/* For license terms, see /license.txt */
$strings['plugin_title'] = 'AI Helper plugin';
$strings['plugin_comment'] = 'Connects to AI services to help teachers and students through the generation of smart content, like creating questions on any given topic.';
$strings['Description'] = 'Artificial Intelligence services (to use the broad term) now allow you to ask for meaningful texts to be generated, we can use those systems to pre-generate content, then let the teacher/trainer review the content before publication. See Aiken import page in the exercises tool once enabled.';
$strings['tool_enable'] = 'Enable plugin';
$strings['api_name'] = 'AI API to use';
$strings['api_key'] = 'Api key';
$strings['api_key_help'] = 'Secret key generated for your Ai api';
$strings['organization_id'] = 'Organization ID';
$strings['organization_id_help'] = 'In case your api account is from an organization.';
$strings['OpenAI'] = 'OpenAI';
$strings['tool_lp_enable'] = 'Enable in learning paths';
$strings['tool_quiz_enable'] = 'Enable in exercises (Aiken section)';
$strings['tokens_limit'] = 'AI tokens limit';
$strings['tokens_limit_help'] = 'Limit the maximum number of tokens each user has available per month, to avoid high costs of service.';
$strings['ErrorTokensLimit'] = 'Sorry, you have reached the maximum number of tokens or requests configured by the platform administrator for the current calendar month. Please contact your support team or wait for next month before you can issue new requests to the AI Helper.';