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# Application Layout

This view template is used as the layout
for every page that Administrate generates.

By default, it renders:
- Navigation
- Content for a search bar
  (if provided by a `content_for` block in a nested page)
- Flashes
- Links to stylesheets and JavaScripts
- The appearance dropdown styles are added to the top to prevent FOUC

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<%= I18n.locale %>">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">
    <meta name= "turbolinks-cache-control" content= "no-cache">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'portal' %>
    <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'portal' %>
      #appearance-dropdown[data-current-theme="system"] .check-mark-icon.light-theme,
      #appearance-dropdown[data-current-theme="system"] .check-mark-icon.dark-theme,
      #appearance-dropdown[data-current-theme="dark"] .check-mark-icon.light-theme,
      #appearance-dropdown[data-current-theme="dark"] .check-mark-icon.system-theme,
      #appearance-dropdown[data-current-theme="light"] .check-mark-icon.dark-theme,
      #appearance-dropdown[data-current-theme="light"] .check-mark-icon.system-theme {
        display: none;
    <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
    <% if content_for?(:head) %>
      <%= yield(:head) %>
    <% else %>
      <title><%= @portal.page_title%></title>
    <% end %>

    <% unless @theme_from_params.blank? %>
    <%# this adds the theme from params, ensuring that there a localstorage value set %>
    <%# this will further trigger the next script to ensure color mode is toggled without a FOUC %>
    <script>localStorage.theme = '<%= @theme_from_params %>';</script>
    <% end %>

      if (localStorage.theme === 'dark' || (!('theme' in localStorage) && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches)) {
        // we can use document.body here but that would mean pushing this script inside the body
        // since the body is not created yet. This is done to avoid FOUC, at a tiny cost of Time to Interactive
      } else {
    <div id="portal" class="antialiased">
      <main class="flex flex-col min-h-screen bg-white main-content dark:bg-slate-900" role="main">
        <% if !@is_plain_layout_enabled %>
          <%= render "public/api/v1/portals/header", portal: @portal %>
        <% end %>
        <%= yield %>
        <% if !@is_plain_layout_enabled %>
          <%= render "public/api/v1/portals/footer" %>
        <% end %>
  html.dark {
    --dynamic-portal-bg: <%= generate_portal_bg(@portal.color, 'dark') %>;
    --dynamic-portal-bg-gradient: <%= generate_gradient_to_bottom('dark') %>;
    --dynamic-hover-bg-color: <%= generate_portal_hover_color(@portal.color , 'dark') %>;

  html.light {
    --dynamic-portal-bg: <%= generate_portal_bg(@portal.color, 'light') %>;
    --dynamic-portal-bg-gradient: <%= generate_gradient_to_bottom('light') %>;
    --dynamic-hover-bg-color: <%= generate_portal_hover_color(@portal.color , 'light') %>;

  /* Portal background */
  #portal-bg {
    background: var(--dynamic-portal-bg);
  /* Portal background gradient */
  #portal-bg-gradient {
    background-image: var(--dynamic-portal-bg-gradient);
  /* Category block item hover color */
  #category-item:hover {
    background-color: var(--dynamic-hover-bg-color);

  /* Header section */
  #toggle-theme-button:hover {
    color: var(--dynamic-hover-color);
    stroke: var(--dynamic-hover-color);
  #category-block:hover {
    border-color: var(--dynamic-hover-color);
  #category-block:hover #category-name  {
    color: var(--dynamic-hover-color);

    window.portalConfig = {
      portalSlug: '<%= @portal.slug %>',
      portalColor: '<%= @portal.color %>',
      theme: '<%= @theme_from_params %>',
      customDomain: '<%= @portal.custom_domain %>',
      hostURL: '<%= ENV.fetch('FRONTEND_URL', '') %>',
      localeCode: '<%= @locale %>',
      searchTranslations: {
        searchPlaceholder: '<%= I18n.t('') %>',
        emptyPlaceholder: '<%= I18n.t('') %>',
        loadingPlaceholder: '<%= I18n.t('') %>',
        resultsTitle: '<%= I18n.t('') %>',
      isPlainLayoutEnabled: '<%= @is_plain_layout_enabled %>',
      tocHeader: '<%= I18n.t('public_portal.toc_header') %>'
  <% if @portal.channel_web_widget.present? && !@is_plain_layout_enabled %>
  <%= @portal.channel_web_widget.web_widget_script.html_safe %>
  <% end %>