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package main

import (

var version string

const helpText = "Usage: depcharge [--labels=<comma-separated,inherited>] [OPTIONS...] -- [COMMAND/ARGS...]" +
    "\n\n" +
    "Features:" +
    "\n" +
    "* Supports arbitrary params, whatever 'params: key: value' pairs you want \n" +
    "* Built-in mustache templating, allows you to parametrize your commands \n" +
    "* Supports YAML anchors \n" +
    "\n" +
    "Description:" +
    "\n" +
    "depcharge will read the dep.yml file in the current working directory, and \n" +
    "perform all commands relative to that location." +
    "\n\n" +
    "Example dep.yml:" +
    "\n" +
    "deps: \n" +
    "    - name: frontend \n" +
    "      kind: git \n" +
    "      location: ./app/frontend \n" +
    "      labels: \n" +
    "        - public \n" +
    "      params: \n" +
    "        repo: \n" +
    "      deps: \n" +
    "        - name: vue.js \n" +
    "          kind: npm \n" +
    "    - name: backend \n" +
    "      kind: git \n" +
    "      location: ./app/backend \n" +
    "      labels: \n" +
    "        - api \n" +
    "      params: \n" +
    "        repo: \n" +
    "      deps: \n" +
    "        - name: lumen \n" +
    "          kind: composer \n" +
    "\n" +
    "Example commands:" +
    "\n" +
    "Will run `git clone <location>` across all git dependencies: \n" +
    "    depcharge --kind=git -- clone {{location}}" +
    " (same as:)    depcharge -- git clone {{location}}" +
    "\n\n" +
    "Will run `git status` across all git dependencies: \n" +
    "    depcharge -- git status" +
    "\n\n" +
    "Will run `npm install` across any npm dependencies that have the label 'public': \n" +
    "    depcharge --labels=public -- npm install" +
    "\n\n" +
    "Will run `composer install` across any composer dependencies that have either the label 'api', or 'soap': \n" +
    "    depcharge --inclusive --labels=api,soap -- composer install"

func processArgs() perform {

    var perform perform

    // Define, grab, and parse our args.
    dryRun := false
    flaggy.Bool(&dryRun, "d", "dryrun", "Will print out the command to be run, does not make changes to your system.")

    exclusive := false
    flaggy.Bool(&exclusive, "e", "exclusive", "Applies labels in an exclusive way (default).")

    force := false
    flaggy.Bool(&force, "f", "force", "Will force-run a command without confirmations, could be dangerous.")

    inclusive := false
    flaggy.Bool(&inclusive, "i", "inclusive", "Applies labels in an inclusive way.")

    kind := ""
    flaggy.String(&kind, "k", "kind", "Targets specific kinds of dependencies (i.e. git, npm, composer)")

    labels := ""
    flaggy.String(&labels, "l", "labels", "Filters to specific labels.")

    serial := false
    flaggy.Bool(&serial, "s", "serial", "Prevents parallel execution, runs commands one at a time.")

    instead := ""
    flaggy.String(&instead, "x", "instead", "Instead of 'kind', perform a different command.")

    flaggy.SetDescription(" a tool designed to help orchestrate the execution of commands across many directories at once.")

    flaggy.DefaultParser.AdditionalHelpPrepend = "\n" +
        "Use -- to separate depcharge commands from intended execution commands."

    flaggy.DefaultParser.AdditionalHelpAppend = helpText

    action := flaggy.TrailingArguments

    if exclusive && inclusive {
        fmt.Println("--exclusive and --inclusive cannot be specified at the same time.")

    exclusive = !inclusive

    if kind == "" && len(action) == 0 {
        flaggy.ShowHelpAndExit("\n ERROR: You must provide at least a '--kind' or one ARG.")

    if len(action) >= 1 && kind == action[0] {
        // If kind is the same as action, just use it once
        perform.Kind = kind
        perform.Action = action[1:]
    } else if kind == "" && len(action) >= 1 {
        // If kind isn't set, look at the first arg, and use that instead

        // First, grab the action (ie up, or build)
        perform.Kind = action[0]
        //Trim off the first action, so that it doesn't get loop-added by the deps
        perform.Action = action[1:]
    } else {
        perform.Kind = kind
        perform.Action = action

    perform.Instead = instead
    perform.Labels = labels
    perform.Exclusive = exclusive
    perform.Serial = serial
    perform.DryRun = dryRun
    perform.Force = force

    return perform

func load() depList {
    // Read in our YAML file.
    yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("dep.yml")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)

    // Unmarshal the YAML into a struct.
    var depList depList
    err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &depList)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)

    return depList