# Chippyash Math Matrix
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Attribute\IsComplex
* Sut has attribute interface
* Complex matrix returns true
* Non complex matrix returns false
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Attribute\IsIdentity
* Sut has attribute interface
* Non numeric matrix can never be an identity matrix
* Numeric matrix can be an identity matrix
* Matrix having non zero in wrong place is not an identity matrix
* Matrix having non one in wrong place is not identity matrix
* Complex number identity matrix is recognised
* Complex number non identity matrix is recognised
* Rational number identity matrix is recognised
* Rational number non identity matrix is recognised
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Attribute\IsMarkov
* A non numeric matrix will return false
* A not square matrix will return false
* Attribute returns true for a matrix that has rows that sum to the same number
* Attribute returns false for a matrix that has rows that do not sum to the same number
* A matrix with fewer than two rows and two columns is not a markov chain
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Attribute\IsNonSingular
* Sut has attribute interface
* Singular matrices returns false
* Non singular matrix returns true
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Attribute\IsNumeric
* Sut has attribute interface
* Numeric matrix returns true
* Non numeric matrix returns false
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Attribute\IsRational
* Sut has attribute interface
* Rational matrix returns true
* Non rational matrix returns false
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\AbstractComputation
* Invoke expects at least one argument
* Invoke expects less than three arguments
* Invoke can accept two arguments
* Invoke proxies to compute
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Add\Matrix
* Compute rejects second param not being matrix
* Compute only accepts matrix values
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Compute throws exception if both operands not same size
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Add\Scalar
* Compute accepts scalar value
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Div\Entrywise
* Compute rejects second param not being matrix
* Compute only accepts matrix values
* Compute with an empty matrix returns a matrix
* Compute returns correct results
* Division by zero results in zero vertices
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Div\Matrix
* Compute rejects second param not being matrix
* Compute only accepts matrix values
* Compute with an empty matrix returns a matrix
* Compute returns correct results
* Compute with zero matrix throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Div\Scalar
* Compute returns empty matrix if matrix parameter is empty
* Compute throws exception if scalar is zero for numeric matrix
* Compute throws exception if scalar is zero for rational matrix
* Compute throws exception if scalar is zero for complex matrix
* Compute throws exception if scalar is boolean false
* Compute rejects string value
* Compute rejects non scalar value
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\MatrixMultiplicationProperties
* Matrix multiplication is not commutative
* Multiplication by an empty matrix is commmutative
* Multiplication by an identity matrix is commmutative
* Multiplication by a single item matrix is commmutative
* Multiplication by two square matrices with the same vertices is commutative
* Multiplication maintains left distributivity over matrix addition
* Multiplication maintains right distributivity over matrix addition
* Scalar multiplication is compatible with matrix multiplication
* Transposition is commutative
* Trace is commutative
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Mul\Entrywise
* Compute rejects second param not being matrix
* Compute only accepts matrix values
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Single item matrices return single item product
* Square x square returns square matrix
* Multiplying two matrices that are not the same shape will throw an exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Mul\Matrix
* Compute rejects second param not being matrix
* Compute only accepts matrix values
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Row vector x column vector throws exception if matrices incompatible
* Column vector x row vector throws exception if matrices incompatible
* Single item matrices return single item product
* Row vector x col vector returns single item matrix
* Col vector x row vector returns square matrix of correct size
* Square matrix x colum vector throws exception if incompatible sizes
* Colum vector x square matrix throws undefined computation exception
* Column vector x row vector with unmatched rows throws exception
* Square matrix x column vector returns column vector
* Square x square returns square matrix
* Product of two square matrices of different sizes throws exception
* Product of two rectangles with ma cols not equal mb rows throws exception test 1
* Product of two rectangles with ma cols not equal mb rows throws exception test 2
* Product of two rectangles with ma cols equal mb rows returns result test 1
* Product of two rectangles with ma cols equal mb rows returns result test 2
* Known output one
* Multiply by ones row returns correct product
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Mul\Scalar
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Compute accepts numeric scalar value
* Compute rejects non numeric string value
* Compute rejects non scalar value
* Compute rejects non scalar value in matrix
* Compute rejects string value in matrix
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Sub\Matrix
* Compute rejects second param not being matrix
* Compute only accepts matrix values
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Compute throws exception if both operands not same size
* Compute throws exception if first operand vertice not scalar
* Compute throws exception if second operand vertice not scalar
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Computation\Sub\Scalar
* Compute accepts numeric scalar value
* Compute rejects non numeric scalar value
* Compute rejects non scalar value
* Compute rejects non scalar value in matrix
* Compute returns empty if matrix is empty
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Decomposition\AbstractDecomposition
* Decompose returns fluent interface
* Invoke proxies to decompose with one parameter
* Invoke proxies to decompose with two parameters
* Invoke requires maximum two parameter
* Invoke requires minimum one parameter
* Getting invalid product throws exception
* Magic getting invalid product throws exception
* Getting valid product returns a value
* Magic getting valid product returns a value
* Getting valid product from callable returns a value
* Magic getting valid product from callable returns a value
* Getting invokable class product from callable returns the class
* Setting unknown product throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Decomposition\GaussJordanElimination
* Decompose with one parameter throws exception
* Decompose with non numeric matrix extra parameter throws exception
* Decompose with non square first parameter throws exception
* Decompose with extra matrix not having same number of rows as first matrix throws exception
* Decompose with singular first matrix throws exception
* Decompose with non singular first matrix returns decomposition
* Decompose can solve linear equation
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Decomposition\Lu
* Decompose returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Derivative\AbstractDerivative
* Invoke expects at least one argument
* Invoke expects less than three arguments
* Invoke can accept two arguments
* Invoke proxies to derive
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Derivative\Determinant
* Sut has derivative interface
* Non square matrix throws exception
* Returns determinant for two by two square matrix using l u method
* Returns determinant for two by two square matrix using laplace method
* Undefined computation exception thrown for unknown method
* Returns determinant for three by three square matrix using l u method
* Returns determinant for three by three square matrix using laplace method
* Returns determinant for n by n square matrix using l u method
* Returns determinant for n by n square matrix using laplace method
* Can set upper limit for lu method when auto determining strategy
* Tuning with invalid name throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Derivative\MarkovWeightedRandom
* If only one choice is available for a next link it will be returned
* A zero sum of a chain row will throw an exception
* A non integer sum of a chain row will throw an exception
* Using negative values will throw an exception
* You can pick the next link in a chain
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Derivative\Strategy\Determinant\Laplace
* Empty matrix returns one
* Single matrix returns value of its single entry
* Singular two by two matrices return zero
* Non singular two by two matrices return non zero
* Singular three by three matrices return zero
* Singular four by four matrices return zero
* Non singular three by three matrices return non zero
* Non singular n by n matrices return non zero
* Tune clear cache false does not clear cache
* Tune clear cache true does clear cache
* Tuning with invalid name throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Derivative\Sum
* Sut has derivative interface
* Summing a zero matrix returns int zero
* Summing a single item matrix returns the single item
* Summing an n plus matrix returns the sum of the vertices
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Derivative\Trace
* Sut has derivative interface
* Empty matrix throws exception
* Single item matrix returns sole vertice
* Non square matrix throws exception
* Returns trace for square matrix
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Exceptions\Exceptions
* Exceptions derived from computation exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Formatter\AsciiNumeric
* Construct gives formatter interface
* Format as int type returns integers
* Format as float type returns floats
* Format as rational returns rational
* Format as complex returns complex
* Format default returns original content with base matrix
* Format int returns ints with base matrix
* Format float returns floats with base matrix
* Format rational returns rationals with base matrix
* Format complex returns complex with base matrix
* Format with non real complex throws exception
* Setting format skips non numeric vertices
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Formatter\DirectedGraph\VertexDescription
* A vertex description has a name
* Setting a valid attribute will return the object
* Setting an invalid attribute will throw an exception
* You can test that an attribute is present
* You can get an attribute value if it exists
* Getting an unknown attribute value will throw an exception
* You can get all attributes as an array
* Getting all attributes returns keyed array with keys prepended with graphviz
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Formatter\DirectedGraph
* Supplying a non numeric matrix will throw an exception
* Supplying a non container attribs parameter will throw an exception
* You do not need to supply vertex descriptions
* You can supply an optional edge formatter
* Passing in a non closure as edge function will throw an exception
* You can render a valid numeric matrix that describes a graph
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\FunctionMatrix
* Construct properly gives function matrix
* Construct not callable parameter raises exception
* Construct rows less than one raises exception
* Construct cols less than one raises exception
* Construct gives expected output
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\IdentityMatrix
* Construct properly gives identity matrix
* Construct requesting rationalisation properly gives identity matrix
* Construct size not int type raises exception
* Construct size less than one raises exception
* Create rational identity returns rational matrix
* Create complex identity returns complex matrix
* Numeric identity factory method returns matrix with int types
* Construct with unknown matrix type throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\MatrixFactory
* Create complex matrix with complex type entries returns complex matrix
* Create complex matrix with complex string entries returns complex matrix
* Create complex matrix with complex array entries returns complex matrix
* Create complex matrix with invalid entries throws exception
* Create rational matrix with rational type entries returns rational matrix
* Create rational matrix with rational string entries returns rational matrix
* Create rational matrix with rational array entries returns rational matrix
* Create rational matrix with float entries returns rational matrix
* Create rational matrix with invalid entries throws exception
* Create returns correct matrix type
* Create from function returns matrix
* Create from function with rows less than one throws exception
* Create from function with cols less than one throws exception
* Create from complex returns rational matrix
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\NumericMatrix
* Construct with base matrix throws exception
* Construct with numeric matrix is allowed
* Construct non empty array gives non empty matrix
* Construct single item array gives single item matrix
* Construct with good arrays gives numeric matrix
* Construct with different number types gives numeric matrix
* Construct gives normalized matrix
* Compute returns correct result
* Invoke with bad computation name throws exception
* Invoke with more than two parameter throws exception
* Invoke proxies to compute
* Invoke proxies to derive
* Invoke proxies to transform
* Invoke proxies to decompose
* Invoke proxies to parent class transform
* Construct with incomplete data and float default returns matrix
* Construct with incomplete data and non numeric default throws exception
* Construct with incomplete data and numeric type default returns matrix
* Test method accepts known attribute class name
* Test method w ill pass unknown attribute class to parent for resolution
* Derive will return value
* Transform will return value
* Decompose returns decomposition
* Equality with strict setting returns true for same class and content
* Equality with strict setting returns false for different class and same content
* Equality with strict setting returns false for same class and different content
* Equality with loose setting returns true for same class and content
* Equality with loose setting returns true for different class and same content
* Equality with loose setting returns false for same class and different content
* Equality with loose setting returns false for different class and different content
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\RationalMatrix
* Construct with rational matrix matrix gives rational matrix
* Construct non empty array gives non empty matrix
* Construct single item array gives single item matrix
* Matrix get returns correct value
* Compute returns correct result
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\ShiftMatrix
* You can create an integer upper shift matrix
* You can create an integer lower shift matrix
* You can create a rational upper shift matrix
* You can create a rational lower shift matrix
* You can create a complex upper shift matrix
* You can create a complex lower shift matrix
* You can shift another matrix by multiplying with a shift matrix
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Special\Cauchy
* If one argument supplied to create method it must be an integer
* If two arguments supplied to create they must both be numeric matrices
* If two arguments supplied to create they must both be vectors
* If two arguments supplied to create they must both be vectors of the same length
* You can create a cauchy matrix with a single integer x parameter
* You can create a cauchy matrix with two vector paramaters
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Special\Functional
* Rows parameter must be an integer
* Cols parameter must be an integer
* F parameter must be a closure
* Returned matrix will be a function of the f parameter
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Special\Identity
* Argument supplied to create method must be an integer
* You can create an identity matrix with a single integer size parameter
* Size parameter must be greater than zero
* You can create a single item identity matrix
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Special\Ones
* If one argument supplied to create method it must be an integer
* If two arguments supplied to create they must both be integers
* You can create a ones column vector with a single integer rows parameter
* You can create a ones row matrix with two integer paramaters
* You can create a ones matrix with two integer parameters greater than one
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Special\Zeros
* If one argument supplied to create method it must be an integer
* If two arguments supplied to create they must both be integers
* You can create a zeroes column vector with a single integer rows parameter
* You can create a zeroes row matrix with two integer parameters
* You can create a zeroes matrix with two integer parameters greater than one
* Constructing with rows less than one throws exception
* Constructing with cols less than one throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\SpecialMatrix
* Invoking the class with no parameters throws an exceptoion
* Invoking the class with an unknown matrix name throws an exception
* You can invoke the class with a string type for the name
* You can invoke the class with a string for the name
* The create method requires a string type for the matrix name
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertMatrixIsNonSingular
* Non singular matrix returns class
* Singular matrix throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertMatrixIsNumeric
* Numeric matrix returns class
* Non numeric matrix throws exception
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertMatrixIsRational
* Rational matrix returns class
* Non rational matrix throws exception
* Non rational matrix throws exception with user message
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertParameterIsNotString
* Not string param returns class
* String param throws exception
* String param throws exception with user message
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertParameterIsRationalMatrix
* Testing a rational matrix returns class
* Testing a non rational matrix throws an exception
* Testing a non rational matrix throws an exception with user message
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\AssertParameterIsRationalNumber
* Testing a rational matrix returns class
* Testing a non rational number throws an exception
* Testing a non rational number throws an exception with user message
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\ConvertNumberToComplex
* Trait returns correct type
* Trait throws exception for invalid numbers
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\ConvertNumberToNumeric
* Trait returns correct type
* Trait throws exception for invalid numbers
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\ConvertNumberToRational
* Trait returns correct type
* Trait throws exception for invalid numbers
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\CreateCorrectMatrixType
* Trait returns correct type
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Traits\CreateCorrectScalarType
* Trait returns correct type
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Transformation\InvertDeterminant
* Empty matrix returns empty numeric matrix
* Single item no zero matrix returns simple inverse numeric matrix
* Single item zero matrix throws exception
* Undefined computation exception thrown for unknown method
* Compute non invertible matrices throws exception
* Transform with numeric matrix returns correct result
* Transform with rational matrix produces identity matrix when multiplied
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\Transformation\MarkovRandomWalk
* You must supply a start row parameter
* The start parameter must be an inttype
* The target parameter must be an inttype
* The limit parameter if provided must be an inttype
* You must supply a target row parameter
* You can walk through the chain by weighted random selection and return a row vector of inttypes
* You can place a limit on the walk
## Chippyash\Test\Math\Matrix\ZeroMatrix
* Constructing properly gives identity matrix
* Constructing with rows less than one throws exception
* Constructing with cols less than one throws exception
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