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Data Bags
Here we'll describe the various types of hashes that come out of [data bag items]( used with `cerner_splunk` cookbook, and their formats. Data bag items can be of any type: unencrypted, encrypted via shared secret, or encrypted via chef-vault.

It is recommended that all of these items live in an `cerner_splunk` data bag, but they are configurable through [attributes]( and keys on other Hashes.

Hashes and other values stored in data bag items are referenced by strings that take the form "data_bag/data_bag_item:key" which would reference the key, inside a particular data_bag_item inside a particular data bag. Similarily, An entire data bag item could be referenced by a string matching "data_bag/data_bag_item"

Contextual Hashes
If a hash is marked as being contextual, after resolving the overall hash by the coordinate given, we then attempt to resolve a hash out of that hash, by looking for keys matching (in order) the splunk node name e.g. `node[:splunk][:config][:host]`, the Chef node name, the node fully qualified domain name, the splunk node type, and the empty string. Each of these context keys can be missing (in which case resolution will attempt the next one in the list, or return nil if no more contexts exist to try), or can terminate with a hash, a String aliasing that particular context to another context, or null (meaning explicitly unconfigured). The code behind this is in the recipe.rb library in CernerSplunk.keys (to get the context resolution order) and in the databags.rb library, CernerSplunk::DataBag.load with the pick_context option to perform the resolution.

Cluster Hash
The Cluster Hash is part of a plaintext data bag item that defines a logical group of Splunk Servers (Often a single master and multiple slave VMs). It is created and owned by the splunk cluster administrator, and is referenced by others who want to point forwarders or search heads to the cluster.

* `['license_uri']` - SplunkAPI URI of the License Server (Required for getting onto the Enterprise license, if unset, use trial license)
* `['master_uri']` - SplunkAPI URI of the cluster master (Required for servers connecting to managed clusters)
* `['deployer_uri']` - SplunkAPI URI of the Deployer in the Search Head Cluster
* `['shc_members']` - Array of Splunk API URIs of the search head members that are in the SH (Search Head) cluster. For adding members to an existing cluster make sure that the first SH member in the array is an existing member in the cluster.
* `['settings']` -  Hash of Cluster settings (Required for servers connecting to managed clusters),
* `['settings'][???]` - Valid values are those under the clustering stanza of [server.conf][]
* `['settings'][???]['_cerner_splunk_indexer_count']` - The number of indexers to use for calculating maxTotalDataSizeMB for each index in combination with _maxDailyDataSizeMB in the index configuration.
* `['shc_settings']` - Hash of SH Cluster settings
* `['shc_settings']['???']` - Valid values are those under the shclustering stanza of [server.conf][]
* `['replication_ports']` - Configuration for cluster slave replication ports (required for cluster slaves and Search Head Cluster members/captain)
* `['replication_ports']['###']` - Port number to listen on
* `['replication_ports']['###']['_cerner_splunk_ssl']` - boolean if the port is ssl enabled (false)
* `['replication_ports']['###']['???']` - Other replication-port stanza properties from [server.conf][]
* `['shc_replication_ports']` - identical as `['replication_ports']` but take precedence for Search Head Cluster members/captain when replication port settings need to differ between SHC members and indexer cluster slaves in the same cluster.
* `['receivers']` - Array of strings of hosts where this cluster's indexers are listening. (Required for forwarders)
* `['receiver_settings']['splunktcp']['port']` - Port indexers are listening on, and forwarders are sending data (required for forwarders and receivers)
* `['tcpout_settings']` - Hash of tcpout settings to be configured in the outputs.conf under the `tcpout` stanza.
* `['tcpout_settings'][???]` - Valid values are those under the tcpout stanza of [outputs.conf][]
* `['indexer_discovery']` - Boolean to toggle indexer_discovery. Set this to `true` to leverage indexer discovery. Note that `['receivers']` configured when `['indexer_discovery']` is set to `true` will be ignored.
* `['indexer_discovery_settings']['pass4SymmKey']` - pass4Symmkey value to be set under the `index_discovery` stanza in [server.conf][] and [outputs.conf][]
* `['indexer_discovery_settings']['master_configs']` - Hash of indexer discovery settings to be configured on the cluster master under the `indexer_discovery` stanza.
* `['indexer_discovery_settings']['master_configs'][???]` - Valid values are those under the indexer_discovery stanza of [server.conf][]
* `['indexer_discovery_settings']['outputs_configs']` - Hash of indexer discovery settings to be configured in the outputs.conf under the `indexer_discovery` stanza.
* `['indexer_discovery_settings']['outputs_configs'][???]` - Valid values are those under the indexer_discovery stanza of [outputs.conf][]
* `['indexes']` - A String pointing to an indexes data bag hash. (Coordinate form as described above)
* `['apps']` - A String pointing to an apps data bag hash. (Coordinate form as described above)

Site Hash
The Site Hash is part of a plaintext data bag item that defines a group of Splunk Servers (Often a single master and multiple slave VMs) in a single site in a multisite cluster. It is created and owned by the splunk cluster administrator, and is referenced by others who want to point forwarders or search heads to the cluster. This hash supports all attributes supported by the `Cluster` hash and requires the following attributes.

* `['site']` - Set a site id for the site in the multisite cluster. Valid values follow the format site<n> where 0<n<64 (Required for all servers except forwarders)
* `['multisite']` - A string pointing to the `Multisite` data bag hash. (Required)
* `['disable_search_affinity']` - Boolean to toggle search affinity on the search heads in the site. Set this to true to disable search affinity.

Multisite Hash
The Multisite Hash is part of a plaintext data bag item and defines the multisite cluster. It is created and owned by the splunk cluster administrator, and is referenced in the `Site` hash.

* `['sites']` - Array of strings pointing to all the `site` data bag hashes that are part of this multisite cluster.
* `['multisite_settings']` -  Hash of multisite cluster settings
* `['multisite_settings'][???]` - Valid values are those under the clustering stanza of [server.conf][] in a multisite cluster setup.

License Hash
The License Hash is part of an encrypted data bag item (either with [Chef Vault]( or a [shared secret encryption]( to hold the license data.

* `[A Decriptive File-Name]` - Corresponding License (XML) contents. (There can be many of these) Remember to change newlines to `\n` to conform to proper JSON format.

License Pool Hash
This hash is part of a plaintext data bag item that defines multiple license pools. Indexers can be assigned to a specific pool and license quota can be set for each pool by configuring this databag. Quota can be specified in units of B, KB(or KiB), MB(MiB), GB(GiB) or TB(TiB)(e.g. '400MB' or '400GiB'). If the unit is not specified then the quota is assumed to be in bytes.

* `['auto_generated_pool_size']` - This is the pool size for the auto generated pool. Indexers that connect to the license server, when not assigned to a specific pool will land in this pool.
* `['pools'][pool_name]['size']` -  Size of the pool
* `['pools'][pool_name]['GUIDs']` - List of Indexer GUIDs that needs to be assigned to this pool.

Indexes Hash
An Indexes Hash is part of a plaintext data bag item that defines the set of indexes defined in a cluster. It is separate from the Cluster data bag primarily for size concerns.

* `['config']` - These define the [indexes.conf] stanzas (in fairly raw form). However there are a few special keys:
    * `_volume` - The base volume for the coldPath, homePath and tstatsHomePath. Defaults to nil, so the index will be located in $SPLUNK_DB.
    * `_directory_name` - The on-disk name of the directory to store the index. Defaults to the index name.
    * `_maxDailyDataSizeMB` - The amount of daily usage this index is expected to consume. Used to calculate the maxTotalDataSizeMB or maxGlobalDataSizeMB
    if maxTotalDataSizeMB or maxGlobalDataSizeMB has not already been specified for the index.
    * `_dataSizePaddingPercent` - The percentage of padding to apply to the amount of space this index is expected to consume.  Used to calculate the maxTotalDataSizeMB if maxTotalDataSizeMB has not already been specified for the index. Defaults to 10 if no value is specified.
    * `_noGenerateTstatsHomePath` - Do not generate tstatsHomePath for this index when set to true. Used to disable datamodel acceleration in case of the smartstore enabled indexes.This is deprecated, instead of this please set the remotePath in smartstore enabled clusters.
* `['flags']` - These define boolean processing flags per index. All flags are default 'false' but can be set to true. Current flags include:
    * `noGeneratePaths` - Do not generate the homePath,coldPath,thawedPath to this index when not present in the config above
    * `noRepFactor` - Do not add 'repFactor = auto' to this index when not present in the config on a cluster master.
* `['metadata']` - These define ownership / other reference metadata around indexes and their owners (ALPHA!!! CAN CHANGE!!!)

Roles Hash
A Roles Hash is a contextual (see above) Hash, part of a plaintext data bag item that defines roles for every node in a cluster, and is pointed to by the `node[:splunk][:config][:roles]` attribute (usually set in your environment). A special key of 'shcluster' is used for managing the roles on the search heads in a search head cluster.

* `[context]` - Final Hash, String Alias, or force unconfigured (null)
* `[context]['default']` - defines the base settings for all roles
* `[context][role_name]` - defines the settings for a particular role
* `[context][role_name]['app']` - Default app for the role ('default_namespace' in [user-prefs.conf][])
* `[context][role_name]['tz']` - Default timezone for the role ('tz' in [user-prefs.conf][])
* `[context][role_name]['showWhatsNew']` - 0 to supress the "what's new in Splunk 6 popup" ('showWhatsNew in [user-prefs.conf][])
* `[context][role_name]['capabilities']` - An array of capability names to enable for this role or when prefixed with an '!' to explicitly disable (which is only useful when applied to those roles that ship with Splunk/other apps in default configurations) in [authorize.conf][].
* `[context][role_name][something_else]` - A string, or array for something else defined in [authorize.conf][]. Arrays are automatically turned into semi-colon delimited lists.

Authentication Hash
An Authentication Hash is a contextual (see above) Hash, part of a plaintext data bag item that is used to configure how users authenticate to the system per [authentication.conf][].
A special key of 'shcluster' is used for managing the authentication on the search heads in a search head cluster.

* `['authType']` - Matches the key of the same name in the authentication stanza. One of Splunk, LDAP, Scripted, but we'll attempt to guess it based on the other configured keys
* `['passwordHashAlgorithm']` - Only valid for 'Splunk' authType. See key of the same name in the authentication stanza
* `['scriptPath']` - Only valid for the 'Scripted' authType, see key in the authSettings
* `['scriptSearchFilters']` - Only valid for the 'Scripted' authType, see key of the same name in authentication settings.
* `['cacheTiming']` - Only valid for the 'Scripted' authType, Hash configuring stanza of the same name.
* `['LDAP_strategies']` - An LDAP Hash, A string pointing to an LDAP Hash, or an Array of Strings and Hashes.
* `['LDAP_strategies']['bag']` - If an LDAP_Strategies item is a hash, this points to the LDAP Hash of defaults, that can have portions overriden by the rest of the local hash.

An LDAP Hash is part of a plaintext data bag item that configures connection information to LDAP. It can be referenced from or defined as part of 'LDAP_strategies'

* `['strategy_name']` - What to call the strategy. By default this is derived from a combination of the host/port.
* `['roleMap']` - Hash mapping Splunk roles to 1 to many LDAP roles
* `['roleMap'][splunk_role]` - String or Array of Strings of LDAP roles to map the given splunk role to
* `['bindDNpassword']` - Coordinate String (see above), pointing to a String within a Chef Vault encrypted data bag item.
* `[other]` - Other keys under an LDAP &lt;authSettings-key&gt; stanza as documented in [authentication.conf][].

Alerts Hash
An Alerts hash is a contextual (see above) Hash, part of a plaintext data bag item that configures [alert-actions.conf][]. A special key of 'shcluster' is used for managing the alerts on the search heads in a search head cluster.

* `['bag']` - A string that points to an externalized Alerts Hash in which all keys (except this one) are valid
* `['email']['auth_password']` - Coordinate String (see above), pointing to a String within a Chef Vault encrypted data bag item.
* `[stanza][key]` - Any other stanza/key combination from [alert-actions.conf][]

Apps Hash
An apps hash is a contextual (see above) Hash, part of a plaintext data bag item or specified directly as attributes that configures apps. A special key of 'master-apps' is looked for managing apps that should be installed and pushed by the cluster master, instead of locally. On a deployer in a Search Head Cluster, the key 'deployer-apps' is used for managing the apps that should be installed on the deployer and then pushed to the search heads.

* `['bag']` - A string that points to an externalized Apps Hash in which all keys (except this one) are valid.
* `[app]` - The name of an app to manage (disk name)
* `[app]['remove']` - If true, remove this app instead of creating / managing  (default - false)
* `[app]['local']` - If true, manage `[app]['files']` defined files and `[app]['permissions']` defined metadata in the "local" directory and "local.meta" instead of the "default" directory and "default.meta" (default - false, but forced true if download-url is specified)
* `[app]['download']` - Information for downloading an app
* `[app]['download']['url']` - URL of where to download the app .tar.gz or .spl file. Archive is expected to contain a top-level directory with name matching 'app' attribute above.
* `[app]['download']['version']` - Expected [version number][app.conf] (if any) used to determine if a new app should be downloaded.
* `[app]['download']['authorization']` - A contextual Hash of coordinate strings pointing to a key within a data bag item containing the Authorization header value for downloading the splunk app.
* `[app]['files']` - Hash of files to manage under the "default" or "local" directory.
* `[app]['files'][filename]` - Contents of a particular file to manage. It can take 3 values, a hash of stanzas -> key-value pairs (then written with the splunk template), a string (written as is), or nil / false (deleted). If the hash or string is empty, the file is also deleted.
* `[app]['files'][filename][stanza][attribute]` - A particular attribute in a configuration file. Can be either a discrete value or a hash (parts described below)
* `[app]['files'][filename][stanza][attribute]['value']` - Hash that is translated to a proc to determine how to load a value for this attribute at runtime. Required when determining a value through a proc. Certain keys may be required or optional here (or may come from the general context by default), these map directly to the keyword arguments of the method for generating the proc.
* `[app]['files'][filename][stanza][attribute]['value']['proc']` - Method name from the CernerSplunk::ConfTemplate::Value module to invoke to create the proc.
* `[app]['files'][filename][stanza][attribute]['transform']` - Hash that is translated to a proc to manipulate the loaded value for this attribute prior to writing to the conf file. Optional when determining a value through a proc. Other keys may be required or optional here (or may come from the general context by default), these map directly to the keyword arguments of the method for generating the proc
* `[app]['files'][filename][stanza][attribute]['transform']['proc']` - Method name from the CernerSplunk::ConfTemplate::Transform module to invoke to create the proc.
* `[app]['lookups']` - Hash of lookup files for the app. The key in the hash will be the name of file when it lands in the Splunk app and the value will be the url to lookup file. If authentication is required, the value may also be a hash with the keys 'url' and 'authorization'. The value for 'authorization' must be a Contextual Hash of coordinate strings pointing to a key within a data bag item containing the Authorization header value.  To delete an existing lookup file, set the value of the lookup file to `false` or `null` or to an empty string. The only supported file name extensions are .csv, .csv.gz and .kmz. Please see [splunk docs]( for more information about the supported file formats. `[app]['files']` hash can be used to specify any .conf setting that is required for the lookup.
* `[app]['permissions']` - Hash of permissions to manage for the app.
* `[app]['permissions'][object]` - Permissions to manage for a particular knowledge object or class of knowledge objects
* `[app]['permissions'][object]['access']['read']` - array of roles or String '*' allowed to read the object
* `[app]['permissions'][object]['access']['write']` - array of roles or String '*' allowed to write the object
* `[app]['permissions'][object][???]` - Any other stanza from [default.meta][]

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