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# ActiveJobStatus

Provides simple job status information for ActiveJob.

This gem uses ActiveJob callbacks to set simple ActiveSupport::Cache
values to track job status
and batches of jobs. To prevent it from taking over all of your memory, both jobs
and batch tracking information expires in 72 hours. Currently you can set
batches to expire at a different interval, but not jobs.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_job_status'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install active_job_status

## Configuration

You need to tell ActiveJobStatus about your memory store. By default, tell
ActiveJobStatus to use Rails' built in memory store:

    # config/initializers/active_job_status.rb =

If you are using Resque or Sidekiq, or have Redis in your stack already for
another reason, it's a good idea to tell ActiveJobStatus to use Redis for
storing job metadata. To do so, you'll first need to configure
ActiveSupport::Cache to use Redis for its store
(perhaps by using [this gem]( Then
use the following initializer to tell ActiveJob to use the proper store.
ActiveJob status will detect Redis and use some nice optimizations.

    # config/initializers/active_job_status.rb =
    # or if you are using =

## Usage

Have your jobs inherit from ActiveJobStatus::TrackableJob instead of ActiveJob::Base:

*Note! Previous versions of this gem did not namespace TrackableJob inside of
ActiveJob Status -- it was in the global namespace. If
upgrading from versions < 1.0, you may need to update your code.*

    class MyJob < ActiveJobStatus::TrackableJob

Or you can just include ActiveJobStatus::Hooks into your job if you are using
version 1.2 or greater. You might want to use this approach if you are using an
`ApplicationJob` and do not want all your jobs to be trackable.

    class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
      include ActiveJobStatus::Hooks


    class MyJob < ApplicationJob
      include ActiveJobStatus::Hooks

    class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base

### Job Status

Check the status of a job using the ActiveJob job_id. Status of a job will only
be available for 72 hours after the job is queued. For right now you can't
change that.

    my_job = MyJob.perform_later
    job_status = ActiveJobStatus.fetch(my_job.job_id)
    # => :queued, :working, :completed, nil

### Job Batches
For job batches you an use any key you want (for example, you might use a
primary key or UUID from your database). If another batch with the same key
exists, its jobs will be overwritten with the supplied list.

    my_key = "230923asdlkj230923"
    my_jobs = [my_first_job.job_id, my_second_job.job_id]
    my_batch = my_key, job_ids: my_jobs)

Batches expire after 72 hours (259200 seconds).
You can change that by passing the initializer an integer value (in seconds).

    my_key = "230923asdlkj230923"
    my_jobs = [my_first_job.job_id, my_second_job.job_id]
    my_batch = my_key,
                                             job_ids: my_jobs,
                                             expire_in: 500000)

You can easily add jobs to the batch:

    new_jobs = [some_new_job.job_id, another_new_job.job_id]
    my_batch.add_jobs(job_ids: new_jobs)

And you can ask the batch if all the jobs are completed or not:

    # => true, false

You can ask the batch for other bits of information:

    # => "230923asdlkj230923"
    # => ["b67af7a0-3ed2-4661-a2d5-ff6b6a254886", "6c0216b9-ea0c-4ee9-a3b2-501faa919a66"]

You can also search for batches:
    ActiveJobStatus::JobBatch.find(batch_id: my_key)

This method will return nil if no associated job ids can be found, otherwise it will
This method will return nil no associated job ids can be found, otherwise it will
return an ActiveJobStatus::JobBatch object.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/active_job_status/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request