

1 day
Test Coverage
package io.codepace.cozy;

import java.util.ArrayList;
 * TransactionUtility simplifies a few basic tasks dealing with transaction parsing and verification.
public class TransactionUtility
     * Tests whether a transaction is valid. Doesn't test account balances, but tests formatting and signature verification.
     * @param transaction Transaction String to test
     * @return boolean Whether the transaction is formatted and signed correctly
    public static boolean isTransactionValid(String transaction)
        System.out.println("Checking transaction: " + transaction);
        MerkleAddressUtility merkleAddressUtility = new MerkleAddressUtility();
            String[] transactionParts = transaction.split(";");
            if (transactionParts.length % 2 != 0 || transactionParts.length < 6)
                return false; //Each address should line up with an output, and no explicit transaction is possible with fewer than six parts (see above)
            for (int j = 0; j < transactionParts.length - 2; j+=2) //Last two parts are signatureData and signatureIndex,respectively
                if (!merkleAddressUtility.isAddressFormattedCorrectly(transactionParts[j]))
                    return false; //Address in transaction is misformatted
            long inputAmount = Long.parseLong(transactionParts[1]);
            long outputAmount = 0L;
            for (int j = 3; j < transactionParts.length - 2; j+=2) //Element 3 (4th element) and each subsequent odd-numbered index up to transactionParts should be an output amount.
                if (Long.parseLong(transactionParts[j]) <= 0)
                    return false;
                outputAmount += Long.parseLong(transactionParts[j]);
            if (inputAmount - outputAmount < 0)
                return false; //Coins can't be created out of thin air!
            String transactionData = "";
            for (int j = 0; j < transactionParts.length - 2; j++)
                transactionData += transactionParts[j] + ";";
            transactionData = transactionData.substring(0, transactionData.length() - 1);
            if (!merkleAddressUtility.verifyMerkleSignature(transactionData, transactionParts[transactionParts.length - 2], transactionParts[0], Long.parseLong(transactionParts[transactionParts.length - 1])))
                return false; //Siganture doesn't match
        } catch (Exception e) //Likely an error parsing a Long or performing some String manipulation task. Maybe array bounds exceptions.
            return false;
        return true;

     * Transactions on the Cozycoin network from the same address must occur in a certain order, dictated by the signature index.
     * As such, We want to order all transactions from the same address in order.
     * The order of transactions from different addresses does not matter--coins will not be received and spent in the same transaction.
     * @param transactionsToSort {@link ArrayList} containing String representations of all the addresses to sort
     * @return {@link ArrayList} All of the transactions sorted in order for block inclusion, with any self-invalidating transactions removed.
    public static ArrayList<String> sortTransactionsBySignatureIndex(ArrayList<String> transactionsToSort)
        for (int i = 0; i < transactionsToSort.size(); i++)
            if (!isTransactionValid(transactionsToSort.get(i)))
                i--; //Compensate for changing ArrayList size
        ArrayList<String> sortedTransactions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < transactionsToSort.size(); i++)
            if (sortedTransactions.size() == 0)
                String address = transactionsToSort.get(i).split(";")[0];
                long index = Long.parseLong(transactionsToSort.get(i).split(";")[transactionsToSort.get(i).split(";").length  - 1]);
                boolean added = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < sortedTransactions.size(); j++)
                    if (sortedTransactions.get(j).split(";")[0].equals(address))
                        String[] parts = sortedTransactions.get(j).split(";");
                        int indexToGrab = parts.length - 1;
                        String sigIndexToParse = sortedTransactions.get(j).split(";")[indexToGrab];
                        long existingSigIndex = Long.parseLong(sigIndexToParse);
                        if (index < existingSigIndex)
                            //Insertion should occur before the currently-studied element
                            sortedTransactions.add(j, transactionsToSort.get(i));
                            added = true;
                        else if (index == existingSigIndex)
                            //This should never happen--double-signed transaction. Discard the new one!
                            j = sortedTransactions.size();
                if (!added)
        return sortedTransactions;

     * Signs a Transaction built with the provided sending address and amount, and destination address(es) and amount(s).
     * @param privateKey The private key for inputAddress
     * @param inputAddress Address to send coins from
     * @param inputAmount Total amount to send
     * @param outputAddresses Addresses to send coins to
     * @param outputAmounts Amounts lined up with addresses to send
     * @param index The signature index to use
     * @return String The full transaction, formatted for use in the Cozycoin 2.0 network, including the signature and signature index. Returns null if transaction is incorrect for any reason.
    public static String signTransaction(String privateKey, String inputAddress, long inputAmount, ArrayList<String> outputAddresses, ArrayList<Long> outputAmounts, long index)
        if (inputAddress == null || outputAddresses == null || inputAmount <= 0) //Immediate red flags
            return null;
        if (outputAddresses.size() != outputAmounts.size()) //Output addresses and amounts go together, and so each ArrayList must be the same size
            return null;
        String fullTransaction = inputAddress + ";" + inputAmount; //The start of the Transaction
        for (int i = 0; i < outputAddresses.size(); i++) //Didn't bother doing address checks here, as they will be conducted in isTransactionValid()
            fullTransaction += ";" + outputAddresses.get(i) + ";" + outputAmounts.get(i);
        fullTransaction += ";" + new MerkleAddressUtility().getMerkleSignature(fullTransaction, privateKey, index, inputAddress) + ";" + index; //Now it's actually the 'full transaction'
        if (isTransactionValid(fullTransaction))
            return fullTransaction;
        return null;