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<img src="/static/images/algorithms_books.jpeg" style="width:50%;">

I decided to turn my attention towards general study of algorithms and data
structures. After doing some initial research I found "Algorithms in a
Nutshell." I started reading with my [time tracking and quantification
approach][1], but half way through the book I became dissatisfied with the
book's writing style and organization. The "in a nutshell" approach just wasn't
doing a great job of explaining algorithmic concepts. It feels more like a
reference manual rather than an educational text.

I felt like there most likely was a better alternative book on the
subject that I could read to more efficiently learn. I did more research and
purchased "The Algorithm Design Manual" by Steven S. Skiena. I've just started
reading that and already I'm confident it's a more approachable text. My plan
is to finish TADM and compare it to AINN. It will be interesting to see if TADM
is or isn't a complete superset of the information covered in AIAN.

This is a short "review" and most likely I'll expand on it when I write a
review of The Algorithm Design Manual.

[1]: /posts/2020-03-27-quantifying-and-time-tracking-reading