$strings['plugin_title'] = 'Positioning';
$strings['plugin_comment'] = 'Adds positioning tests to the course homepage';
$strings['tool_enable'] = 'Enable plugin';
$strings['block_course_if_initial_exercise_not_attempted'] = 'Block other course tools';
$strings['block_course_if_initial_exercise_not_attempted_help'] = 'When this option is enabled, if an initial positioning test has been configured, the learner will not be able to use the rest of the course on the course homepage until he/she has completed the initial test.';
$strings['average_percentage_to_unlock_final_exercise'] = 'End test unlock threshold';
$strings['average_percentage_to_unlock_final_exercise_help'] = 'Learners *must* have an average progress of at least this percentage (e.g. \'75\' for a 75% progress required) in the combined learning paths of this course.';
$strings['PositioningIntroduction'] = 'Please select one initial test and one final test below. Only tests that match the 3 following criteria will be available for selection: use at least 3 question categories, use the radar report mode *and* have only one possible attempt allowed. Once these are selected, the student will only be able to pass the final test if he/she has completed the average of all learning paths in this course.';
$strings['SelectAsInitialTest'] = 'Select as initial test';
$strings['UnselectAsInitialTest'] = 'Unselect as initial test';
$strings['SelectAsFinalTest'] = 'Select as final test';
$strings['UnselectAsFinalTest'] = 'Unselect as final test';
$strings['InviteToTakePositioningTest'] = 'Please take this positioning test before you start. This will help us measure the quality of this course.';
$strings['InitialTest'] = 'Initial test';
$strings['YouMustCompleteAThresholdToTakeFinalTest'] = 'You must complete at least %s%% percent of progress on average for all learning paths to unlock the final test.';
$strings['FinalTest'] = 'Final test';
$strings['Positioning'] = 'Positioning';
$strings['ChartShowsAverageForAllStudentsUsingZeroForIncompleteTests'] = 'Note: This chart shows average scores for all students, using zero for incomplete tests.';