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## This issue is a (choose one):

- [ ] Problem/bug report.
- [ ] Feature request.
- [ ] Request for support. **Note: Please try to avoid submitting issues for support requests. Use [Gitter](https://gitter.im/cerebris/jsonapi-resources) instead.** 

## Checklist before submitting:

- [ ] I've searched for an existing issue.
- [ ] I've asked my question on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/cerebris/jsonapi-resources) and have not received a satisfactory answer.
- [ ] I've included a complete [bug report template](https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources/blob/master/lib/bug_report_templates/rails_5_master.rb). This step helps us and allows us to see the bug without trying to reproduce the problem from your description. It helps you because you will frequently detect if it's a problem specific to your project.
- [ ] The feature I'm asking for is compliant with the [JSON:API](http://jsonapi.org/) spec.

## Description

Choose one section below and delete the other:

### Bug reports:

Please review [Did you find a bug?](https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources/blob/master/README.md#did-you-find-a-bug) and replace this content with a brief summary of your issue. If you can't submit a [bug report template](https://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources/blob/master/lib/bug_report_templates/rails_5_master.rb) please be as thorough as possible when describing your your description. It's helpful to indicate which version of ruby and the JR gem you are using.

### Features:

Please replace this line with a clear writeup of your feature request. Features that break compliance with the [JSON:API](http://jsonapi.org/) spec will probably be closed.