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Test Coverage
# Here are listed all the options that is possible to specify in a
# Yank YAML script. There are no mandatory options. If not specified,
# an option assumes the default value listed below.
  # ---------------
  verbose: no                       # Turn on/off verbose output.
  resume_setup: no                  # By default, Yank will raise an error when it detects
  resume_simulation: no             # that it will have to overwrite an existing file. Set
                                    # resume_setup and/or resume_simulation if you want Yank
                                    # to resume from an existing setup (molecules and system
                                    # files) and/or simulation (netcdf4 trajectory files)
                                    # respectively instead.
  output_dir: output                # The main output folder. A relative path is interpreted
                                    # as relative w.r.t. the YAML script path.
  setup_dir: setup                  # The main folder where the setup and simulation files
  experiments_dir: experiments      # are saved. Relative paths are interpreted as relative
                                    # w.r.t. output_dir path.
  platform: fastest                 # The OpenMM platform to use between 'Reference', 'CPU',
                                    # 'OpenCL', and 'CUDA'. The default value 'fastest' selects
                                    # automatically the fastest available platform.
  precision: auto                   # Precision mode. For OpenCL and CUDA platforms, this
                                    # can be set to 'single', 'mixed' or 'double'. The default
                                    # value 'auto' selects always 'mixed' when the device
                                    # support this precision, otherwise 'single'.

  # ---------------------------------
  randomize_ligand: no                          # Randomize the position of the ligand before starting the
  randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier: 2.0        # simulation. This works only in implicit solvent. The
  randomize_ligand_close_cutoff: 1.5 * angstrom # ligand will be randomly rotated and displaced by a vector
                                                # with magnitude proportional to randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier
                                                # with the constraint of being at a distance greater than
                                                # randomize_ligand_close_cutoff from the receptor.
  temperature: 298.0 * kelvin                   # Temperature of the system.
  pressure: 1.0 * atmosphere                    # Pressure of the system. Set to null for NVT ensemble.
  hydrogen_mass: 1.0 * amu                      # Hydrogen mass for HMR simulations.
  constraints: HBonds                           # Constrain bond lengths and angles. Possible values are null,
                                                # HBonds, AllBonds, and HAngles (see Openmm createSystem()).

  # ---------------------
  online_analysis: no                                           # If set, analysis will occur each iteration.
  online_analysis_min_iterations: 20                            # Minimum number of iterations needed to begin online analysis.
  show_energies: yes                                            # If True, will print energies at each iteration.
  show_mixing_statistics: yes                                   # If True, will show mixing statistics at each iteration.
  minimize: yes                                                 # Minimize configurations before running the simulation.
  minimize_max_iterations: 0                                    # Maximum number of iterations for minimization.
  minimize_tolerance: 1.0 * kilojoules_per_mole / nanometers    # Set minimization tolerance.
  number_of_equilibration_iterations: 1                         # Number of equilibration iterations.
  equilibration_timestep: 1.0 * femtosecond                     # Timestep for use in equilibration.
  default_number_of_iterations: 1                               # The default number of iterations to simulate.
  default_nsteps_per_iteration: 500                             # Number of timesteps per iteration.
  default_timestep: 2.0 * femtosecond                           # Timestep for Langevin dyanmics.
  replica_mixing_scheme: swap-all                               # Specify how to mix replicas. Possible values are
                                                                # swap-neighbors and swap-all.
  constraint_tolerance: 1.0e-6                                  # Relative constraint tolerance.

  # ------------------
  annihilate_electrostatics: yes            # If set, electrostatics is annihilated, rather than decoupled.
  annihilate_sterics: no                    # If set, sterics (Lennard-Jones or Halgren potential) is annihilated,
                                            # rather than decoupled.
  softcore_alpha: 0.5                       # Alchemical softcore parameter for Lennard-Jones.
  softcore_beta: 0.0                        # Alchemical softcore parameter for electrostatics.
                                            # to recover standard electrostatic scaling.
  softcore_a: 1                             # Parameters modifying softcore Lennard-Jones form.
  softcore_b: 1
  softcore_c: 6
  softcore_d: 1
  softcore_e: 1
  softcore_f: 2