/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
namespace Chamilo\CoreBundle\Migrations\Schema\V200;
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\User;
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Migrations\AbstractMigrationChamilo;
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Repository\Node\PersonalFileRepository;
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Repository\Node\UserRepository;
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Repository\ResourceNodeRepository;
use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CDocument;
use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Repository\CDocumentRepository;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Exception;
final class Version20241003120000 extends AbstractMigrationChamilo
public function getDescription(): string
return 'Update HTML content blocks and files to replace old user paths by fallbackUser paths for deleted users.';
public function up(Schema $schema): void
$userRepo = $this->container->get(UserRepository::class);
$personalRepo = $this->container->get(PersonalFileRepository::class);
$fallbackUser = $userRepo->findOneBy(['status' => User::ROLE_FALLBACK], ['id' => 'ASC']);
// Define the content fields to update
$updateConfigurations = [
['table' => 'c_tool_intro', 'field' => 'intro_text'],
['table' => 'c_course_description', 'field' => 'content'],
['table' => 'c_quiz', 'fields' => ['description', 'text_when_finished']],
['table' => 'c_quiz_question', 'fields' => ['description', 'question']],
['table' => 'c_quiz_answer', 'fields' => ['answer', 'comment']],
['table' => 'c_student_publication', 'field' => 'description'],
['table' => 'c_student_publication_comment', 'field' => 'comment'],
['table' => 'c_forum_post', 'field' => 'post_text'],
['table' => 'c_glossary', 'field' => 'description'],
['table' => 'c_survey', 'fields' => ['title', 'subtitle']],
['table' => 'c_survey_question', 'fields' => ['survey_question', 'survey_question_comment']],
['table' => 'c_survey_question_option', 'field' => 'option_text'],
// Process the tables and update the paths in the content
foreach ($updateConfigurations as $config) {
$this->updateContent($config, $fallbackUser, $personalRepo);
// Process the HTML files and update paths
$this->updateHtmlFiles($fallbackUser, $personalRepo);
private function updateContent(array $config, $fallbackUser, $personalRepo): void
$fields = isset($config['field']) ? [$config['field']] : $config['fields'] ?? [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$sql = "SELECT iid, {$field} FROM {$config['table']}";
$result = $this->connection->executeQuery($sql);
$items = $result->fetchAllAssociative();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$content = $item[$field];
if (\is_string($content) && '' !== trim($content)) {
// Process URLs in the content
$updatedContent = $this->processContentUrls($content, $fallbackUser, $personalRepo);
if ($content !== $updatedContent) {
$updateSql = "UPDATE {$config['table']} SET {$field} = :newContent WHERE iid = :id";
$this->connection->executeQuery($updateSql, ['newContent' => $updatedContent, 'id' => $item['iid']]);
private function updateHtmlFiles($fallbackUser, $personalRepo): void
$sql = "SELECT iid, resource_node_id FROM c_document WHERE filetype = 'file'";
$result = $this->connection->executeQuery($sql);
$items = $result->fetchAllAssociative();
$documentRepo = $this->container->get(CDocumentRepository::class);
$resourceNodeRepo = $this->container->get(ResourceNodeRepository::class);
foreach ($items as $item) {
/** @var CDocument $document */
$document = $documentRepo->find($item['iid']);
if (!$document) {
$resourceNode = $document->getResourceNode();
if (!$resourceNode || !$resourceNode->hasResourceFile()) {
$resourceFile = $resourceNode->getResourceFiles()->first();
if (!$resourceFile || 'text/html' !== $resourceFile->getMimeType()) {
try {
$content = $resourceNodeRepo->getResourceNodeFileContent($resourceNode);
if (\is_string($content) && '' !== trim($content)) {
// Process URLs in the HTML content
$updatedContent = $this->processContentUrls($content, $fallbackUser, $personalRepo);
if ($content !== $updatedContent) {
$documentRepo->updateResourceFileContent($document, $updatedContent);
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log("Error processing file for document ID {$item['iid']}: ".$e->getMessage());
private function processContentUrls(string $content, $fallbackUser, $personalRepo): string
// Define the regular expression pattern to match URLs containing "/app/upload/users/"
$pattern = '/(href|src)="[^"]*\/app\/upload\/users\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/my_files\/([^\/"]+)"/i';
// Use a callback function to process each matched URL
return preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) use ($fallbackUser, $personalRepo) {
$attribute = $matches[1]; // Capture whether it's a `href` or `src`
$folderId = (int) $matches[2]; // Capture the first digit of the userId (folderId)
$userId = (int) $matches[3]; // Capture the full userId
$filename = urldecode($matches[4]); // Decode the filename
error_log("Processing file: $filename for userId: $userId (Folder ID: $folderId)");
$user = $this->entityManager->getRepository(User::class)->find($userId);
if (!$user) {
// If the user doesn't exist, use the fallback user
$user = $fallbackUser;
error_log("User with ID $userId not found, using fallbackUser");
// Search for the personal file by name and creator (user)
$personalFile = $personalRepo->getResourceByCreatorFromTitle($filename, $user, $user->getResourceNode());
if (null !== $personalFile) {
$newUrl = $personalRepo->getResourceFileUrl($personalFile);
if (!empty($newUrl)) {
error_log("Replaced URL for $filename: $newUrl");
return "{$attribute}=\"{$newUrl}\"";
// Return the original URL if no file was found
return $matches[0];
}, $content);