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title: "Rewire your brain (Part 8) - Conclusion"
slug: "rewire-your-brain-8"
date:   2017-06-28 19:05:39 +0200
cover: "https://picsum.photos/1600/800/?image=903"
    - Mindset
    - Productivity

> Page 172 of the book Rewire: Changing Your Brain to Break Bad Habits,
> Overcome Addictions, Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior written by
> psychotherapist Richard O’Connor says that whatever we pay attention to
> determines how our brain grows.

This post concludes the series "Rewire Your Brain". What a journey.

I originally started this series to help me overcome some pressing personal

A lot of what I have written and researched has given me hope. What I can
say is that it is tremendously _<insert profanity here>_ difficult to practice

With time and practice I believe that it can be very helpful in creating a
healthier brain overall.

A summary of the series includes:

## Introduction

We looked at why we need to explore the idea of rewiring the brain. In my
opinion I want to be able to get out of depression easier and cope better
with anger, stress and anxiety. I want to let go of unhealthy behaviors.
The idea is to make me healthier so that I can be more productive,
approachable and calmer.

I want to get out of the victim role where there is blame and disadvantage
and into the creator role where I use my circumstances to my advantage to
control my present destiny.

I was captivated by an article titled “5 Ways to Rewire Your Brain for
Meaningful Life Changes”. It’s about activating neuro pathways to create
new neural networks in the brain.

My article is a summary of the original for documentation purposes and
adaptation of my understanding of the content as best I can.

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-1)

## Activate Neuro Pathways

We looked at how we can activate five neuro pathways in order to create new
neural networks in the brain. This technique helps us rewire the brain to
change our behavior.

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-2)

## Distress Tolerance

We learned how to **“Distract. Relax. Cope.”** We identify negative coping
mechanisms and avoid self-destructive behaviors so that you break the
negative reinforcing loop.

Through Radical Acceptance, Distraction Plans and Relaxation Plans we are
one step closer to properly coping.

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-3)

## Childhood Survival Rules

We look at how we can identify childhood survival rules, analyze them and
decide if they are beneficial today. Changing them is an interesting way of
rewiring your brain as we change old behaviors as these rules no longer
apply to the current day.

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-4)

## The Satir Change Process Model

We looked at how the model can help transform unhealthy behaviors to more
positive behaviors by working through the different stages of how we cope
with change.

These stages show how a change can impact us and how we can get to a
point where we can thrive.

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-5)

## Neuroplasticity

We looked at how the chemicals of the brain can change. Changes can be
short-term (chemical), medium term (structural) and long term (functional)
and the effects can be introduced in many ways to make these changes.

I specifically focused on Debbie Hampton’s research and knowledge on this
topic as it is exceptionally broad and offers a variety of techniques to
rewire one’s brain.

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-6)

## Our Habits

We looked at how our actions create reinforcing loops through our behavior.
In this post I wanted to focus on unhealthy loops and what habits we can
implement in order to improve our quality of life and help break these loops.

I also summarized some of the habits successful people incorporate in their

[Read more](/blog/rewire-your-brain-7)

I do hope this series has provided some value in your life as it has in mine.