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Test Coverage

/* For license terms, see /license.txt */
 * Functions.
$letters = [

 * List exercises.
 * @param int $courseId  Course ID
 * @param int $sessionId Session ID
 * @throws Exception
 * @return array Results (list of exercise details)
function showExerciseCourse($courseId, $sessionId = 0)
    $tableQuiz = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
    $tableLpItem = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
    $courseId = (int) $courseId;
    $sessionId = (int) $sessionId;
    $conditionSession = api_get_session_condition($sessionId, true, true, 'a.session_id');
    $sql = "SELECT a.*
            FROM $tableQuiz a
            LEFT JOIN $tableLpItem b ON a.iid = b.path AND a.c_id = b.c_id
            WHERE a.c_id = $courseId
            AND ( = 1 OR (item_type = 'quiz' AND b.c_id = $courseId))
            ORDER BY a.title ASC;";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $aux = [];
    while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $aux[] = $row;

    return $aux;

 * List quiz details.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return array Results (list of quiz details)
function getInfoQuiz($courseId, $id)
    $courseId = (int) $courseId;
    $id = (int) $id;
    $tableQuiz = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableQuiz WHERE c_id = $courseId AND iid = $id";
    $res = Database::query($sql);

    return Database::fetch_assoc($res);

 * List question_id.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return array Results (list question ID)
function getQuestionsFromCourse($courseId, $quizId, $sessionId = 0)
    $courseId = (int) $courseId;
    $quizId = (int) $quizId;
    $sessionId = (int) $sessionId;

    $tableQuizQuestion = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION);
    $tableQuestion = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
    $tableQuiz = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
    $conditionSession = api_get_session_condition($sessionId, true, true, 'q.session_id');

    $sql = "SELECT a.question_id AS question_id
            FROM $tableQuizQuestion a
            INNER JOIN $tableQuestion b
            ON a.question_id = b.iid
            INNER JOIN $tableQuiz q
            ON q.iid = a.quiz_id
                a.c_id = $courseId AND
                b.c_id = a.c_id AND
                a.quiz_id = $quizId AND
                (b.type IN (1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14))
            ORDER BY question_order ASC;";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $aux = [];
    while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $aux[] = $row['question_id'];

    return $aux;

 * List question details.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return array Results (list of question details)
function getInfoQuestion($courseId, $id)
    $courseId = (int) $courseId;
    $id = (int) $id;
    $tableQuestion = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableQuestion
            WHERE c_id = $courseId
            AND iid = $id
            AND (type IN (1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14))";
    $res = Database::query($sql);

    return Database::fetch_assoc($res);

 * List answer details.
 * @throws Exception
 * @return array Results (list of answer by question_id)
function getAnswers($courseId, $id)
    $courseId = (int) $courseId;
    $id = (int) $id;
    $tableQuizAnswer = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableQuizAnswer
            WHERE c_id = $courseId AND question_id = $id
            ORDER BY position ASC;";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $aux = [];
    while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $aux[] = $row;

    return $aux;

 * Remove all html tag.
 * @param string $string The string to be stripped of HTML
 * @return string clean of html tag
function removeHtml($string)
    $txt = str_replace('<html>', '', $string);
    $txt = str_replace('<head>', '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('<title>', '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('</title>', '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('</head>', '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('<body>', '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('</body>', '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('</html>', '', $txt);
    $txt = strip_tags($txt);
    $txt = str_replace(chr(13).chr(10), '', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Aacute;', 'Á', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&aacute;', 'á', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Eacute;', 'É', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&eacute;', 'é', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Iacute;', 'Í', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&iacute;', 'í', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Oacute;', 'Ó', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&oacute;', 'ó', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Uacute;', 'Ú', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&uacute;', 'ú', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Ntilde;', 'Ñ', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ntilde;', 'ñ', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&agrave;', 'à', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Agrave;', 'À', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&iexcl;', '¡', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&middot;', '·', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Ccedil;', 'Ç', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ccedil;', 'ç', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ordf;', 'ª', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ordm;', 'º', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&bull;', '•', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&iquest;', '¿', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&euro;', 'EUR', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&uuml;', 'ü', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Uuml;', 'Ü', $txt);

    return str_replace('&uml;', '¨', $txt);

 * Remove all html tag.
 * @param string $string The string to be stripped of accents
 * @return string clean of html tag
function removeQuotes($string)
    $txt = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $string);
    $txt = str_replace('&Aacute;', 'Á', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&aacute;', 'á', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Eacute;', 'É', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&eacute;', 'é', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Iacute;', 'Í', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&iacute;', 'í', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Oacute;', 'Ó', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&oacute;', 'ó', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Uacute;', 'Ú', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&uacute;', 'ú', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Ntilde;', 'Ñ', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ntilde;', 'ñ', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ordf;', 'ª', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ordm;', 'º', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&bull;', '•', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&iquest; &', '¿', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&agrave;', 'à', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Agrave;', 'À', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&iexcl;', '¡', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&middot;', '·', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Ccedil;', 'Ç', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&ccedil;', 'ç', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&euro;', 'EUR', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&uuml;', 'ü', $txt);
    $txt = str_replace('&Uuml;', 'Ü', $txt);

    return str_replace('uml;', '¨', $txt);