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# laravel-u2f
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Integrate FIDO U2F into Laravel 5.x applications. You'll need to be accessing your application from an [App ID compliant](https://developers.yubico.com/U2F/App_ID.html) domain; `localhost` support is finicky.

## Install
``` bash
composer require certly/laravel-u2f

In `config/app.php`, add the provider `Certly\U2f\LaravelU2fServiceProvider::class` to the providers array and `'U2f' => Certly\U2f\U2fServiceFacade::class` to the aliases array.

### Publishing
This will copy the needed resources (views, CSS, and JavaScript) to your project so you can modify them.

``` bash
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Certly\U2f\U2fServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate

You can add the following to your `mix.scripts` call if you're using Elixir to automatically include the needed JavaScript in your central JavaScript file.

``` javascript
elixir(function(mix) {
        // ...

The included views assume there is an `app` view. If this isn't the case, you'll need to manually modify the views in the `u2f` folder (under `resources/views`).

### Middleware

In the `app/Http/Kernel.php` file, add the following to `$routeMiddleware`. This middleware is called internally by the package, so it is important that it is present.

``` php
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // ...
    'u2f' => Certly\U2f\Http\Middleware\U2f::class,

## Usage

### Middleware
``` php
    Route::get('admin/profile', ['middleware' => ['auth', 'u2f'], function () {
### Configuration
`config/u2f.php` is commented and will be created when you publish the provider via the above command.

## Security
Security issues can be reported via [HackerOne](https://hackerone.com/certly) or via email at [ian@certly.io](mailto:ian@certly.io).

## Credits
- [Arnaud LAHAXE](https://github.com/lahaxearnaud)
- [Ian Carroll](https://github.com/iangcarroll)

## License