.. _references:
Here are a list of references for the various components and algorithms used in YANK.
.. todo:: Turn this into a hyperlinked bibliography.
Rizzi A, Grinaway PB, Parton DL, Shirts MR, Wang K, Eastman P, Friedrichs M, Pande VS, Branson K, Mobley DL, Chodera JD. YANK: A GPU-accelerated platform for alchemical free energy calculations.
In preparation.
OpenMM GPU-accelerated molecular mechanics library
Friedrichs MS, Eastman P, Vaidyanathan V, Houston M, LeGrand S, Beberg AL, Ensign DL, Bruns CM, and Pande VS. Accelerating molecular dynamic simulations on graphics processing units.
J. Comput. Chem. 30:864, 2009.
Eastman P and Pande VS. OpenMM: A hardware-independent framework for molecular simulations.
Comput. Sci. Eng. 12:34, 2010.
Eastman P and Pande VS. Efficient nonbonded interactions for molecular dynamics on a graphics processing unit.
J. Comput. Chem. 31:1268, 2010.
Eastman P and Pande VS. Constant constraint matrix approximation: A robust, parallelizable constraint method for molecular simulations.
J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 6:434, 2010.
Eastman P, Friedrichs M, Chodera JD, Radmer RJ, Bruns CM, Ku JP, Beauchamp KA, Lane TJ, Wang LP, Shukla D, Tye T, Houston M, Stich T, Klein C, Shirts M, and Pande VS. OpenMM 4: A Reusable, Extensible,
Hardware Independent Library for High Performance Molecular Simulation. J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 2012.
Replica-exchange with Gibbs sampling
Chodera JD and Shirts MR. Replica exchange and expanded ensemble simulations as Gibbs sampling: Simple improvements for enhanced mixing.
J. Chem. Phys. 135:19410, 2011.
MBAR for estimation of free energies from simulation data
Shirts MR and Chodera JD. Statistically optimal analysis of samples from multiple equilibrium states.
J. Chem. Phys. 129:124105, 2008.
Long-range dispersion corrections for explicit solvent free energy calculations
Shirts MR, Mobley DL, Chodera JD, and Pande VS. Accurate and efficient corrections or missing dispersion interactions in molecular simulations.
J. Phys. Chem. 111:13052, 2007.
.. The :all: directive searches subfolders for uses of :cite: for correct reference
However, this has the effect of dropping all citations in the .bib file in here and
the compiler complains about unused citations.
As such, unused articles in the .bib file are simply commented so as not to delete them if needed in the future.
.. bibliography:: references.bib
:style: unsrt