$strings['plugin_title'] = "Justification Plugin";
$strings['plugin_comment'] = "Requires documents from students as administrative justification.";
$strings['tool_enable'] = "Enable";
$strings['ValidityDuration'] = "Validity Duration";
$strings['DateManualOn'] = "Date Manual On";
$strings['JustificationCode'] = "Justification code";
$strings['NoJustificationFound'] = "No justification found";
$strings['ValidityDate'] = "Validity date";
$strings['Justification'] = "Justification";
$strings['MyJustifications'] = "My justifications";
$strings['JustificationSaved'] = "Justification saved";
$strings['default_course_id'] = "Course id";
$strings['SetNewCourse'] = "Set new course";
$strings['SubscribeToASession'] = "Subscribe to a session";
$strings['JustificationName'] = "Justification name";
$strings['JustificationDate'] = "Justification date";
$strings['DocumentListForUserX'] = "Document list of user %s";
$strings['JustificationsCompleted'] = "Justifications completed";
$strings['SendNotificationToAllAdmins'] = "Send a notification to the administrator";
$strings['notification_to_creator_only'] = "Send notification to user's creator only";
$strings['notification_to_creator_only_help'] = "If activated then the notification will be sent only to the user who created the user who send the justifications and not to all admins";
$strings['access_for_session_admin'] = "Enable session admins to manage users in plugin";
$strings['access_for_session_admin_help'] = "If activated it enables session admins to access the plugin and the user's list and justification management.";