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# Dug
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**Note: Dug is not currently under active development**  
In January 2017 I stopped maintaining Dug and decided to use and contribute to [Octobox](, an open source
web application that organizes your notifications using the Github Notifications API directly. You
can give it a try for yourself at [](


Created out of frustration. _"[D]amn yo[u], [G]mail!"_

**Dug is a simple, configurable gem to organize your GitHub notification emails
in ways Gmail can't and in an easier-to-maintain way than large, slow Google
Apps Scripts.** It interacts with Google's Gmail API to do all the things that
people usually do with Gmail filters (label by organization name, repository
name) as well as parse GitHub's custom X headers to label your messages with
things like "Mentioned by name", "Assigned to me", "Commented", etc.


You can read more about the reasoning behind dug and why it's superior compared to other labeling methods in [my post
introducing this project.](

## Quick Installation

1. **Install Dug**

  $ gem install dug

2. **Create a YAML Rule file.** Example (`dug_rules.yml`):

    rails: Rails
    rspec: RSpec
    ManageIQ: ManageIQ

    rspec-expectations: RSpec/rspec-expectations
    dug: dug
      - remote: chrisarcand
        label: My dotfiles
      - remote: juliancheal
        label: Julian's dotfiles

    author: Participating
    comment: Participating
    mention: Mentioned
    team_mention: Team mention
    assign: Assigned to me

    merged: Merged
    closed: Closed

  The above rule file will:

  **For organizations...**

  * Label notifications from the organization `rails` with the label `rails`, `rspec` with `RSpec`, `ManageIQ` with `ManageIQ`.

  **For repositories...**

  * Label notifications from the repository `rspec-expectations` with the label `RSpec/rspec-expectations`, `dug` with `dug`.
  * Label notifications from chrisarcand's `dotfiles` repository with the label `My dotfiles`, juliancheal's with `Julian's dotfiles`.

  **For the reason you're being notified...**

  * Label notifications with `Participating` if I am the author of the Issue/PR or if I commented on it.
  * Label notifications with `Mentioned by name` if I'm directly mentioned in it.
  * Label notifications with `Team mention` if a team I am a part of is mentioned in it.
  * Label notifications with `Assigned to me` if the Issue/PR is assigned to me.

  **For state changes to the Issue/PR...**

  * Label notifications that signal the issue as closed with `Closed`. This label will be automatically removed if the issue is reopened!
  * Label notifications that signal the issue as merged with `Merged`

3. **Configure Gmail.** In Gmail...

   * Create the label "GitHub" and then "Unprocessed" nested underneath it (will show up as "GitHub/Unprocessed").
   * Create all of the labels in the preceding step if you don't have them already.
   * Set up the following filters. The 'GitHub/Unprocessed' label is the only required part, but I recommend you
     skip your inbox or you will be pinged with GitHub notifications _a lot_.
     Matches: from:(
     Do this: Apply label "GitHub/Unprocessed", Skip Inbox

     # Optionally, you may want to *remove the Skip Inbox from the previous filter* and
     # add this one. This means messages directed at you go to your Inbox (setting
     # off a notification) and the rest going straight to your archive (no notification).
     Matches: from:( -{cc: youremail@example.non}
     Do this: Skip Inbox

4. **Create a project in the [Google Developers Console](** to authenticate to the
   Gmail API via OAuth 2.0. If you need help, detailed instructions are included further in this document.

5. **Create a runner script.** Example (`script.rb`; fill in your OAuth credentials):

   require 'dug'

   Dug.configure do |config|
     # You can alternatively pass environment variables
     # or a path to a downloadable authentication .json file from Google
     config.client_id = ""
     config.client_secret = "34t998asDF9879hjfd"

     config.rule_file = File.join(Dir.pwd, "dug_rules.yml")

6. **Run the script** and watch your notifications get organized! The first
   time you run this you will be given a link to visit in your browser to sign
   in to Gmail verify via a one time token. Also note each call to `#run`
   processes 100 unprocessed notifications at a time.

  $ ruby script.rb

7. Set a cron and forget about it. I do, on a private VPS, with 60 second polling. Or deploy Dug in a web application. Or even
   just write a loop in your script `loop do;; sleep 60; end`. How you run it is completely up to you,
   and really doesn't matter.

Woo, you're done! Now organizing GitHub notifications, after you subscribe to something on GitHub, is as easy as making
a label and adding it to your rules YAML.

**For more help, see verbose instructions below.**

## Verbose Installation/Usage

Dug requires MRI 2.1+. Tests pass on the latest versions of JRuby and Rubinius as well.

### Creating OAuth 2.0 credentials to the Gmail API

[Create a project named "Dug" in the Google Developers Console and enable the Gmail
Using this link guides you through the process and activates the Gmail API automatically.

For more information, see [Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs](

#### Using the created OAuth credentials

There are multiple ways to use created OAuth credentials with Dug.

* You can set the environment variables `GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID` and `GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET` for the OAuth client ID and secret, respectively.
* In the Google Developer Console, in Credentials, there is an option to download a JSON file containing client credentials. You may set
  the environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` as a path to this file and it will be used.
* You can set the client ID and secret OR credentials file path as mentioned above directly in a Dug configuration block:

  Dug.configure do |config|
    config.client_id = ""
    config.client_secret = "34t998asDF9879hjfd"

    # OR

    config.application_credentials_file = "/path/to/file"

#### Token store

Dug uses Google's file-based token store for refresh tokens from the [Google Auth
Library for Ruby]( The token
store's location can be configured using the `TOKEN_STORE_PATH` environment
variable or within the configuration block as follows:

Dug.configure do |config|
  config.token_store = "/path/to/token/store"

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run
`rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive
prompt that will allow you to experiment.

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](