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namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Filter;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Exception;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Validator;

 * @deprecated
class TimeController extends Controller
     * @deprecated
    public static function getControllerRules(): array
        return [
            'total' => '',
            'project' => 'time.project',
            'tasks' => 'time.tasks',
            'task' => 'time.task',
            'taskUser' => 'time.task-user',
     * @api             {get,post} /time/total Total
     * @apiDescription  Get total of Time
     * @apiVersion      1.0.0
     * @apiName         Total
     * @apiGroup        Time
     * @apiUse          AuthHeader
     * @apiPermission   time_total
     * @apiPermission   time_full_access
     * @apiParam {String}   start_at  Start DataTime
     * @apiParam {String}   end_at    End DataTime
     * @apiParam {Integer}  user_id   User ID
     * @apiParamExample {json} Request Example
     *  {
     *    "user_id": 1,
     *    "start_at": "2005-01-01 00:00:00",
     *    "end_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
     *  }
     * @apiSuccess {Boolean}  time     Total time in seconds
     * @apiSuccess {String}   start    Datetime of first Time Interval start_at
     * @apiSuccess {String}   end      DateTime of last Time Interval end_at
     * @apiSuccessExample {json} Response Example
     *  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     *  {
     *    "time": 338230,
     *    "start": "2020-01-23T19:42:27+00:00",
     *    "end": "2020-04-30T21:58:31+00:00"
     *  }
     * @apiUse          400Error
     * @apiUse          UnauthorizedError
     * @apiUse          ForbiddenError
     * @apiUse          ValidationError

     * Display a total of time
     * @param Request $request
     * @return JsonResponse
     * @throws Exception
     * @deprecated
    public function total(Request $request): JsonResponse
        $validationRules = [
            'start_at' => 'required|date',
            'end_at' => 'required|date',
            'user_id' => 'required|integer|exists:users,id'

        $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $validationRules);

        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return new JsonResponse(
                Filter::process($this->getEventUniqueName(''), [
                    'error_type' => 'validation',
                    'message' => 'Validation error',
                    'info' => $validator->errors()
        $filters = [
            'start_at' => ['>=', $request->get('start_at')],
            'end_at' => ['<=', $request->get('end_at')],
            'user_id' => ['=', $request->get('user_id')]

        /** @var Builder $itemsQuery */
        $itemsQuery = Filter::process(
            $this->applyQueryFilter($this->getQuery(), $filters)

        $timeIntervals = $itemsQuery->get();

        $totalTime = $timeIntervals->sum(static fn($el) => Carbon::parse($el->end_at)->diffInSeconds($el->start_at));

        return responder()->success([
            'time' => $totalTime,
            'start' => $timeIntervals->min('start_at'),
            'end' => $timeIntervals->max('end_at')

     * @apiDeprecated   since 1.0.0
     * @api             {get, post} /time/project Project
     * @apiDescription  Get time of project
     * @apiVersion      1.0.0
     * @apiName         Project
     * @apiGroup        Time
     * @apiPermission   time_project
     * @apiPermission   time_full_access

     * @api             {get,post} /time/tasks Tasks
     * @apiDescription  Get tasks and its total time
     * @apiVersion      1.0.0
     * @apiName         Tasks
     * @apiGroup        Time
     * @apiUse          TimeIntervalParams
     * @apiParamExample {json} Request Example:
     *  {
     *    "user_id": 1,
     *    "task_id": 1,
     *    "project_id": 2,
     *    "start_at": "2005-01-01 00:00:00",
     *    "end_at": "2019-01-01 00:00:00",
     *    "activity_fill": 42,
     *    "mouse_fill": 43,
     *    "keyboard_fill": 43,
     *    "id": [">", 1]
     *  }
     * @apiSuccess {String}    current_datetime  Current datetime of server
     * @apiSuccess {Object[]}  tasks             Array of objects Task
     * @apiSuccess {Integer}          Tasks id
     * @apiSuccess {Integer}   tasks.user_id     Tasks User id
     * @apiSuccess {Integer}   tasks.project_id  Tasks Project id
     * @apiSuccess {Integer}   tasks.time        Tasks total time in seconds
     * @apiSuccess {String}    tasks.start       Datetime of first Tasks Time Interval start_at
     * @apiSuccess {String}    tasks.end         Datetime of last Tasks Time Interval end_at
     * @apiSuccess {Object[]}  total             Array of total tasks time
     * @apiSuccess {Integer}   total.time        Total time of tasks in seconds
     * @apiSuccess {String}    total.start       Datetime of first Time Interval start_at
     * @apiSuccess {String}    total.end         DateTime of last Time Interval end_at
     * @apiSuccessExample {json} Response Example
     *  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     *  {
     *    "current_datetime": "2020-01-28T10:57:40+00:00",
     *     "tasks": [
     *       {
     *         "id": 1,
     *         "user_id": 1,
     *         "project_id": 1,
     *         "time": 1490,
     *         "start": "2020-01-23T19:42:27+00:00",
     *         "end": "2020-01-23T20:07:21+00:00"
     *       },
     *     ],
     *     "total": {
     *     "time": 971480,
     *     "start": "2020-01-23T19:42:27+00:00",
     *     "end": "2020-11-01T08:28:06+00:00"
     *    }
     *  }
     * @apiUse          400Error
     * @apiUse          ForbiddenError
     * @apiUse          UnauthorizedError
     * @apiUse          ValidationError
     * Display the Tasks and theirs total time
     * @param Request $request
     * @return JsonResponse
     * @throws Exception
     * @deprecated
    public function tasks(Request $request): JsonResponse
        $validationRules = [
            'start_at' => 'date',
            'end_at' => 'date',
            'project_id' => 'exists:projects,id',
            'task_id' => 'exists:tasks,id'

        $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $validationRules);

        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return new JsonResponse(
                Filter::process($this->getEventUniqueName(''), [
                    'error_type' => 'validation',
                    'message' => 'Validation error',
                    'info' => $validator->errors()

        $filters = $request->all();
        $request->get('start_at') ? $filters['start_at'] = ['>=', (string)$request->get('start_at')] : false;
        $request->get('end_at') ? $filters['end_at'] = ['<=', (string)$request->get('end_at')] : false;
        $request->get('project_id') ? $filters['task.project_id'] = $request->get('project_id') : false;
        $request->get('task_id') ? $filters['task_id'] = ['in', $request->get('task_id')] : false;

        $baseQuery = $this->applyQueryFilter(
            $filters ?: []

        $itemsQuery = Filter::process(

        $totalTime = 0;

        $tasks = $itemsQuery
            ->groupBy(['task_id', 'user_id'])
            ->map(static function ($taskIntervals, $taskId) use (&$totalTime) {
                $task = [];

                foreach ($taskIntervals as $userId => $userIntervals) {
                    $taskTime = 0;

                    foreach ($userIntervals as $interval) {
                        $taskTime += Carbon::parse($interval->end_at)->diffInSeconds($interval->start_at);

                    $firstUserInterval = $userIntervals->first();
                    $lastUserInterval = $userIntervals->last();

                    $task = [
                        'id' => $taskId,
                        'user_id' => $userId,
                        'project_id' => $userIntervals[0]['task']['project_id'],
                        'time' => $taskTime,
                        'start' => Carbon::parse($firstUserInterval->start_at)->toISOString(),
                        'end' => Carbon::parse($lastUserInterval->end_at)->toISOString()

                    $totalTime += $taskTime;

                return $task;

        $first = $itemsQuery->get()->first();
        $last = $itemsQuery->get()->last();

        return responder()->success([
            'tasks' => $tasks,
            'total' => [
                'time' => $totalTime,
                'start' => $first ? Carbon::parse($first->start_at)->toISOString() : null,
                'end' => $last ? Carbon::parse($last->end_at)->toISOString() : null,

     * @apiDeprecated   since 1.0.0
     * @api             {get, post} /time/task Task
     * @apiDescription  Get task and its total time
     * @apiVersion      1.0.0
     * @apiName         Task
     * @apiGroup        Time
     * @apiPermission   time_task
     * @apiPermission   time_full_access

     * @apiDeprecated   since 1.0.0
     * @api             {get,post} /time/task-user TaskUser
     * @apiDescription  Get time of user's single task
     * @apiVersion      1.0.0
     * @apiName         TaskAndUser
     * @apiGroup        Time
     * @apiPermission   time_task_user
     * @apiPermission   time_full_access