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title: "My Nomadic Lifestyle"
cover: "https://picsum.photos/1600/800/?image=1047"
date:   2018-07-07 14:00:00 +0200
    - Comfort Zone
    - Productivity

My goal for the next two months is to maximize my learning time and try to keep my anxiety as low as possible by stripping out unnecessary concerns. I made some changes that ripped me outside of my comfort zone that initially made me anxious. This is what I did:

## Stay closer to work
I live in an area where it seems as though the traffic is generated by a large factory producing a massive amount of very slow vehicles.

I don't like to drive in traffic. If you do then tell me your secret. I estimated a 40 to 60 minute commute one way _because I add drama to my estimates although there could be some truth to it_. I'll have to see in the months to come.

I decided to trial a variable renting arrangement through an Airbnb solution only minutes away from the offices from Sundays to Thursdays. What a good idea that was! I could wake up much later, get ready and be at work on time - not easy for me to do - to soak up as much knowledge as I can.

I'd leave a little later in the evenings but not get home late. I was maximizing my day and getting to do some really cool stuff!

## Get someone else to drive
I get anxious driving in unfamiliar territory. Trying to find parking in a massive parking lot is unpleasant. There are many different parking entrances and I don't know which is which. I still need to explore it. Worrying about the possibility that I forget where I parked my car was another trigger.

I chose to Uber on day one. This was luxury. Yes. Luxury. I kind of got addicted so I Uber'ed every day that week.

## Snap back to reality
This nomadic lifestyle is ridiculously awesome but financially unsustainable for me.

It's winter. It's cold. I don't have to wake up early to miss the rush hour to get to work on time. I can't leave after rush hour because I will lose out on valuable ramp up time. For now, this solution is spot on!

After these two months are up, life goes back to normal. I'll be back at home and joining the daily commute. Until then, I'll enjoy my vacation-like nomadic lifestyle and enjoy less anxiety.