# frozen_string_literal: true
module JSONAPI
# Cache which memoizes the given block.
# It's "naive" because it clears the least-recently-inserted cache entry
# rather than the least-recently-used. This makes lookups faster but cache
# misses more frequent after cleanups. Therefore you the best time to use
# this cache is when you expect only a small number of unique lookup keys, so
# that the cache never has to clear.
# Also, it's not thread safe (although jsonapi-resources is careful to only
# use it in a thread safe way).
class NaiveCache
def initialize(cap = 10000, &calculator)
@cap = cap
@data = {}
@calculator = calculator
def get(key)
found = true
value = @data.fetch(key) { found = false }
return value if found
value =
@data[key] = value
@data.shift if @data.length > @cap
return value