'use strict';
Vaulted = {},
Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash');
* @module health
* @extends Vaulted
* @desc Provides implementation for the Vault Health APIs
module.exports = function extend(Proto) {
_.extend(Proto, Vaulted);
* @method checkHealth
* @desc Gets the health of the vault
* @param {boolean} options.standbyok - true to indicate a standby is acceptable
* @resolve {Status} Resolves with the current status/health of Vault
* @reject {Error} An error indicating what went wrong
* @return {Promise}
Vaulted.checkHealth = Promise.method(function checkHealth(options) {
options = options || {};
if (_.isBoolean(options.standbyok) && !options.standbyok) {
delete options.standbyok;
return this.api.getEndpoint('sys/health')
qs: options