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# chippyash/attributes

## Quality Assurance

![PHP 5.6](
![PHP 7](
[![Build Status](](
[![Test Coverage](](
[![Code Climate](](

The above badges represent the current development branch.  As a rule, I don't push
 to GitHub unless tests, coverage and usability are acceptable.  This may not be
 true for short periods of time; on holiday, need code for some other downstream
 project etc.  If you need stable code, use a tagged version. Read 'Further Documentation'
 and 'Installation'.

## What?

Provides a very strongly typed, but simple, general purpose Attribute Container based 
on [Monadic]( principles.

## Why?

How many times have you written a class with a load of protected parameters (Attributes)
and then had to write all the getters and setters?  This library provides a general
purpose container for those attributes.  In addition the Attribute container and the
Attributes are Monadic and immutable, meaning that you can guarantee their state.

## How

Use the Attribution trait.

use Chippyash\Attributes\Attribution;

class MyClass
    use Attribution;

Your class now has 2 methods:

`public function getA(StringType $name): Attribute`

`public function hasA(StringType $name): bool`

To retrieve and test for an Attribute:

You can further use the AttributionSettable trait to add a setter.  NB. you 
need to use both together, as Attributal provides the protected $attributes
var to the class;

use Chippyash\Attributes\Attribution;
use Chippyash\Attributes\AttributionSettable;

class MyClass
    use Attribution;
    use AttributionSettable;

which adds 

`public function setA(StringType $name, Attribute $attribute): Attribution`

    use Chippyash\Attributes\Attribute;
    use Chippyash\Type\String\StringType;
    $myClass = new MyClass();
    $attr = new Attribute('bar');
    $attrName = new StringType('foo);
    $test = $myClass->setA($attrName, $attr)->getA($attrName);
    echo ($myClass->hasA($attrName) ? 'true' : 'false');
    echo ($myClass->hasA(new StringType('bar)) ? 'true' : 'false');

Attributes, being Monadic, have a value which can be retrieved thus:

    $attrValue = $myClass->getA($attrName)->value();
    $attr = $myClass->getA($attrName);
    $attrValue = $attr();  //using the invokable interface

If you need to, you can define your class to have an `Attributal` interface when
using the trait to communicate to other objects, that attributes can be tested and
retrieved.  You can use the `AttributalSettable` interface to communicate that the
class allows setting of Attributes, (this of course breaks the immutable interface,
so you might want to consider keeping a state history on the AttributeMap);

use Chippyash\Attributes\Attribution;
use Chippyash\Attributes\AttributionSettable;
use Chippyash\Attributes\Attributal;
use Chippyash\Attributes\AttributalSettable;

class MyClass implements Attributal, AttributalSettable
    use Attribution;
    use AttributionSettable;


## Further documentation

More about [Monads]( and [here](

[Test Contract]( in the docs directory.

Check out [ZF4 Packages]( for more packages

## Changing the library

1.  fork it
2.  write the test
3.  amend it
4.  do a pull request

Found a bug you can't figure out?

1.  fork it
2.  write the test
3.  do a pull request

NB. Make sure you rebase to HEAD before your pull request

Or - raise an issue ticket.

## Where?

The library is hosted at [Github]( It is
available at [](

### Installation

Install [Composer](

#### For production

    "chippyash/attributes": ">=1,<2"

Or to use the latest, possibly unstable version:

    "chippyash/attributes": "dev-master"

#### For development

Clone this repo, and then run Composer in local repo root to pull in dependencies

    git clone Attributes
    cd Attributes
    composer install

To run the tests:

    cd Attributes
    vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml test/

## License

This software library is released under the [BSD 3 Clause license](

This software library is Copyright (c) 2017, Ashley Kitson, UK

## History

V1.0.0 Initial Release

V1.0.1 Update dependencies

V1.1.0 Change of license from GPL V3 to BSD 3 Clause