YANK Health Report Notebook formatter
This module handles all the figure formatting and processing to minimize the code shown in the Health Report Jupyter
Notebook. All data processing and analysis is handled by the main multistate.analyzers package,
mainly image formatting is passed here.
import os
import yaml
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib import gridspec
from pymbar import MBAR
import seaborn as sns
from simtk import unit as units
from openmmtools import multistate
from .. import analyze
class HealthReportData(analyze.ExperimentAnalyzer):
Class which houses the data used for the notebook and the generation of all plots including formatting
def general_simulation_data(self):
General purpose simulation data on number of iterations, number of states, and number of atoms.
This just prints out this data in a regular, formatted pattern.
general = self.get_general_simulation_data()
iterations = {}
nreplicas = {}
nstates = {}
natoms = {}
for phase_name in self.phase_names:
iterations[phase_name] = general[phase_name]['iterations']
nreplicas[phase_name] = general[phase_name]['nreplicas']
nstates[phase_name] = general[phase_name]['nstates']
natoms[phase_name] = general[phase_name]['natoms']
leniter = max(len('Iterations'), *[len(str(i)) for i in iterations.values()]) + 2
lenreplica = max(len('Replicas'), *[len(str(i)) for i in nreplicas.values()]) + 2
lenstates = max(len('States'), *[len(str(i)) for i in nstates.values()]) + 2
lennatoms = max(len('Num Atoms'), *[len(str(i)) for i in natoms.values()]) + 2
lenleftcol = max(len('Phase'), *[len(phase) for phase in self.phase_names]) + 2
lines = []
headstring = ''
headstring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lenleftcol) + '}').format('Phase') + '|'
headstring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(leniter) + '}').format('Iterations') + '|'
headstring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lenreplica) + '}').format('Replicas') + '|'
headstring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lenstates) + '}').format('States') + '|'
headstring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lennatoms) + '}').format('Num Atoms')
lenline = len(headstring)
topdiv = '=' * lenline
for phase in self.phase_names:
phasestring = ''
phasestring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lenleftcol) + '}').format(phase) + '|'
phasestring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(leniter) + '}').format(iterations[phase]) + '|'
phasestring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lenreplica) + '}').format(nreplicas[phase]) + '|'
phasestring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lenstates) + '}').format(nstates[phase]) + '|'
phasestring += ('{:^' + '{}'.format(lennatoms) + '}').format(natoms[phase])
lines.append('-' * lenline)
for line in lines:
def generate_equilibration_plots(self, discard_from_start=1):
Create the equilibration scatter plots showing the trend lines, correlation time,
and number of effective samples
equilibration_figure : matplotlib.figure
Figure showing the equilibration between both phases
serial_data = self.get_equilibration_data(discard_from_start=discard_from_start)
# Adjust figure size
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 6 * self.nphases * 2
plot_grid = gridspec.GridSpec(self.nphases, 1) # Vertical distribution
equilibration_figure = plt.figure()
# Add some space between the figures
for i, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_names):
phase_data = serial_data[phase_name]
sub_grid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(3, 1, subplot_spec=plot_grid[i])
# FIRST SUBPLOT: energy scatter
# Attach subplot to figure
p = equilibration_figure.add_subplot(sub_grid[0])
# Data assignment for plot generation
y = self.u_ns[phase_name]
N = y.size
x = np.arange(N)
# Scatter plot
p.plot(x, y, 'k.')
# Smoothed equilibrium, this is very crude but it works for large data
tck = interpolate.splrep(x, y, k=5, s=N * 1E7)
smoothed = interpolate.splev(x, tck, der=0)
p.plot(x, smoothed, '-r', linewidth=4)
# Nequil line
ylim = p.get_ylim()
p.vlines(self.nequils[phase_name], *ylim, colors='b', linewidth=4)
p.set_ylim(*ylim) # Reset limits in case vlines expanded them
p.set_xlim([0, N])
# Set text
p.set_title(phase_name + " phase", fontsize=20)
p.set_ylabel(r'$\Sigma_n u_n$ in kT', fontsize=20)
# Extra info in text boxes
subsample_string = 'Subsample Rate: {0:.2f}\nDecorelated Samples: {1:d}'.format(self.g_ts[phase_name], int(
if np.mean([0, N]) > self.nequils[phase_name]:
txt_horz = 'right'
txt_xcoord = 0.95
txt_horz = 'left'
txt_xcoord = 0.05
smooth_index = {'right': -1, 'left': 0} # condition y
if np.mean(ylim) > smoothed[smooth_index[txt_horz]]:
txt_vert = 'top'
txt_ycoord = 0.95
txt_vert = 'bottom'
txt_ycoord = 0.05
p.text(txt_xcoord, txt_ycoord,
verticalalignment=txt_vert, horizontalalignment=txt_horz,
bbox={'alpha': 1.0, 'facecolor': 'white'}
# SECOND SUBPLOT: g_t trace
i_t = phase_data['iterations_considered']
g_i = phase_data['subsample_rate_by_iterations_considered']
n_effective_i = phase_data['effective_samples_by_iterations_considered']
x = i_t
g = equilibration_figure.add_subplot(sub_grid[1])
g.plot(x, g_i)
ylim = g.get_ylim()
g.vlines(self.nequils[phase_name], *ylim, colors='b', linewidth=4)
g.set_ylim(*ylim) # Reset limits in case vlines expanded them
g.set_xlim([0, N])
g.set_ylabel(r'Decor. Time', fontsize=20)
# THRID SUBPLOT: Neff trace
ne = equilibration_figure.add_subplot(sub_grid[2])
ne.plot(x, n_effective_i)
ylim = ne.get_ylim()
ne.vlines(self.nequils[phase_name], *ylim, colors='b', linewidth=4)
ne.set_ylim(*ylim) # Reset limits in case vlines expanded them
ne.set_xlim([0, N])
ne.set_ylabel(r'Neff samples', fontsize=20)
ne.set_xlabel(r'Iteration', fontsize=20)
return equilibration_figure
def generate_sams_weights_plots(self):
"""Plot SAMS weights.
Returns None if no SAMS logZ data found, or the Matplotlib figure handle if present.
# Return None if no SAMS logZ history data found
for phase_index, phase in enumerate(self.analyzers.keys()):
logZ_history = self.analyzers[phase].reporter._storage[0].groups['online_analysis']['logZ_history']
except Exception as e:
print('No SAMS logZ history found.')
return None
# Generate logZ history plots
import numpy as np
import copy
n_phases = len(self.analyzers)
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5*n_phases));
for phase_index, phase in enumerate(self.analyzers.keys()):
logZ_history = np.array(self.analyzers[phase].reporter._storage[0].groups['online_analysis']['logZ_history'][:,:])
n_iterations, n_states = logZ_history.shape
nthin = 1
ax = plt.subplot(n_phases, 1, phase_index+1)
return figure
def compute_rmsds(self):
return NotImplementedError("This function is still a prototype and has segfault issues, please disable for now")
# """Compute the RMSD of the ligand and the receptor by state"""
# if not self._equilibration_run:
# raise RuntimeError("Cannot run RMSD without first running the equilibration. Please run the "
# "corresponding function/cell first!")
# plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 6 * self.nphases * 2
# rmsd_figure, subplots = plt.subplots(2, 1)
# for i, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_names):
# if phase_name not in self._serialized_data:
# self._serialized_data[phase_name] = {}
# self._serialized_data[phase_name]['rmsd'] = {}
# serial = self._serialized_data[phase_name]['rmsd']
# analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name]
# reporter = analyzer.reporter
# metadata = reporter.read_dict('metadata')
# topography = mmtools.utils.deserialize(metadata['topography'])
# topology = topography.topology
# test_positions = reporter.read_sampler_states(0, analysis_particles_only=True)[0]
# atoms_analysis = test_positions.positions.shape[0]
# topology = topology.subset(range(atoms_analysis))
# iterations = self.iterations[phase_name]
# positions = np.zeros([iterations, atoms_analysis, 3])
# for j in range(iterations):
# sampler_states = reporter.read_sampler_states(j, analysis_particles_only=True)
# # Deconvolute
# thermo_states = reporter.read_replica_thermodynamic_states(iteration=j)
# sampler = sampler_states[thermo_states[0]]
# positions[j, :, :] = sampler.positions
# trajectory = md.Trajectory(positions, topology)
# rmsd_ligand = md.rmsd(trajectory, trajectory, frame=0, atom_indices=topography.ligand_atoms)
# rmsd_recpetor = md.rmsd(trajectory, trajectory, frame=0, atom_indices=topography.receptor_atoms)
# serial['ligand'] = rmsd_ligand.tolist()
# serial['receptor'] = rmsd_recpetor.tolist()
# p = subplots[i]
# x = range(iterations)
# p.set_title(phase_name + " phase", fontsize=20)
# p.plot(x, rmsd_ligand, label='Ligand RMSD')
# p.plot(x, rmsd_recpetor, label='Receptor RMSD')
# p.legend()
# p.set_xlim([0, iterations])
# ylim = p.get_ylim()
# p.set_ylim([0, ylim[-1]])
# p.set_ylabel(r'RMSD (nm)', fontsize=20)
# p.set_xlabel(r'Iteration', fontsize=20)
# return rmsd_figure
def generate_decorrelation_plots(self, decorrelation_threshold=0.1):
decorrelation_threshold : float, Optional
When number of decorrelated samples is less than this percent of the total number of samples, raise a
warning. Default: `0.1`.
decorrelation_figure : matplotlib.figure
Figure showing the decorrelation pie chart data of how the samples are distributed between equilibration,
correlation, and decorrelation.
if not self._general_run or not self._equilibration_run:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot generate decorrelation data without general simulation data and equilibration "
"data first! Please run the corresponding functions/cells.")
# This will exist because of _equilibration_run
eq_data = self.get_equilibration_data(discard_from_start=self._n_discarded)
# Readjust figure output
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 8
decorrelation_figure = plt.figure()
plotkeys = [100 + (10 * self.nphases) + (i + 1) for i in range(self.nphases)] # Horizontal distribution
for phase_name, plotid in zip(self.phase_names, plotkeys):
serial = eq_data[phase_name]
# Create subplot
p = decorrelation_figure.add_subplot(plotid)
labels = ['Decorrelated', 'Correlated', 'Equilibration']
colors = ['#2c7bb6', '#abd0e0', '#fdae61'] # blue, light blue, and orange
explode = [0, 0, 0.0]
n_iter = self.iterations[phase_name]
decor = serial['count_decorrelated_samples']
eq = serial['count_total_equilibration_samples']
cor = serial['count_correlated_samples']
dat = np.array([decor, cor, eq]) / float(n_iter)
if dat[0] <= decorrelation_threshold:
colors[0] = '#d7191c' # Red for warning
patch, txt, autotxt = p.pie(
startangle=90 + 360 * dat[0] / 2, # put center of decor at top
textprops={'fontsize': 14}
for tx in txt: # This is the only way I have found to adjust the label font size
p.set_title(phase_name + " phase", fontsize=20, y=1.05)
# Generate warning if need be
if dat[0] <= decorrelation_threshold:
0.5, -0.1,
"Warning! Fewer than {0:.1f}% samples are\nequilibrated and decorelated!".format(
decorrelation_threshold * 100),
verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center',
bbox={'alpha': 1.0, 'facecolor': 'white', 'lw': 0, 'pad': 0}
return decorrelation_figure
def generate_mixing_plot(self, mixing_cutoff=0.05, mixing_warning_threshold=0.90, cmap_override=None):
Generate the state diffusion mixing map as an image instead of array of number
mixing_cutoff : float
Minimal level of mixing percent from state `i` to `j` that will be plotted.
Domain: [0,1]
Default: 0.05.
mixing_warning_threshold : float
Level of mixing where transition from state `i` to `j` generates a warning based on percent of total swaps.
Domain (mixing_cutoff, 1)
Default: `0.90`.
cmap_override : None or string
Override the custom colormap that is used for this figure in case the figure is too white or you wnat to
do something besides the custom one here.
mixing_figure : matplotlib.figure
Figure showing the state mixing as a color diffusion map instead of grid of numbers
mixing_serial = self.get_mixing_data()
# Set up image
mixing_figure, subplots = plt.subplots(1, 2)
# Create custom cmap goes from white to pure blue, goes red if the threshold is reached
if mixing_cutoff is None:
mixing_cutoff = 0
if mixing_warning_threshold <= mixing_cutoff:
raise ValueError("mixing_warning_threshold must be larger than mixing_cutoff")
if (mixing_warning_threshold > 1 or mixing_cutoff > 1 or
mixing_warning_threshold < 0 or mixing_cutoff < 0):
raise ValueError("mixing_warning_threshold and mixing_cutoff must be between [0,1]")
cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_cutoff, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_warning_threshold, 0.0, 0.0),
(mixing_warning_threshold, 1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_cutoff, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_warning_threshold, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_cutoff, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_warning_threshold, 1.0, 1.0),
(mixing_warning_threshold, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))}
if cmap_override is not None:
# Use this cmap instead if your results are too diffuse to see over the white
cmap = plt.get_cmap("Blues")
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('BlueWarnRed', cdict)
# Plot a diffusing mixing map for each phase.
for phase_name, subplot in zip(self.phase_names, subplots):
serial = mixing_serial[phase_name]
transition_matrix = serial['transitions']
eigenvalues = serial['eigenvalues']
statistical_inefficiency = serial['stat_inefficiency']
# Without vmin/vmax, the image normalizes the values to mixing_data.max
# which screws up the warning colormap.
# Can also use norm=NoNorm(), but that makes the colorbar manipulation fail.
output_image = subplot.imshow(transition_matrix, aspect='equal',
cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1)
# Add colorbar.
decimal = 2 # Precision setting
nticks = 11
# The color bar has to be configured independently of the source image
# or it cant be truncated to only show the data. i.e. it would instead
# go 0-1 always.
ubound = np.min([np.around(transition_matrix.max(), decimals=decimal) + 10 ** (-decimal), 1])
lbound = np.max([np.around(transition_matrix.min(), decimals=decimal) - 10 ** (-decimal), 0])
boundslice = np.linspace(lbound, ubound, 256)
cbar = plt.colorbar(output_image, ax=subplot, orientation='vertical',
# Update ticks.
ticks = np.linspace(lbound, ubound, nticks)
# Title: Perron eigenvalue, equilibration time and statistical inefficiency.
perron_eigenvalue = eigenvalues[1]
title_txt = (phase_name + ' phase\n'
'Perron eigenvalue: {}\n'
'State equilibration timescale: ~{} iterations\n')
if perron_eigenvalue >= 1:
title_txt = title_txt.format('1.0', '$\infty$')
equilibration_timescale = 1.0 / (1.0 - perron_eigenvalue)
title_txt = title_txt.format('{:.5f}', '{:.1f}')
title_txt = title_txt.format(perron_eigenvalue, equilibration_timescale)
title_txt += 'Replica state index statistical inefficiency: {:.3f}'.format(statistical_inefficiency)
subplot.set_title(title_txt, fontsize=20, y=1.05)
# Display Warning.
if np.any(transition_matrix >= mixing_warning_threshold):
0.5, -0.2,
("Warning!\nThere were states that less than {0:.2f}% swaps!\n"
"Consider adding more states!".format((1 - mixing_warning_threshold) * 100)),
verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center',
bbox={'alpha': 1.0, 'facecolor': 'white', 'lw': 0, 'pad': 0}
return mixing_figure
def generate_replica_mixing_plot(self, phase_stacked_replica_plots=False):
Generate the replica trajectory mixing plots. Show the state of each replica as a function of simulation time
phase_stacked_replica_plots : boolean, Default: False
Determine if the phases should be shown side by side, or one on top of the other. If True, the two phases
will be shown with phase 1 on top and phase 2 on bottom.
replica_figure : matplotlib.figure
Figure showing the replica state trajectories for both phases
# Determine max number of states
max_n_replicas = 0
for i, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_names):
# Gather state NK
analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name]
n_replicas = analyzer.reporter.n_replicas
max_n_replicas = max(n_replicas, max_n_replicas)
# Create Parent Gridspec
if phase_stacked_replica_plots:
plot_grid = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1)
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, max_n_replicas * 6
plot_grid = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, max_n_replicas * 3
replica_figure = plt.figure()
for i, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_names):
# Gather state NK
analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name]
sampled_energies, _, _, state_kn = analyzer.read_energies()
n_replicas, n_states, n_iterations = sampled_energies.shape
# Create subgrid
sub_grid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(n_replicas, 1, subplot_spec=plot_grid[i])
# Loop through all states
for replica_index in range(n_replicas):
# Add plot
plot = replica_figure.add_subplot(sub_grid[replica_index])
# Actually plot
plot.plot(state_kn[replica_index, :], 'k.')
# Format plot
plot.set_xlim([0, n_iterations])
plot.set_ylim([0, n_states])
if replica_index < n_replicas - 1:
if replica_index == 0: # Title
plot.set_title('{} phase'.format(phase_name), fontsize=20)
self._replica_mixing_run = True
return replica_figure
def generate_free_energy(self):
fe_data = self.get_experiment_free_energy_data()
delta_f = fe_data['free_energy_diff']
delta_h = fe_data['enthalpy_diff']
delta_f_err = fe_data['free_energy_diff_error']
delta_h_err = fe_data['enthalpy_diff_error']
delta_f_unit = fe_data['free_energy_diff_unit']
delta_h_unit = fe_data['enthalpy_diff_unit']
delta_f_err_unit = fe_data['free_energy_diff_error_unit']
delta_h_err_unit = fe_data['enthalpy_diff_error_unit']
# Attempt to guess type of calculation
calculation_type = ''
for phase in self.phase_names:
if 'complex' in phase:
calculation_type = ' of binding'
elif 'solvent1' in phase:
calculation_type = ' of solvation'
print('Free energy{:<13}: {:9.3f} +- {:.3f} kT ({:.3f} +- {:.3f} kcal/mol)'.format(
calculation_type, delta_f, delta_f_err, delta_f_unit / units.kilocalories_per_mole,
delta_f_err_unit / units.kilocalories_per_mole))
for phase in self.phase_names:
delta_f_phase = fe_data[phase]['free_energy_diff']
delta_f_err_phase = fe_data[phase]['free_energy_diff_error']
detla_f_ssc_phase = fe_data[phase]['free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction']
print('DeltaG {:<17}: {:9.3f} +- {:.3f} kT'.format(phase, delta_f_phase,
if detla_f_ssc_phase != 0.0:
print('DeltaG {:<17}: {:18.3f} kT'.format('standard state correction', detla_f_ssc_phase))
print('Enthalpy{:<16}: {:9.3f} +- {:.3f} kT ({:.3f} +- {:.3f} kcal/mol)'.format(
calculation_type, delta_h, delta_h_err, delta_h_unit / units.kilocalories_per_mole,
delta_h_err_unit / units.kilocalories_per_mole)
def free_energy_trace(self, discard_from_start=1, n_trace=10):
Trace the free energy by keeping fewer and fewer samples in both forward and reverse direction
free_energy_trace_figure : matplotlib.figure
Figure showing the equilibration between both phases
trace_spacing = 1.0/n_trace
def format_trace_plot(plot: plt.Axes, trace_forward: np.ndarray, trace_reverse: np.ndarray):
x = np.arange(n_trace + 1)[1:] * trace_spacing * 100
plot.errorbar(x, trace_forward[:, 0], yerr=2 * trace_forward[:, 1], ecolor='b',
elinewidth=0, mec='none', mew=0, linestyle='None',
plot.plot(x, trace_forward[:, 0], 'b-', marker='o', mec='b', mfc='w', label='Forward', zorder=20,)
plot.errorbar(x, trace_reverse[:, 0], yerr=2 * trace_reverse[:, 1], ecolor='r',
elinewidth=0, mec='none', mew=0, linestyle='None',
plot.plot(x, trace_reverse[:, 0], 'r-', marker='o', mec='r', mfc='w', label='Reverse', zorder=20)
y_fill_upper = [trace_forward[-1, 0] + 2 * trace_forward[-1, 1]] * 2
y_fill_lower = [trace_forward[-1, 0] - 2 * trace_forward[-1, 1]] * 2
xlim = [0, 100]
plot.fill_between(xlim, y_fill_lower, y_fill_upper, color='orchid', zorder=5)
plot.set_xlabel("% Samples Analyzed", fontsize=20)
plot.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta G$ in kcal/mol", fontsize=20)
# Adjust figure size
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 6 * (self.nphases + 1) * 2
plot_grid = gridspec.GridSpec(self.nphases + 1, 1) # Vertical distribution
free_energy_trace_figure = plt.figure()
# Add some space between the figures
traces = {}
for i, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_names):
traces[phase_name] = {}
if phase_name not in self._serialized_data:
self._serialized_data[phase_name] = {}
serial = self._serialized_data[phase_name]
if "free_energy" not in serial:
serial["free_energy"] = {}
serial = serial["free_energy"]
free_energy_trace_f = np.zeros([n_trace, 2], dtype=float)
free_energy_trace_r = np.zeros([n_trace, 2], dtype=float)
p = free_energy_trace_figure.add_subplot(plot_grid[i])
analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name]
kcal = analyzer.kT / units.kilocalorie_per_mole
# Data crunching to get timeseries
sampled_energies, _, _, states = analyzer.read_energies()
n_replica, n_states, _ = sampled_energies.shape
# Sample at index 0 is actually the minimized structure and NOT from the equilibrium distribution
# This throws off all of the equilibrium data
sampled_energies = sampled_energies[:, :, discard_from_start:]
states = states[:, discard_from_start:]
total_iterations = sampled_energies.shape[-1]
for trace_factor in range(n_trace, 0, -1): # Reverse order tracing
trace_percent = trace_spacing*trace_factor
j = trace_factor - 1 # Indexing
kept_iterations = int(np.ceil(trace_percent*total_iterations))
u_forward = sampled_energies[:, :, :kept_iterations]
s_forward = states[:, :kept_iterations]
u_reverse = sampled_energies[:, :, -1:-kept_iterations-1:-1]
s_reverse = states[:, -1:-kept_iterations - 1:-1]
for energy_sub, state_sub, storage in [
(u_forward, s_forward, free_energy_trace_f), (u_reverse, s_reverse, free_energy_trace_r)]:
u_n = analyzer.get_effective_energy_timeseries(energies=energy_sub,
i_t, g_i, n_effective_i = multistate.get_equilibration_data_per_sample(u_n)
i_max = n_effective_i.argmax()
number_equilibrated = i_t[i_max]
g_t = g_i[i_max]
if not self.use_full_trajectory:
energy_sub = multistate.utils.remove_unequilibrated_data(energy_sub,
state_sub = multistate.utils.remove_unequilibrated_data(state_sub,
number_equilibrated, -1)
energy_sub = multistate.utils.subsample_data_along_axis(energy_sub, g_t, -1)
state_sub = multistate.utils.subsample_data_along_axis(state_sub, g_t, -1)
samples_per_state = np.zeros([n_states], dtype=int)
unique_sampled_states, counts = np.unique(state_sub, return_counts=True)
# Assign those counts to the correct range of states
samples_per_state[unique_sampled_states] = counts
mbar = MBAR(energy_sub, samples_per_state)
fe_data = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(compute_uncertainty=True)
# Trap theta_ij output
fe, dfe, _ = fe_data
except ValueError:
fe, dfe = fe_data
ref_i, ref_j = analyzer.reference_states
storage[j, :] = fe[ref_i, ref_j] * kcal, dfe[ref_i, ref_j] * kcal
format_trace_plot(p, free_energy_trace_f, free_energy_trace_r)
p.set_title("{} Phase".format(phase_name.title()), fontsize=20)
traces[phase_name]['f'] = free_energy_trace_f
traces[phase_name]['r'] = free_energy_trace_r
serial['forward'] = free_energy_trace_f.tolist()
serial['reverse'] = free_energy_trace_r.tolist()
# Finally handle last combined plot
combined_trace_f = np.zeros([n_trace, 2], dtype=float)
combined_trace_r = np.zeros([n_trace, 2], dtype=float)
for phase_name in self.phase_names:
phase_f = traces[phase_name]['f']
phase_r = traces[phase_name]['r']
combined_trace_f[:, 0] += phase_f[:, 0]
combined_trace_f[:, 1] = np.sqrt(combined_trace_f[:, 1]**2 + phase_f[:, 1]**2)
combined_trace_r[:, 0] += phase_r[:, 0]
combined_trace_r[:, 1] = np.sqrt(combined_trace_r[:, 1] ** 2 + phase_r[:, 1] ** 2)
p = free_energy_trace_figure.add_subplot(plot_grid[-1])
format_trace_plot(p, combined_trace_f, combined_trace_r)
p.set_title("Combined Phases", fontsize=20)
return free_energy_trace_figure
def restraint_distributions_plot(self):
# Find the phase that defines the restraint energies and distances.
for phase_name in self.phase_names:
analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name]
lambda1_data = list(analyzer._get_restraint_energies_distances_at_state(0))
if len(lambda1_data[ENERGIES_IDX]) != 0:
# Check if we have a restraint at all.
if len(lambda1_data[ENERGIES_IDX]) == 0:
print('The restraint unbiasing step was not performed for this calculation.')
# The restraint distances are not computed if there's no distance cutoff.
lambda0_data = list(analyzer._get_restraint_energies_distances_at_state(-1))
cutoffs = list(analyzer._get_restraint_cutoffs())
xlabels = ['Restraint energies [kT]', 'Restraint distances [Angstrom]']
for data in [lambda1_data, lambda0_data, cutoffs, xlabels]:
if len(lambda1_data[DISTANCES_IDX]) == 0:
elif isinstance(data[DISTANCES_IDX], units.Quantity):
# Convert the distances into the units that will be printed.
data[DISTANCES_IDX] /= units.angstroms
# Plot the lambda=1 and lambda=0 restraints data.
figure, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=len(lambda1_data), figsize=(20, 10))
if len(lambda1_data) == 1:
axes = [axes]
for ax, lambda1, lambda0 in zip(axes, lambda1_data, lambda0_data):
sns.distplot(lambda1, ax=ax, kde=False, label='bound state')
sns.distplot(lambda0, ax=ax, kde=False, label='non-interacting state')
# Plot the cutoffs used for the restraint unbiasing.
for ax, cutoff in zip(axes, cutoffs):
limits = ax.get_ylim()
ax.plot([cutoff for _ in range(100)], np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1]/2, num=100))
# Labels and legend.
for i, (ax, xlabel) in enumerate(zip(axes, xlabels)):
if i == 0:
ax.set_ylabel('Number of samples')
elif i == 1:
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
return figure
def report_version(self):
current_version = self._serialized_data['yank_version']
print("Rendered with YANK Version {}".format(current_version))
def dump_serial_data(self, path):
"""Dump the serialized data to YAML file"""
true_path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if not ext: # empty string check
ext = '.yaml'
true_path += ext
with open(true_path, 'w') as f: