import os
import collections
import copy
import inspect
import logging
from datetime import date
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
import cerberus
import cerberus.errors
import simtk.unit as unit
from simtk.openmm import app
import openmmtools as mmtools
from openmoltools.utils import unwrap_py2
from .. import utils, restraints
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
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_NONBONDED_METHODS_STR = ['NoCutoff', 'CutoffPeriodic', 'CutoffNonPeriodic', 'Ewald', 'PME']
_NONBONDED_METHODS_APP = [getattr(app, nm) for nm in _NONBONDED_METHODS_STR]
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class YANKCerberusValidator(cerberus.Validator):
Custom cerberus.Validator class for YANK extending the Validator to include all the methods needed
# ====================================================
# ====================================================
def _normalize_default_setter_no_parameters(self, document):
return dict(parameters=list())
def _normalize_default_setter_tip4pew_or_none(self, document):
# Default setting is before coercing so we need to check both strings and app objects.
return 'tip4pew'
return None
def _normalize_default_setter_0_molar_or_none(self, document):
# Default setting is before coercing so we need to check both strings and app objects.
return '0.0*molar'
return None
# ====================================================
# ====================================================
def _normalize_coerce_single_str_to_list(self, value):
"""Cast a single string to a list of string"""
if isinstance(value, str):
return [value]
return value
def _normalize_coerce_str_to_openmm_app(self, value):
"""Convert a string to the openmm.app object with that name."""
if isinstance(value, str):
return to_openmm_app_coercer(value)
return value
def _normalize_coerce_str_to_unit(self, value):
"""Convert a string to a Quantity without checking for compatible units."""
if isinstance(value, str):
return to_unit_coercer(compatible_units=None)(value)
return value
def _normalize_coerce_str_to_distance_unit(self, value):
"""Convert a string to a Quantity with units compatible with Angstrom."""
if isinstance(value, str):
return to_unit_coercer(unit.angstrom)(value)
return value
def _normalize_coerce_str_to_molar_unit(self, value):
"""Convert a string to a Quantity with units compatible with molar."""
if isinstance(value, str):
return to_unit_coercer(unit.molar)(value)
return value
# ====================================================
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def _check_with_file_exists(self, field, filepath):
"""Assert that the file is in fact, a file!"""
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
self._error(field, 'File path {} does not exist.'.format(filepath))
def _check_with_directory_exists(self, field, directory_path):
"""Assert that the file is in fact, a file!"""
if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):
self._error(field, 'Directory {} does not exist.'.format(directory_path))
def _check_with_is_peptide(self, field, filepath):
"""Input file is a peptide."""
extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1]
if extension != '.pdb':
self._error(field, "Not a .pdb file")
def _check_with_is_small_molecule(self, field, filepath):
"""Input file is a small molecule."""
file_formats = frozenset(['mol2', 'sdf', 'smiles', 'csv'])
extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1][1:]
if extension not in file_formats:
self._error(field, 'File is not one of {}'.format(file_formats))
def _check_with_positive_int_list(self, field, value):
for p in value:
if not isinstance(p, int) or not p >= 0:
self._error(field, "{} of must be a positive integer!".format(p))
def _check_with_int_or_all_string(self, field, value):
if value != 'all' and not isinstance(value, int):
self._error(field, "{} must be an int or the string 'all'".format(value))
def _check_with_supported_system_file_format(self, field, file_paths):
"""Ensure the input system files are supported."""
# Obtain the extension of the system files.
file_extensions = {os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:] for file_path in file_paths}
# Find a match for the extensions.
expected_extensions = [
('amber', {'inpcrd', 'prmtop'}),
('amber', {'rst7', 'prmtop'}),
('gromacs', {'gro', 'top'}),
('openmm', {'pdb', 'xml'}),
('charmm', {'pdb', 'psf'})
file_extension_type = None
for extension_type, valid_extensions in expected_extensions:
if file_extensions == valid_extensions:
file_extension_type = extension_type
# Verify we found a match.
if file_extension_type is None:
self._error(field, 'must have file extensions matching one of the '
'following types: {}'.format(expected_extensions))
logger.debug('Correctly recognized {}files ({}) as {} '
'files'.format(field, file_paths, file_extension_type))
def _check_with_is_valid_nonbonded_method(self, field, nonbonded_method):
"""Ensure the given nonbonded method is valid."""
if nonbonded_method not in _NONBONDED_METHODS_APP:
self._error(field, f'must be one of {_NONBONDED_METHODS_STR}')
def _check_with_mandatory_with_cutoff(self, field, value):
"""Ensure the value is specified if the nonbonded method has a cutoff.
The validator assumes that the document has a 'nonbonded_method' field.
if (self.document['nonbonded_method'] in _CUTOFF_NONBONDED_METHODS_APP and
value is None):
self._error(field, f'must be specified with the following nonbonded methods {_CUTOFF_NONBONDED_METHODS_STR}')
def _check_with_only_with_cutoff(self, field, value):
"""Ensure the value is different than None only if the nonbonded method has a cutoff.
The validator assumes that the document has a 'nonbonded_method' field.
if value is not None and self.document['nonbonded_method'] not in _CUTOFF_NONBONDED_METHODS_APP:
self._error(field, f'can be specified only with the following nonbonded methods {_CUTOFF_NONBONDED_METHODS_STR}')
def _check_with_only_with_no_cutoff(self, field, value):
"""Ensure the value is different than None only if the nonbonded method has no cutoff.
The validator assumes that the document has a 'nonbonded_method' field.
if value is not None and self.document['nonbonded_method'] != app.NoCutoff:
self._error(field, 'can be specified only if nonbonded method is NoCutoff')
def _check_with_specify_lambda_electrostatics_and_sterics(self, field, value):
"""Check that the keys of a dictionary contain both lambda_electrostatics and lambda_sterics."""
if ((isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, collections.OrderedDict)) and
not ('lambda_sterics' in value and 'lambda_electrostatics' in value)):
self._error(field, "Missing required keys lambda_sterics and/or lambda_electrostatics")
def _check_with_math_expressions_variables_are_given(self, field, value):
"""Check that in the alchemical path math expressions and function variables are correctly configured."""
if not ( (isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, collections.OrderedDict)) ):
# Check that there is at least one non-string value in the
# alchemical path that may correspond to the end state values
# of the mathematical expressions.
string_entries = []
for parameter_name, parameter_values in value.items():
if isinstance(parameter_values, str):
# Check that there is at least 1 non-string entry.
if len(string_entries) == len(value):
self._error(field, "Only mathematical expressions have been given with no values for their variables")
# If there are indeed mathematical expressions, make sure the function variable is given.
if len(string_entries) > 0:
function_variable_name = self.root_document['trailblazer_options']['function_variable_name']
except KeyError:
self._error(field, ("Mathematical expressions were detected but no function "
"variable name was given in the 'trailblazer_options' section"))
# The function variable should have exactly two end states.
if len(value[function_variable_name]) != 2:
self._error(field, f"Only the two end-point values of function variable '{function_variable_name}' should be given.")
def _check_with_lambda_between_0_and_1(self, field, value):
"""Ensure keys which are lambda values are in fact between 0 and 1"""
if "lambda_" not in field or not isinstance(value, list):
collected_bad_values = []
for single_value in value:
if not (isinstance(single_value, float) and 0 <= single_value <= 1.0):
if len(collected_bad_values):
err_msg = "Entries with a 'lambda_' must be a float in [0, 1]. Values {} are not."
self._error(field, err_msg.format(collected_bad_values))
def _check_with_defined_in_alchemical_path(self, field, value):
"""When a function variable name is given in trailblazer_options, check that it's defined in alchemical_path."""
if value not in self.root_document['alchemical_path']:
self._error(field, f"Function variable name '{value}' is not defined in 'alchemical_path'")
def _check_with_is_restraint_constructor(self, field, constructor_description):
self._check_subclass_constructor(field, call_restraint_constructor, constructor_description)
def _check_with_is_mcmc_move_constructor(self, field, constructor_description):
self._check_subclass_constructor(field, call_mcmc_move_constructor, constructor_description)
def _check_with_is_sampler_constructor(self, field, constructor_description):
# Check if the MCMCMove is defined (its validation is done in
# is_mcmc_move_constructor). Don't modify original dictionary.
constructor_description = copy.deepcopy(constructor_description)
constructor_description.pop('mcmc_moves', None)
# Validate sampler.
self._check_subclass_constructor(field, call_sampler_constructor, constructor_description)
# ====================================================
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def _validate_type_quantity(self, value):
if isinstance(value, unit.Quantity):
return True
# ====================================================
# ====================================================
def _check_subclass_constructor(self, field, call_constructor_func,
"""Utility function for logging constructor validation errors."""
except RuntimeError as e:
self._error(field, str(e))
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def to_openmm_app_coercer(input_string):
Converter function to be used with :func:`yank.utils.validate_parameters`.
input_string : str
Method name of openmm.app to fetch
method : Method of openmm.app
Returns openmm.app.{input_string}
return getattr(app, input_string)
def to_unit_coercer(compatible_units):
"""Function generator to test unit bearing strings with Cerberus."""
def _to_unit_coercer(quantity_str):
return utils.quantity_from_string(quantity_str, compatible_units)
return _to_unit_coercer
def to_integer_or_infinity_coercer(value):
"""Coerce everything that is not infinity to an integer."""
if value != float('inf'):
value = int(value)
return value
def to_none_int_or_checkpoint(value):
"""Coerce-ish a value that is None, int, or "checkpoint" """
if value is None or value == "checkpoint":
return value
return int(value)
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def _check_type_keyword(constructor_description):
"""Raise RuntimeError if 'type' is not in the description"""
subcls_name = constructor_description.get('type', None)
if subcls_name is None:
raise RuntimeError("'type' must be specified")
elif not isinstance(subcls_name, str):
raise RuntimeError("'type' must be a string")
def call_constructor(parent_cls, constructor_description, special_conversions=None,
convert_quantity_strings=False, **default_kwargs):
"""Convert the constructor representation into an object.
parent_cls : type
Only objects that inherit from this class are created.
constructor_description : dict
Must contain the key 'type' with the name (string) of the subclass
of ``parent_cls`` and all keyword arguments to pass to its ``__init__``
special_conversions : dict, optional
Special conversions to pass to ``yank.utils.validate_parameters``.
convert_quantity_strings : bool, optional
If True, all the string constructor values are attempted to be
converted to quantities before creating the object (default is
Overwrite the default value of the constructor keyword arguments.
obj: parent_cls
The new instance of the object.
If an error occurred parsing the constructor description of
while creating the object.
See Also
if special_conversions is None:
special_conversions = {}
# Check Retrieve subclass from 'type' keyword.
constructor_description = copy.deepcopy(constructor_description)
subcls_name = constructor_description.pop('type', None)
subcls = mmtools.utils.find_subclass(parent_cls, subcls_name)
except ValueError as e:
raise RuntimeError(str(e))
# Read the keyword arguments of the constructor.
constructor_kwargs = utils.get_keyword_args(subcls.__init__, try_mro_from_class=subcls)
# Overwrite eventual keyword arguments.
for k, v in default_kwargs.items():
if k in constructor_kwargs and k not in constructor_description:
constructor_description[k] = v
# Validate init keyword arguments.
constructor_kwargs = utils.validate_parameters(
parameters=constructor_description, template_parameters=constructor_kwargs,
check_unknown=True, process_units_str=True, float_to_int=True,
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
raise RuntimeError('Validation of constructor failed with: {}'.format(str(e)))
# Convert all string quantities if required.
if convert_quantity_strings:
for key, value in constructor_kwargs.items():
quantity = utils.quantity_from_string(value)
constructor_kwargs[key] = quantity
# Attempt to instantiate object.
obj = subcls(**constructor_kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError('Attempt to initialize failed with: {}'.format(str(e)))
return obj
def call_restraint_constructor(constructor_description):
return call_constructor(restraints.ReceptorLigandRestraint, constructor_description,
def call_mcmc_move_constructor(constructor_description, **default_kwargs):
"""Create an MCMCMove from a dict representation of the constructor parameters.
constructor_description : dict
A dict containing the keyword ``'type'`` to indicate the class
of the MCMCMove and all the keyword arguments to pass to its
constructor. If ``'type'`` is ``'SequenceMove'``, the ``'move_list'``
keyword should be a list of dict representations of the single
Overwrite the the default keyword argument of the MCMCMove constructor
or, if a ``SequenceMove`` is instantiated, the constructors of the move
mcmc_move : openmmtools.mcmc.MCMCMove
The intantiation of the ``MCMCMove`` object.
# Check if this is a sequence of moves and we need to unnest the constructors.
# If we end up with other nested constructors, we'll probably need a general strategy.
is_sequence_move = constructor_description['type'] == 'SequenceMove'
if is_sequence_move and 'move_list' not in constructor_description:
raise RuntimeError('A SequenceMove must specify a "move_list" keyword '
'containing a list of MCMCMoves')
# Prepare nested MCMCMoves.
if is_sequence_move:
mcmc_moves_constructors = constructor_description['move_list']
mcmc_moves_constructors = [constructor_description]
# Call constructor of all moves.
moves = []
for mcmc_move_constructor in mcmc_moves_constructors:
moves.append(call_constructor(mmtools.mcmc.MCMCMove, mcmc_move_constructor,
convert_quantity_strings=True, **default_kwargs))
if is_sequence_move:
return mmtools.mcmc.SequenceMove(move_list=moves)
return moves[0]
def call_sampler_constructor(constructor_description):
special_conversions = {'number_of_iterations': to_integer_or_infinity_coercer,
'online_analysis_interval': to_none_int_or_checkpoint}
return call_constructor(mmtools.multistate.MultiStateSampler, constructor_description,
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def generate_unknown_type_validator(a_type):
Helper function to :func:`type_to_cerberus_map` to convert unknown types into a validator
a_type : type
Any valid type, although this works for any type, its preferred to let :func:`type_to_cerberus_map`
to invoke this method
validator_map : dict
Map dictionary of form ``{'validator': <function>}`` where ``'validator'`` is literal and
``<function>`` is a validator function of type checker.
def nonstandard_type_validator(field, value, error):
if type(value) is not a_type:
error(field, 'Must be of type {}'.format(mmtools.utils.typename(a_type)))
validator_dict = {'validator': nonstandard_type_validator}
return validator_dict
def type_to_cerberus_map(a_type):
Convert a provided type to a valid Cerberus internal type dict.
a_type : type
Type you want the converter to built-in Cerberus strings
type_map : dict
Type map dictionary of form ``{'type': 'TYPE'}`` where ``'type'`` is literal and ``TYPE`` is the mapped
type in Cerberus
Map dictionary of form ``{'validator': <function>}`` where ``'validator'`` is literal and
``<function>`` is a validator function of type checker for non-standard
When the type has no known map
known_types = {bool: 'boolean',
bytes: 'binary',
bytearray: 'binary',
date: 'date',
Mapping: 'dict',
dict: 'dict',
float: 'float',
int: 'integer',
tuple: 'list',
list: 'list',
Sequence: 'list',
str: 'string',
set: 'set'}
type_map = {'type': known_types[a_type]}
except KeyError:
type_map = generate_unknown_type_validator(a_type)
return type_map
def generate_signature_schema(func, update_keys=None, exclude_keys=frozenset()):
"""Generate a dictionary to test function signatures with Cerberus' Schema.
func : function
The function used to build the schema.
update_keys : dict
Keys in here have priority over automatic generation. It can be
used to make an argument mandatory, or to use a specific validator.
exclude_keys : list-like
Keys in here are ignored and not included in the schema.
func_schema : dict
The dictionary to be used as Cerberus Validator schema. Contains all keyword
variables in the function signature as optional argument with
the default type as validator. Unit bearing strings are converted.
Argument with default None are always accepted. Camel case
parameters in the function are converted to underscore style.
>>> from cerberus import Validator
>>> def f(a, b, camelCase=True, none=None, quantity=3.0*unit.angstroms):
... pass
>>> f_dict = generate_signature_schema(f, exclude_keys=['quantity'])
>>> print(isinstance(f_dict, dict))
>>> f_validator = Validator(generate_signature_schema(f))
>>> f_validator.validated({'quantity': '1.0*nanometer'})
{'quantity': Quantity(value=1.0, unit=nanometer)}
if update_keys is None:
update_keys = {}
func_schema = {}
arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(unwrap_py2(func))
args = arg_spec.args
defaults = arg_spec.defaults
# Check keys that must be excluded from first pass
exclude_keys = set(exclude_keys)
# Transform camelCase to underscore
args = [utils.camelcase_to_underscore(arg) for arg in args]
# Build schema
optional_validator = {'required': False} # Keys are always optional for this type
for arg, default_value in zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults):
if arg not in exclude_keys: # User defined keys are added later
if default_value is None: # None defaults are always accepted, and considered nullable
validator = {'nullable': True}
elif isinstance(default_value, unit.Quantity): # Convert unit strings
validator = {'coerce': to_unit_coercer(default_value.unit)}
validator = type_to_cerberus_map(type(default_value))
# Add the argument to the existing schema as a keyword
# To the new keyword, add the optional flag and the "validator" flag
# of either 'validator' or 'type' depending on how it was processed
func_schema = {**func_schema, **{arg: {**optional_validator, **validator}}}
# Add special user keys
return func_schema