# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'jwt'
require 'cent/error'
module Cent
# Cent::Notary
# Handle token generation
class Notary
# @param secret [String | OpenSSL::PKey::RSA | OpenSSL::PKey::EC] Secret key for the algorithm of your choice.
# @param algorithm [String] Specify algorithm(one from HMAC, RSA or ECDSA family). Default is HS256.
# @example Construct new client instance
# notary = 'secret')
def initialize(secret:, algorithm: 'HS256')
raise Error, 'Secret can not be nil' if secret.nil?
@secret = secret
@algorithm = algorithm
# Generate connection JWT for the given user
# @param sub [String]
# Standard JWT claim which must contain an ID of current application user.
# @option channel [String]
# Channel that client tries to subscribe to (string).
# @param exp [Integer]
# (default: nil) UNIX timestamp seconds when token will expire.
# @param info [Hash]
# (default: {}) This claim is optional - this is additional information about
# client connection that can be provided for Centrifugo.
# @example Get user JWT with expiration and extra info
# notary.issue_connection_token(sub: '1', exp: 3600, info: { 'role' => 'admin' })
# #=> "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIi..."
# @see (
# @return [String]
def issue_connection_token(sub:, info: nil, exp: nil)
payload = {
'sub' => sub,
'info' => info,
'exp' => exp
JWT.encode(payload, secret, algorithm)
# Generate JWT for private channels
# @param client [String]
# Client ID which wants to subscribe on channel
# @option channel [String]
# Channel that client tries to subscribe to (string).
# @param exp [Integer]
# (default: nil) UNIX timestamp seconds when token will expire.
# @param info [Hash]
# (default: {}) This claim is optional - this is additional information about
# client connection that can be provided for Centrifugo.
# @example Get private channel JWT with expiration and extra info
# notary.issue_channel_token(client: 'client', channel: 'channel', exp: 3600, info: { 'message' => 'wat' })
# #=> eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGllbnQiOiJjbG..."
# @see (
# @return [String]
def issue_channel_token(client:, channel:, info: nil, exp: nil)
payload = {
'client' => client,
'channel' => channel,
'info' => info,
'exp' => exp
JWT.encode(payload, secret, algorithm)
attr_reader :secret, :algorithm