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title: "5 Soft skills every developer should know about"
slug: "soft-skils-every-developer-should-know-about"
cover: "https://picsum.photos/1600/800/?image=770"
date: 2016-05-30 20:37:06 +0200
    - Mindset

> "We only grow when we are doing things that makes us uncomfortable." by
> John Sonmez

I have been following [John Sonmez](http://www.simpleprogrammer.com)
for a while now. He has personally guided and motivated me during the
conception of my blog.

I never really focused on my people skills until I was exposed to a lot
of people when I joined a corporate in 2014. I was intrigued.

Integrating with technologies and writing software for me is relatively
easy but getting people to work cohesively together is more challenging.

On 24 May 2016, John Sonmez gave a talk at Xamarin Evolve 2016
called "5 Soft Skills Every Software Developer Should Know" which I'd
like to share today.

He wrote that it's about mindset and overcoming your fears. I absolutely
love his talk because I can
so much to it.

> We only grow when we are doing things that makes us uncomfortable. ~
> John Sonmez

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