-format will enforce a convention for function names.


  • allow-leading-underscore: true/false (defaults to true)
  • convention: 'hyphenatedlowercase' (default), camelcase, snakecase, strictbem, hyphenatedbem, or a Regular Expression that the function name must match (e.g. ^[_A-Z]+$)
  • convention-explanation: Custom explanation to display to the user if a function doesn't adhere to the convention

Example 1

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

@function hyphenated-lowercase() {
  @return "foo";

@function _leading-underscore($x) {
  @return $x;

.foo {
  content: hyphenated-lowercase("bar");

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  @return "foo";

@function _camelCaseWithLeadingUnderscore($x) {
  @return $x;

.foo {
  content: snake_case();

Example 2

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: camelcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

@function camelCase() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: anotherCamelCase();

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  @return "foo";

@function _camelCaseWithLeadingUnderscore() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: snake_case();

Example 3

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: pascalcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

@function PascalCase() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: AnotherPascalCase();

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  @return "foo";

@function _camelCaseWithLeadingUnderscore() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: snake_case();

Example 4

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: snakecase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

@function snake_case() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: another_snake_case();

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  @return "foo";

@function _snake_case_with_leading_underscore() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: camelCase();

Example 5

Settings: - convention: strictbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

@function namespace__function {
  @return "foo";

@function namespace__function_mod-name {
  @return "foo";

@function namespace_mod-name__function {
  @return "foo";

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: camelCase();

Example 6

Settings: - convention: hyphenatedbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

@function namespace__function {
  @return "foo";

@function namespace__function--mod-name {
  @return "foo";

@function namespace--mod-name__function {
  @return "foo";

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: camelCase();

Example 7

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: '^[_A-Z]+$' - convention-explanation: 'Functions must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'

When enabled, the following are allowed:

  @return "foo";

.foo {

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

(Each line with a function call/declaration will report Functions must contain only uppercase letters and underscores when linted.)

  @return "foo";

@function _snake_case_with_leading_underscore() {
  @return "foo";

.foo {
  content: camelCase();

No space allowed before :

$select-font-color          : $text-color;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$notification-width             : 320px;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$notification-close-color-focus   : $grey-700;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$notification-icon-color-info     : $blue-300;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';

No space allowed before :

$progress-font-color        : $text-color;

Space Before Colon

Rule space-before-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included before a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content :'bar';