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Test Coverage
  "navigation": {
    "about":  "About",
    "settings": "Settings",
    "client-login": "Desktop app login",
    "company_settings": "Company Settings",
    "logout": "Logout",
    "dropdown": {
      "reports": "Reports"
  "setup": {
    "process": {
      "info_without_docker": "Please, change your server's settings according to examples below. Note, that you should replace paths with the path to your Cattr installed.",
      "important_information": "Important information",
      "title_supervisor": "Supervisor configuration",
      "title_cron": "Cron configuration",
      "end_install": "Start use Cattr",
      "button_process": "Installing",
      "config_confirmation": "The required configuration files are changed accordingly",
      "title": "Cattr install",
      "subtitle": "Please, do not close or reload this tab until the installation is completed"
    "step_description": {
      "welcome": "Welcome",
      "database_settings": "Database configuration",
      "mail_settings": "Mail configuration",
      "company_settings": "Company configuration",
      "account": "Create account",
      "permission": "Permissions",
      "backend_ping": "Connection to backend server",
      "recaptcha": "reCAPTCHA configuration"
    "buttons": {
      "next": "Next",
      "back": "Back",
      "complete": "Complete",
      "update": "Update",
      "connect": "Connect to database",
      "checked": "Enabled",
      "unchecked": "Disabled"
    "header": {
      "welcome": {
        "title": "Welcome to Cattr",
        "subtitle": "This is a quick setup",
        "language": "Please, select your company language"
      "backend_ping": {
        "title": "Connection to backend server",
        "subtitle": "Checking the connection with your Cattr backend server",
        "success": "Success",
        "error": "Connection refused",
        "process": "Processing",
        "status": "Backend status",
        "server_url": "Trying to find the server at: {serverUrl}",
        "wrong_url": "Wrong url?",
        "building_when": "URL should be set up on frontend building",
        "read_more": "You can read more in {0}",
        "documentation": "documentation"
      "database_settings": {
        "title": "Database configuration",
        "subtitle": "Set MySQL configuration",
        "success": "Success",
        "error": "Wrong params",
        "process": "Wait process",
        "host": "Host",
        "database": "Database name",
        "username":"User name",
        "status": "Database status",
        "docker_title": "Cattr is running inside the official Docker container",
        "docker_subtitle": "You do not need to adjust database connection settings"
      "mail_settings": {
        "title": "Mail configuration",
        "subtitle": "Set mail settings",
        "email": "E-mail",
        "password": "Password",
        "host": "Server address",
        "port": "Port",
        "encryption": "Encryption"
      "company_settings": {
        "title": "Company settings",
        "subtitle": "Set company settings",
        "language": "Language",
        "timezone": "Timezone"
      "account": {
        "title": "Admin account settings",
        "subtitle": "Create admin account",
        "email": "E-mail",
        "password": "Password"
      "permission": {
        "title": "Permission",
        "subtitle": "Give permission",
        "registration_process": "Wait until the registration process is completed",
        "registration": "Registration"
      "recaptcha": {
        "title": "reCAPTCHA settings",
        "subtitle": "Connect reCAPTCHA to protect user accounts from password attacks",
        "get_recaptcha": "Get reCAPTCHA keys"
  "auth": {
    "submit": "Login",
    "forgot_password": "Forgot password?",
    "message": {
      "user_not_found": "We can't find the user with provided credentials",
      "solve_captcha": "You must resolve a CAPTCHA",
      "auth_error": "Authorization error",
      "data_reset": "Data is flushing right now, please wait a minute and try again"
    "desktop": {
      "header": "Desktop application login",
      "step": "Step {n}",
      "step1": "Transferring data",
      "step2": "Opening application",
      "retry": "Retry",
      "cancel": "Cancel",
      "open": "Open application",
      "finish": "Finish",
      "error": "The desktop application is not installed on your PC",
      "download": "You can download it {0}",
      "download_button": "here"
    "switch_to_common": "Log in with password",
    "close": "Close page",
    "desktop_error": "Error happened during authorization",
    "desktop_working": "Authorizing"
  "reset": {
    "forgot_password": "Forgot password?",
    "reset_password": "Reset password",
    "confirm_password": "Confirm password",
    "step": "Step {n}",
    "step_description": {
      "step_1": "Enter email",
      "step_2": "Check your email",
      "step_3": "Enter new password",
      "step_4": "Enjoy"
    "tabs": {
      "enter_email": {
        "title": "Forgot password?",
        "subtitle": "Enter your email and we will send a link to reset your password"
      "check_email": {
        "title": "Check your email",
        "subtitle": "Check your email, and follow the link in the password reset email to complete the process"
      "new_password": {
        "title": "Enter new password",
        "subtitle": "Password must be at least 6 characters"
      "success": {
        "title": "Success",
        "subtitle": "Your password has been successfully changed"
    "page_is_not_available": "This page is no longer available",
    "go_away": "Go to login page"
  "register": {
    "title": "Register",
    "subtitle": "Please fill out the fields to confirm your registration",
    "register_btn": "Create account",
    "success_title": "Account was created successfully",
    "success_subtitle": "Go to the login page to log in to your account"
  "settings": {
    "account": "Account",
    "general": "General",
    "language": "Language",
    "company": "Company",
    "company_timezone": "Company timezone"
  "control": {
    "save": "Save",
    "create": "Create",
    "view": "View",
    "edit": "Edit",
    "delete": "Delete",
    "add": "Add",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "no": "No",
    "back": "Back",
    "submit": "Submit",
    "select_all": "Select All",
    "clear_all": "Clear All",
    "select_all_open": "Select All Open",
    "select_all_closed": "Select All Closed",
    "user_selected": "No users selected | 1 user selected | {count} users selected",
    "project_selected": "No projects selected | 1 project selected | {count} projects selected",
    "project_selected_all": "All projects selected",
    "status_selected": "No statuses selected | 1 status selected | {count} statuses selected",
    "status_selected_all": "All statuses selected",
    "day": "Day",
    "week": "Week",
    "month": "Month",
    "range": "Range",
    "today": "Today",
    "ok": "Ok",
    "active": "Active",
    "inactive": "Inactive",
    "search": "Search",
    "add_time": "Add time",
    "enable": "Enable",
    "disable": "Disable",
    "select": "Select",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "reset": "Reset",
    "show_active": "Show active tasks"
  "field": {
    "password": "Password",
    "name": "Name",
    "full_name": "Name",
    "status": "Status",
    "email": "E-mail",
    "user": "User",
    "users": "Users",
    "active":  "Active",
    "change_password": "Change password",
    "screenshot": "Screenshot",
    "screenshots": "Screenshots",
    "screenshots_active": "Screenshots Active",
    "manual_time": "Manual Time",
    "screenshots_interval": "Screenshots Interval",
    "computer_time_popup": "Inactivity Time Popup",
    "timezone": "Timezone",
    "default_role": "Default Role",
    "project_roles": "Project Roles",
    "task": "Task",
    "project": "Project",
    "priority": "Priority",
    "created_at": "Created",
    "updated_at": "Last edit",
    "team": "Team",
    "amount_of_tasks": "Amount of tasks",
    "description": "Description",
    "important": "Important",
    "actions": "Actions",
    "start_at": "Start at",
    "end_at": "End at",
    "expires_at": "Expires at",
    "role": "Role",
    "user_language": "User Language",
    "send_invite": "Send invite",
    "selected": "Selected",
    "total": "Total",
    "total_time": "Total time",
    "total_spent": "Total Spent Time",
    "time": "Time",
    "auto_thin": "Automatic storage cleanup",
    "members": "Members",
    "url": "URL",
    "statuses": {
      "any": "Any",
      "active": "Active",
      "disabled": "Disabled"
    "roles": {
      "admin": {
        "name": "Admin",
        "description": "Full access to everything"
      "manager": {
        "name": "Manager",
        "description": "Full access to tasks, projects, screenshot and all users' activity"
      "auditor": {
        "name": "Auditor",
        "description": "Read access to projects, create and read access to all the tasks, access to all users activity"
      "user": {
        "name": "User",
        "description": "Read access to assigned projects, create and view tasks, view personal activity"
      "any": "Any"
    "type": "Type",
    "types": {
      "all": "All",
      "any": "Any",
      "employee": "Employee",
      "client": "Client"
    "work_time": "Working Hours",
    "notice": "Notice",
    "report": "Report",
    "minutes": "{value} minutes",
    "duration": "Duration",
    "duration_value": "{0} to {1}",
    "web_and_app_monitoring": "Enable app monitoring"
  "filter": {
    "enter-single": "Enter {0}",
    "enter-multiple": "Enter {0} or {1}",
    "fields": {
      "task_name": "task name",
      "project_name": "project name",
      "full_name": "full name",
      "name": "name",
      "email": "e-mail",
      "url": "URL"
    "full_name": "Filter by full name",
    "email": "Filter by e-mail",
    "task": "Filter by task name",
    "project": "Filter by project name"
  "message": {
    "no_data": "No data to display",
    "page_not_found": "The page you're looking for doesn't exist",
    "api_error": "Looks like we have temporal problems, contact your administrator about that :(",
    "page_forbidden": "Access denied",
    "field_is_required": "This field is required",
    "something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong",
    "success": "Success",
    "error": "Error",
    "vulnerable_version": "You are using an outdated app version, please update to the latest one",
    "update_version": "New version is available",
    "report_has_been_queued": "Report has been queued and will be sent on your email"
  "time": {
    "h": "h",
    "m": "m",
    "s": "s"
  "tooltip": {
    "task_important": "Related screenshots should not be deleted automatically",
    "user_change_password": "Makes the password change on the first login mandatory",
    "user_manual_time": "Allow users to manually add time",
    "user_send_invite": "Email user the account's credentials. If \"Password\" field is not filled in, an email with an auto-generated password will be sent in any case ",
    "user_computer_time_popup": "User's inactivity time in minutes before 'inactivity detected' modal pops up",
    "user_interval_screenshot": "Screenshot creation time interval in minutes",
    "color_intervals": "Lets you select colors for clocked-in time intervals from 0 to 100%",
    "work_time": "Minimum amount of working hours/day",
    "auto_thin": "Old screenshots will be deleted automatically",
    "activity_progress": {
      "not_tracked": "No activity tracked",
      "overall": "Overall activity: | Overall activity: 1% | Overall activity: {percent}%",
      "mouse": "Mouse: 0% | Mouse: 1% | Mouse: {percent}%",
      "keyboard": "Keyboard: 0% | Keyboard: 1% | Keyboard: {percent}%",
      "just_mouse": "Mouse:",
      "just_keyboard": "Keyboard:"
  "invite": {
    "resend": "Resend invite"
  "about": {
    "modules": {
      "name": "Module",
      "version": "Version",
      "status": "Status",
      "vulnerable": "Vulnerable",
      "ok": "Up to date",
      "outdated": "Out of date"
    "module_versions": "Module versions",
    "module_storage": "Storage",
    "no_modules": "No modules installed",
    "no_storage": "No info about storage",
    "storage": {
      "last_thinning": "Last cleanup was",
      "space": {
        "left": "Free space",
        "total": "Total space",
        "used": "Space used"
      "screenshots_available": "Can be removed",
      "screenshots": "0 screenshots | {n} screenshot | {n} screenshots",
      "thin_unavailable": "Cleanup is unavailable at this moment",
      "thin_available": "Cleanup is available",
      "thin": "Cleanup space"
  "notification": {
    "save": {
      "success": {
        "title": "Success",
        "message": "Saved successfully"
    "record": {
      "save": {
        "success": {
          "title": "Success",
          "message": "Record was saved successfully"
      "delete": {
        "confirmation": {
          "title": "Delete record?",
          "message": "Are you sure you want delete this record?"
        "success": {
          "title": "Success",
          "message": "Record was successfully deleted"
    "settings": {
      "save": {
        "success": {
          "title": "Success",
          "message": "Settings were saved successfully"
    "screenshot": {
      "save": {
        "success": {
          "title": "Success",
          "message": "Screenshots were saved successfully"
        "error": {
          "title": "Error",
          "message": "Failed to save the screenshots"
      "delete": {
        "success": {
          "title": "Success",
          "message": "Screenshots were successfully deleted"
        "error": {
          "title": "Error",
          "message": "Failed to remove the screenshots"