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Test Coverage
\chapter{Code samples}

\caption{Generalised approach to performing template matching as implemented within the experiments for this investigation.}

\Procedure{Template\_Matching}{\textit{template\_image}, \textit{search\_image}}

\State let \textit{high\_score} = $-1$
\State let \textit{high\_score\_position} = $(-1, -1)$ \Comment{Initialise high score and position.}
\State let \textit{template\_image\_height} = len(\textit{template\_image})
\State let \textit{template\_image\_width} = len(\textit{template\_image}[0])\\\\

\Comment{Convolve the template image through the image we are searching.}
\For{$i \coloneqq 0$ \textbf{to} (len(\textit{search\_image}) - 1) - \textit{template\_image\_height} \textbf{step} $1$}
\For{$j \coloneqq 0$ \textbf{to} (len(\textit{search\_image[0]}) - 1) - \textit{template\_image\_width} \textbf{step} $1$} \\

\State let current\_window = search\_image[$i$][$j$]
\State let current\_match\_score = CHECK\_SIMILARITY(\textit{template\_image}, \textit{current\_window}) \\

\If{(\textit{high\_score} == $-1$) \textbf{or} (\textit{current\_match\_score} \textbf{is} better than \textit{high\_score})}

\State \textit{high\_score} = \textit{current\_match\_score}
\State \textit{high\_score\_position} = $(i, j)$

\EndIf \\

\EndFor \\

\\ \Return \textit{high\_score\_position} \\


\caption{Non-Exhaustive Search of Localised Search Window}

\Procedure{Localised\_Search\_NonExhaustive}{\textit{template\_patch}, \textit{search\_column}}

\State let \textit{high\_score} = $-1$
\State let \textit{vertical\_displacement} = $0$
\State let \textit{template\_patch\_height} = len(\textit{template\_patch})\\

 \LineComment{Localised search window originates relative to the top of the extracted template patch within the image.}\\
\For{$i \coloneqq 0$ \textbf{to} (len(\textit{search\_column}) - 1) - \textit{template\_patch\_height} \textbf{step} $1$} \\

\State let current\_match\_score = CHECK\_SIMILARITY(\textit{template\_patch}, \textit{search\_column}) \\

\If{(\textit{high\_score} == $-1$) \textbf{or} (\textit{current\_match\_score} \textbf{is} better than \textit{high\_score})} \\

\LineComment{If no high score has been set (i.e. the search has just begun) or the new score is deemed ``better" than the previous high score, then we have found the new best match.} \\
\State \textit{high\_score} = \textit{current\_match\_score}
\State \textit{vertical\_displacement} = $i$


\LineComment{Otherwise, if the new score is \textit{worse}, then stop the search at this point.}

\State \Return \textit{vertical\_displacement}



\\ \Return \textit{vertical\_displacement} \\


%\section{Random Number Generator}
%The Bayes Durham Shuffle ensures that the psuedo random numbers used in the simulation are further shuffled, ensuring minimal correlation between subsequent random outputs \cite{NumericalRecipes}.
% #define IM1 2147483563
% #define IM2 2147483399
% #define AM (1.0/IM1)
% #define IMM1 (IM1-1)
% #define IA1 40014
% #define IA2 40692 
% #define IQ1 53668
% #define IQ2 52774
% #define IR1 12211
% #define IR2 3791
% #define NTAB 32
% #define NDIV (1+IMM1/NTAB)
% #define EPS 1.2e-7
% #define RNMX (1.0 - EPS)
% double ran2(long *idum)
% {
%   /*---------------------------------------------------*/
%   /* Minimum Standard Random Number Generator          */
%   /* Taken from Numerical recipies in C                */
%   /* Based on Park and Miller with Bays Durham Shuffle */
%   /* Coupled Schrage methods for extra periodicity     */
%   /* Always call with negative number to initialise    */
%   /*---------------------------------------------------*/    
%   int j;
%   long k;
%   static long idum2=123456789;
%   static long iy=0;
%   static long iv[NTAB];
%   double temp;
%   if (*idum <=0)
%   {
%     if (-(*idum) < 1)
%     {
%       *idum = 1;
%     }else
%     {
%       *idum = -(*idum);
%     }
%     idum2=(*idum);
%     for (j=NTAB+7;j>=0;j--)
%     {
%       k = (*idum)/IQ1;
%       *idum = IA1 *(*idum-k*IQ1) - IR1*k;
%       if (*idum < 0)
%       {
%         *idum += IM1;
%       }
%       if (j < NTAB)
%       {
%         iv[j] = *idum;
%       }
%     }
%     iy = iv[0];    
%   }
%   k = (*idum)/IQ1;
%   *idum = IA1*(*idum-k*IQ1) - IR1*k;
%   if (*idum < 0)
%   {
%     *idum += IM1;
%   }
%   k = (idum2)/IQ2;
%   idum2 = IA2*(idum2-k*IQ2) - IR2*k;
%   if (idum2 < 0)
%   {
%     idum2 += IM2;
%   }
%   j = iy/NDIV;
%   iy=iv[j] - idum2;
%   iv[j] = *idum;
%   if (iy < 1)
%   {
%     iy += IMM1;
%   }
%   if ((temp=AM*iy) > RNMX)
%   {
%     return RNMX;
%   }else
%   {
%     return temp;    
%   }
% }