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## About Cattr
Cattr is an open-source time tracking solution, designed to be flawlessly integrated with your infrastructure. 
Superpowered with features like built-in screenshot capture and activity detection, it's a great instrument to boost 
your team's performance straight to the top.

### Screenshots
|           Dashboard           |           Project report           |
| ![](./examples/dashboard.jpg) | ![](./examples/project_report.jpg) |

### Demo
The demo app is available here: []( 

## Install Cattr
[Installation manual]( on the documentation website.

composer install
php artisan key:generate

After should be edited `.env` file (e.g. for DB connection), look at `.env.example` for examples

php artisan migrate --seed --seeder=InitialSeeder

App will not start without seeding of InitialSeeder

After seeding it, run `php artisan cattr:make:admin` and you will be able to login with following credentials

### Run Local server

local server by default will be run as <>

php artisan serve
yarn dev

### Generate IDE helpers

composer dumphelpers
composer dumperd

## Links – Cattr Desktop Application. You can also download the built app for
any OS from the [official site](

### Documentation

You can find the Cattr documentation [on the website](

Checkout the [Getting Started]( page for a quick overview.

### Questions

For questions and support please use the [official forum](