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Test Coverage

%\title{Estimation of Terrain Shape Using a Monocular Vision-based System}

\title{Estimation of Terrain Gradient Conditions and Obstacle Location Using a Monocular Vision-based System}

% Your name
\author{Connor Luke Goddard}

% Your email 

\degreeschemecode{G601} %e.g. G400 
\degreeschemetitle{MEng Software Engineering} % e.g. Computer Science

\modulecode{CS39440} % i.e. CS39440, CC39440, CS39620
\moduletitle{Major Project} % i.e. Major Project or Minor Project

\date{6th March 2012} % i.e. the date of this version of the report

\status{Release} % Use draft until you create the release version. Then, change this to Release.

%The title and name of your supervisor.
\supervisor{Dr. Fr\'ed\'eric Labrosse} 

%The email for your supervisor. 
