# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [unreleased]
## [3.2.0] - 2016-10-05
#### Added
- Support for transit backend (thanks David)
- `prepare` now syncs existing mounts on pre-existing vault instance
#### Changed
- Makefile uses `DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME` instead of `DOCKER_MACHINE_HOST` (thanks David)
- Fixed issue with trailing slashes on mounts
## [3.1.0] - 2016-06-17
#### Added
- Support for sys/mounts/:id/tune to allow fine-grained control of secret TTLs
- Support for 'config' options when creating backend mount
- Support for audit-hash
- Supports Vault 0.5.x and 0.6.0
## [3.0.1] - 2016-04-07
#### Changed
- Update lodash dep to latest
- Add `nonce` param to `sys/rekey/update` endpoint
- Updated `authstore/consul` and `authstore/vault` images in `docker-compose.yml` to latest versions
- Fixed revoke-prefix token endpoint test
## [3.0.0] - 2016-02-03
#### Added
- Gracefully handle mounts or paths that are prefixed with '/'.
- Support policies as javascript objects (automatically converted to JSON string)
- Support for requiring token as input option instead of using global token.
- Published all documentation to
#### Changed
- Internal refactor and organizing of the code base.
- Entire code base makes use of `use strict;`
- `prepare` accepts auth token to handle loading Vault state when `setToken` is not used.
#### Breaking Changes
- No longer maintains a copy of the list of policies.
- No longer maintains copy of the master key shares.
- No longer captures the token and keys as part of `init`.
- `unSeal` requires a master key share to passed in on a per call basis.
- Removes configuration option `backup_dir` because the token and keys are not maintained internally so no longer need to backup them up.
- Removed `no_global_token` option from previous change since the token and keys are never automatically captured.
## [2.1.1] - 2015-12-31
#### Changed
- Set a path to the default configuration files to leverage default values.
## [2.1.0] - 2015-12-30
#### Added
- Support for Consul storage backend
- Support for Consul secrets backend
+ `consul/config/access`: Provides the capability to configure a Consul cluster as a secrets backend.
+ `consul/roles/*`: Provides the capability to create, delete, and retrieve roles (aka policies) associated with secrets.
+ `consul/creds/*`: Provides the capability to get a token for writing/reading secrets stored within Consul.
- Support for PKI secret backend for Vault that generates X.509 certificates dynamically based on configured roles.
+ `pki/*`: Provides several ways to manage certificates and generation for use by clients to authenticate.
- Support for Lease Renewal/Revocation
+ `sys/renew/*`: Provides requesting to extend the lease of secret.
+ `sys/revoke/*`: Provides revoking a secret immediately.
+ `sys/revoke-prefix/*`: Provides revoking all secrets generated under a given prefix immediately.
- Support for get Policy
+ `sys/policy/*`: Provides retrieving a specified policy.
- Support for Cubbyhole secret backend
+ `cubbyhole/*`: Provides the capability to create, delete, and retrieves secret.
- Support for dynamically mounted endpoints
- Dynamic API validation based on parameter definitions
- SSL configuration options
+ `ssl_ciphers`, `ssl_cert_file`, `ssl_pem_file`, `ssl_pem_passphrase`, `ssl_ca_cert`, `ssl_verify`
- Proxy configuration options
+ `proxy_address`, `proxy_port`, `proxy_username`, `proxy_password`
- timeout configuration option
+ `timeout`
- Automated builds using Travis-ci.
- Automated static code analysis and coverage using Code Climate
- Generated documentation
#### Changed
- Removed internal configuration options `prefix`, `api_def_files`
- Use `vault_token` configuration option as provided by user.
- Treat configuration options that are not required as optional.
## [2.0.0] - 2015-12-15
#### Added
- Add Authentication and Authorization support
+ `sys/auth`: Provides the capability to create, delete, and retrieve
auth mounts from the Vault.
+ `sys/policy`: Provides the capability to create, delete, and retrieve
policies from the Vault.
+ `auth/token`: Adds token auth backend support that provides the
capability to create, revoke, and lookup authentication tokens.
+ `auth/app-id`: Adds app-id auth backend support that provides the
capability to configure and authenticate using the app-id
authentication backend
- Add Key Rotation support
+ `sys/key-status`
+ `sys/rekey/*`
+ `sys/rotate`
- Add Audit Trail support
+ `sys/audit`
+ `file` backend
+ `syslog` backend
- Add Health and Leader support
+ `sys/leader`: Provides the capability to determine if the Vault
is HA enabled, if the vault being communicated with is the leader,
and what the address is for the leader.
+ `sys/health`: Provides the capability to retrieve the health status
of the vault.
#### Changed
- Improve argument against commit logs.
- Code and test clean up.
- Code coverage enabled (~99%)
- Documentation for all public methods added.
## [1.1.0] - 2015-08-03
#### Added
- Added support for `sys/mounts` and `sys/remount`
#### Changed
- Refactored a lot of code making it a bit more modular.
- Config now supports debug, vault-server host, vault-server port etc.
## [1.0.0] - 2015-07-31
#### Added
- This CHANGELOG file to hopefully serve as an evolving example of a standardized open source project CHANGELOG.
- Initial project release. Supporting small subset of Vault's HTTP API