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"""Provide dependency graph"""

from functools import total_ordering

from future.utils import viewitems

from miasm.expression.expression import ExprInt, ExprLoc, ExprAssign, \
    ExprWalk, canonize_to_exprloc
from miasm.core.graph import DiGraph
from miasm.expression.simplifications import expr_simp_explicit
from miasm.ir.symbexec import SymbolicExecutionEngine
from miasm.ir.ir import IRBlock, AssignBlock
from miasm.ir.translators import Translator
from miasm.expression.expression_helper import possible_values

    import z3

class DependencyNode(object):

    """Node elements of a DependencyGraph

    A dependency node stands for the dependency on the @element at line number
    @line_nb in the IRblock named @loc_key, *before* the evaluation of this

    __slots__ = ["_loc_key", "_element", "_line_nb", "_hash"]

    def __init__(self, loc_key, element, line_nb):
        """Create a dependency node with:
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        @element: Expr instance
        @line_nb: int
        self._loc_key = loc_key
        self._element = element
        self._line_nb = line_nb
        self._hash = hash(
            (self._loc_key, self._element, self._line_nb))

    def __hash__(self):
        """Returns a hash of @self to uniquely identify @self"""
        return self._hash

    def __eq__(self, depnode):
        """Returns True if @self and @depnode are equals."""
        if not isinstance(depnode, self.__class__):
            return False
        return (self.loc_key == depnode.loc_key and
                self.element == depnode.element and
                self.line_nb == depnode.line_nb)

    def __ne__(self, depnode):
        # required Python 2.7.14
        return not self == depnode

    def __lt__(self, node):
        """Compares @self with @node."""
        if not isinstance(node, self.__class__):
            return NotImplemented

        return ((self.loc_key, self.element, self.line_nb) <
                (node.loc_key, node.element, node.line_nb))

    def __str__(self):
        """Returns a string representation of DependencyNode"""
        return "<%s %s %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
                                  self.loc_key, self.element,

    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns a string representation of DependencyNode"""
        return self.__str__()

    def loc_key(self):
        "Name of the current IRBlock"
        return self._loc_key

    def element(self):
        "Current tracked Expr"
        return self._element

    def line_nb(self):
        "Line in the current IRBlock"
        return self._line_nb

class DependencyState(object):

    Store intermediate depnodes states during dependencygraph analysis

    def __init__(self, loc_key, pending, line_nb=None):
        self.loc_key = loc_key
        self.history = [loc_key]
        self.pending = {k: set(v) for k, v in viewitems(pending)}
        self.line_nb = line_nb
        self.links = set()

        # Init lazy elements
        self._graph = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<State: %r (%r) (%r)>" % (

    def extend(self, loc_key):
        """Return a copy of itself, with itself in history
        @loc_key: LocKey instance for the new DependencyState's loc_key
        new_state = self.__class__(loc_key, self.pending)
        new_state.links = set(self.links)
        new_state.history = self.history + [loc_key]
        return new_state

    def get_done_state(self):
        """Returns immutable object representing current state"""
        return (self.loc_key, frozenset(self.links))

    def as_graph(self):
        """Generates a Digraph of dependencies"""
        graph = DiGraph()
        for node_a, node_b in self.links:
            if not node_b:
                graph.add_edge(node_a, node_b)
        for parent, sons in viewitems(self.pending):
            for son in sons:
                graph.add_edge(parent, son)
        return graph

    def graph(self):
        """Returns a DiGraph instance representing the DependencyGraph"""
        if self._graph is None:
            self._graph = self.as_graph()
        return self._graph

    def remove_pendings(self, nodes):
        """Remove resolved @nodes"""
        for node in nodes:
            del self.pending[node]

    def add_pendings(self, future_pending):
        """Add @future_pending to the state"""
        for node, depnodes in viewitems(future_pending):
            if node not in self.pending:
                self.pending[node] = depnodes

    def link_element(self, element, line_nb):
        """Link element to its dependencies
        @element: the element to link
        @line_nb: the element's line

        depnode = DependencyNode(self.loc_key, element, line_nb)
        if not self.pending[element]:
            # Create start node
            self.links.add((depnode, None))
            # Link element to its known dependencies
            for node_son in self.pending[element]:
                self.links.add((depnode, node_son))

    def link_dependencies(self, element, line_nb, dependencies,
        """Link unfollowed dependencies and create remaining pending elements.
        @element: the element to link
        @line_nb: the element's line
        @dependencies: the element's dependencies
        @future_pending: the future dependencies

        depnode = DependencyNode(self.loc_key, element, line_nb)

        # Update pending, add link to unfollowed nodes
        for dependency in dependencies:
            if not dependency.follow:
                # Add non followed dependencies to the dependency graph
                parent = DependencyNode(
                    self.loc_key, dependency.element, line_nb)
                self.links.add((parent, depnode))
            # Create future pending between new dependency and the current
            # element
            future_pending.setdefault(dependency.element, set()).add(depnode)

class DependencyResult(DependencyState):

    """Container and methods for DependencyGraph results"""

    def __init__(self, ircfg, initial_state, state, inputs):

        super(DependencyResult, self).__init__(state.loc_key, state.pending)
        self.initial_state = initial_state
        self.history = state.history
        self.pending = state.pending
        self.line_nb = state.line_nb
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.links = state.links
        self._ircfg = ircfg

        # Init lazy elements
        self._has_loop = None

    def unresolved(self):
        """Set of nodes whose dependencies weren't found"""
        return set(element for element in self.pending
                   if element != self._ircfg.IRDst)

    def relevant_nodes(self):
        """Set of nodes directly and indirectly influencing inputs"""
        output = set()
        for node_a, node_b in self.links:
            if node_b is not None:
        return output

    def relevant_loc_keys(self):
        """List of loc_keys containing nodes influencing inputs.
        The history order is preserved."""
        # Get used loc_keys
        used_loc_keys = set(depnode.loc_key for depnode in self.relevant_nodes)

        # Keep history order
        output = []
        for loc_key in self.history:
            if loc_key in used_loc_keys:

        return output

    def has_loop(self):
        """True iff there is at least one data dependencies cycle (regarding
        the associated depgraph)"""
        if self._has_loop is None:
            self._has_loop = self.graph.has_loop()
        return self._has_loop

    def irblock_slice(self, irb, max_line=None):
        """Slice of the dependency nodes on the irblock @irb
        @irb: irbloc instance

        assignblks = []
        line2elements = {}
        for depnode in self.relevant_nodes:
            if depnode.loc_key != irb.loc_key:

        for line_nb, elements in sorted(viewitems(line2elements)):
            if max_line is not None and line_nb >= max_line:
            assignmnts = {}
            for element in elements:
                if element in irb[line_nb]:
                    # constants, loc_key, ... are not in destination
                    assignmnts[element] = irb[line_nb][element]

        return IRBlock(irb.loc_db, irb.loc_key, assignblks)

    def emul(self, lifter, ctx=None, step=False):
        """Symbolic execution of relevant nodes according to the history
        Return the values of inputs nodes' elements
        @lifter: Lifter instance
        @ctx: (optional) Initial context as dictionary
        @step: (optional) Verbose execution
        Warning: The emulation is not sound if the inputs nodes depend on loop
        # Init
        ctx_init = {}
        if ctx is not None:
        assignblks = []

        # Build a single assignment block according to history
        last_index = len(self.relevant_loc_keys)
        for index, loc_key in enumerate(reversed(self.relevant_loc_keys), 1):
            if index == last_index and loc_key == self.initial_state.loc_key:
                line_nb = self.initial_state.line_nb
                line_nb = None
            assignblks += self.irblock_slice(self._ircfg.blocks[loc_key],

        # Eval the block
        loc_db = lifter.loc_db
        temp_loc = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("Temp")
        symb_exec = SymbolicExecutionEngine(lifter, ctx_init)
        symb_exec.eval_updt_irblock(IRBlock(loc_db, temp_loc, assignblks), step=step)

        # Return only inputs values (others could be wrongs)
        return {element: symb_exec.symbols[element]
                for element in self.inputs}

class DependencyResultImplicit(DependencyResult):

    """Stand for a result of a DependencyGraph with implicit option

    Provide path constraints using the z3 solver"""
    # Z3 Solver instance
    _solver = None

    unsat_expr = ExprAssign(ExprInt(0, 1), ExprInt(1, 1))

    def _gen_path_constraints(self, translator, expr, expected):
        """Generate path constraint from @expr. Handle special case with
        generated loc_keys
        out = []
        expected = canonize_to_exprloc(self._ircfg.loc_db, expected)
        expected_is_loc_key = expected.is_loc()
        for consval in possible_values(expr):
            value = canonize_to_exprloc(self._ircfg.loc_db, consval.value)
            if expected_is_loc_key and value != expected:
            if not expected_is_loc_key and value.is_loc_key():

            conds = z3.And(*[translator.from_expr(cond.to_constraint())
                             for cond in consval.constraints])
            if expected != value:
                conds = z3.And(

        if out:
            conds = z3.Or(*out)
            # Ex: expr: lblgen1, expected: 0x1234
            # -> Avoid inconsistent solution lblgen1 = 0x1234
            conds = translator.from_expr(self.unsat_expr)
        return conds

    def emul(self, lifter, ctx=None, step=False):
        # Init
        ctx_init = {}
        if ctx is not None:
        solver = z3.Solver()
        symb_exec = SymbolicExecutionEngine(lifter, ctx_init)
        history = self.history[::-1]
        history_size = len(history)
        translator = Translator.to_language("z3")
        size = self._ircfg.IRDst.size

        for hist_nb, loc_key in enumerate(history, 1):
            if hist_nb == history_size and loc_key == self.initial_state.loc_key:
                line_nb = self.initial_state.line_nb
                line_nb = None
            irb = self.irblock_slice(self._ircfg.blocks[loc_key], line_nb)

            # Emul the block and get back destination
            dst = symb_exec.eval_updt_irblock(irb, step=step)

            # Add constraint
            if hist_nb < history_size:
                next_loc_key = history[hist_nb]
                expected = symb_exec.eval_expr(ExprLoc(next_loc_key, size))
                solver.add(self._gen_path_constraints(translator, dst, expected))
        # Save the solver
        self._solver = solver

        # Return only inputs values (others could be wrongs)
        return {
            element: symb_exec.eval_expr(element)
            for element in self.inputs

    def is_satisfiable(self):
        """Return True iff the solution path admits at least one solution
        PRE: 'emul'
        return self._solver.check() == z3.sat

    def constraints(self):
        """If satisfiable, return a valid solution as a Z3 Model instance"""
        if not self.is_satisfiable:
            raise ValueError("Unsatisfiable")
        return self._solver.model()

class FollowExpr(object):

    "Stand for an element (expression, depnode, ...) to follow or not"
    __slots__ = ["follow", "element"]

    def __init__(self, follow, element):
        self.follow = follow
        self.element = element

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.follow, self.element)

    def to_depnodes(follow_exprs, loc_key, line):
        """Build a set of FollowExpr(DependencyNode) from the @follow_exprs set
        of FollowExpr
        @follow_exprs: set of FollowExpr
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        @line: integer
        dependencies = set()
        for follow_expr in follow_exprs:
        return dependencies

    def extract_depnodes(follow_exprs, only_follow=False):
        """Extract depnodes from a set of FollowExpr(Depnodes)
        @only_follow: (optional) extract only elements to follow"""
        return set(follow_expr.element
                   for follow_expr in follow_exprs
                   if not(only_follow) or follow_expr.follow)

class FilterExprSources(ExprWalk):
    Walk Expression to find sources to track
    @follow_mem: (optional) Track memory syntactically
    @follow_call: (optional) Track through "call"
    def __init__(self, follow_mem, follow_call):
        super(FilterExprSources, self).__init__(lambda x:None)
        self.follow_mem = follow_mem
        self.follow_call = follow_call
        self.nofollow = set()
        self.follow = set()

    def visit(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
        if expr in self.cache:
            return None
        ret = self.visit_inner(expr, *args, **kwargs)
        return ret

    def visit_inner(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
        if expr.is_id():
        elif expr.is_int():
        elif expr.is_loc():
        elif expr.is_mem():
            if self.follow_mem:
                return None
        elif expr.is_function_call():
            if self.follow_call:
                return None

        ret = super(FilterExprSources, self).visit(expr, *args, **kwargs)
        return ret

class DependencyGraph(object):

    """Implementation of a dependency graph

    A dependency graph contains DependencyNode as nodes. The oriented edges
    stand for a dependency.
    The dependency graph is made of the lines of a group of IRblock
    *explicitly* or *implicitly* involved in the equation of given element.

    def __init__(self, ircfg,
                 implicit=False, apply_simp=True, follow_mem=True,
        """Create a DependencyGraph linked to @ircfg

        @ircfg: IRCFG instance
        @implicit: (optional) Track IRDst for each block in the resulting path

        Following arguments define filters used to generate dependencies
        @apply_simp: (optional) Apply expr_simp_explicit
        @follow_mem: (optional) Track memory syntactically
        @follow_call: (optional) Track through "call"
        # Init
        self._ircfg = ircfg
        self._implicit = implicit

        # Create callback filters. The order is relevant.
        self._cb_follow = []
        if apply_simp:
        self._cb_follow.append(lambda exprs: self.do_follow(exprs, follow_mem, follow_call))

    def do_follow(exprs, follow_mem, follow_call):
        visitor = FilterExprSources(follow_mem, follow_call)
        for expr in exprs:
        return visitor.follow, visitor.nofollow

    def _follow_simp_expr(exprs):
        """Simplify expression so avoid tracking useless elements,
        as: XOR EAX, EAX
        follow = set()
        for expr in exprs:
        return follow, set()

    def _follow_apply_cb(self, expr):
        """Apply callback functions to @expr
        @expr : FollowExpr instance"""
        follow = set([expr])
        nofollow = set()

        for callback in self._cb_follow:
            follow, nofollow_tmp = callback(follow)

        out = set(FollowExpr(True, expr) for expr in follow)
        out.update(set(FollowExpr(False, expr) for expr in nofollow))
        return out

    def _track_exprs(self, state, assignblk, line_nb):
        """Track pending expression in an assignblock"""
        future_pending = {}
        node_resolved = set()
        for dst, src in viewitems(assignblk):
            # Only track pending
            if dst not in state.pending:
            # Track IRDst in implicit mode only
            if dst == self._ircfg.IRDst and not self._implicit:
            assert dst not in node_resolved
            dependencies = self._follow_apply_cb(src)

            state.link_element(dst, line_nb)
            state.link_dependencies(dst, line_nb,
                                    dependencies, future_pending)

        # Update pending nodes

    def _compute_intrablock(self, state):
        """Follow dependencies tracked in @state in the current irbloc
        @state: instance of DependencyState"""

        irb = self._ircfg.blocks[state.loc_key]
        line_nb = len(irb) if state.line_nb is None else state.line_nb

        for cur_line_nb, assignblk in reversed(list(enumerate(irb[:line_nb]))):
            self._track_exprs(state, assignblk, cur_line_nb)

    def get(self, loc_key, elements, line_nb, heads):
        """Compute the dependencies of @elements at line number @line_nb in
        the block named @loc_key in the current IRCFG, before the execution of
        this line. Dependency check stop if one of @heads is reached
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        @element: set of Expr instances
        @line_nb: int
        @heads: set of LocKey instances
        Return an iterator on DiGraph(DependencyNode)
        # Init the algorithm
        inputs = {element: set() for element in elements}
        initial_state = DependencyState(loc_key, inputs, line_nb)
        todo = set([initial_state])
        done = set()
        dpResultcls = DependencyResultImplicit if self._implicit else DependencyResult

        while todo:
            state = todo.pop()
            done_state = state.get_done_state()
            if done_state in done:
            if (not state.pending or
                    state.loc_key in heads or
                    not self._ircfg.predecessors(state.loc_key)):
                yield dpResultcls(self._ircfg, initial_state, state, elements)
                if not state.pending:

            if self._implicit:
                # Force IRDst to be tracked, except in the input block
                state.pending[self._ircfg.IRDst] = set()

            # Propagate state to parents
            for pred in self._ircfg.predecessors_iter(state.loc_key):

    def get_from_depnodes(self, depnodes, heads):
        """Alias for the get() method. Use the attributes of @depnodes as
        PRE: Loc_Keys and lines of depnodes have to be equals
        @depnodes: set of DependencyNode instances
        @heads: set of LocKey instances
        lead = list(depnodes)[0]
        elements = set(depnode.element for depnode in depnodes)
        return self.get(lead.loc_key, elements, lead.line_nb, heads)

    def address_to_location(self, address):
        """Helper to retrieve the .get() arguments, ie.
        assembly address -> irblock's location key and line number
        current_loc_key = next(iter(self._ircfg.getby_offset(address)))
        assignblk_index = 0
        current_block = self._ircfg.get_block(current_loc_key)
        for assignblk_index, assignblk in enumerate(current_block):
            if assignblk.instr.offset == address:
            return None

        return {
            "loc_key": current_block.loc_key,
            "line_nb": assignblk_index,