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Test Coverage
# Contribute

If you have a cool idea, feature or bug you want to add then fork, clone and create a pull request.

## Philosophy

* **Pragmatic:** Discuss this solution on GitHub so that we can get a clear objective of what you are trying to achieve.

* **Simplistic:** Take the simplest approach to meet your objective. Stay functional and extract complicated logic into simple functions.

* **Easy:** Make it easy read (for **humans** and machines) and make it easy to modify and extend.

* **Consistent:** Stick to existing conventions prominently visible in the file you are working on. (ie. no semi colons)

* **Confidence:** Test where you can.


## Testing locally

### From source

* Copy the entire project into the project plugins directory.

  `mkdir -p /path/to/project/plugins/gatsby-remark-interactive-gifs`
  `cp . /path/to/project/plugins/gatsby-remark-interactive-gifs`

### From build

* `yarn run build ` which will produce `gatsby-node.js` and `index.js` files.

* Move the generated files to the project you wish to test in.

  `mkdir -p /path/to/project/plugins/gatsby-remark-interactive-gifs`
  `mv gatsby-node.js index.js /path/to/project/plugins/gatsby-remark-interactive-gifs`
  `cp package.json /path/to/project/plugins/gatsby-remark-interactive-gifs`

* Remove the package from the `package.json`.


## Release

Steps to releasing a new package: *(notes for future me)*

* `npm run release` to bump the version in package.json, create a release commit and tag it with that version number.

* `git push -u origin master --tags` to push the latest changes with the newly created tag.

* `npm publish` latest version of the package to the world.