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# vainglory-api

A Ruby libary wrapper for the Vainglory API

- [Getting Started](https://github.com/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby#getting-started)
- [Installation](https://github.com/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby#installation)
- [Usage](https://github.com/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby#usage)
- [Contributing](https://github.com/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby#contributing)
- [License](https://github.com/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby#license)

See also: [YARD Documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby), [Official Vainglory API Documentation](https://developer.vainglorygame.com/docs)


## Getting Started

VaingloryAPI works with Ruby 2.0 onwards. Please refer to the [YARD Documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby) for a better understanding of how everything works.

## Installation

You can add it to your Gemfile with:

gem 'vainglory-api'

Then run `bundle install`

You can also install it manually with:

gem install vainglory-api

## Usage

You can create an instance of the API client by initializing with your API key and [specified region](https://developer.vainglorygame.com/docs#regions) (`na` is the default):

client = VaingloryAPI.new('YOUR_API_KEY', 'na')

### Region Errors

A valid region short name is required when instantiating a client. Providing an invalid region short name will raise `VaingloryAPI::RegionNameError`.

### Helper Attributes

All client methods return an `OpenStruct` object containing the response attributes with some additional helper attributes.

response = client.samples

response.code     # The HTTP response code
response.success? # Returns true if the response code is less than 300
response.raw      # The complete HTTP response

### Rate Limits

Each request will return data about your rate limits.

response.rate_limit     # Request limit per day / per minute
response.rate_remaining # The number of requests left for the time window
response.rate_reset     # The remaining window before the rate limit is refilled in UTC epoch nanoseconds.

More information: https://developer.vainglorygame.com/docs#rate-limits

### Filtering

Currently, filters are supported by these client methods:

- `VaingloryAPI::Client#matches`
- `VaingloryAPI::Client#samples`

You can pass filters in as a hash using the exact Query Parameter key names outlined in the [Vainglory API Documentation](https://developer.vainglorygame.com/docs).

# Example matches request with filter
client.matches('filter[playerNames]' => 'boombastic04,IHaveNoIdea')

### Methods

To get __multiple matches__:


To get __single match data__, you must provide the ID of a match:


You can search for data of __one or more players__ by passing their in-game names (IGNs):

client.players('boombastic04', 'IHaveNoIdea')

To get data about a __single player__, you must provide the ID of the player:


To get __Telemetry__ data, you must provide the data URL:


## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/cbortz/vainglory-api-ruby.

## License

[MIT License](LICENSE). Copyright 2017 Chet Bortz